Johan Lyhagen
Professor vid Statistiska institutionen
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Professor i statistik. Forskar mest inom tidsserieekonometri. Där sysslar jag exempelvis med att utveckla modeller och test för enhetsrötter och kointegration. Forskar även inom psykometri med frågeställningar om icke-normalitet och ordinala variabler.
Ur statistisk synvinkel modelleras ekonomiska jämvikter ofta som linjära samband. Dessa kallas kointegrerande relationer. Det finns många exempel på ekonomiska jämvikter, en person konsumerar i genomsnitt nästan all sin inkomst, prisnivån i ett land är ungefär detsamma som grannlandet om prisnivån justeras för växelkursen. Grundläggande frågor är hur det går empiriskt att undersöka om det finns jämvikter mellan ekonomiska variabler, om det finns, hur kan dessa uppskattas? Det sker en betydande ansträngning att samla ihop data på region och landsnivå. En del av min forskning berör hur data från flera regioner/länder kan användas för kointegrationsanalys.
Jag forskar även inom psykometri, speciellt det som kallas strukturella ekvationsmodeller. Många psykologiska fenomen är inte direkt observerbara, de är latenta. Det klassiska exemplet är intelligens som mäts genom IQ-test. Ett annat vanligt exempel är socioekonomisk status inom sociologi som kan mätas genom utbildning, inkomst och yrke. Vanligtvis uppfyller de observerbara variablerna inte de förutsättningar som normalt antas. De kan vara ordinala (dvs A är mer än B men vi vet inte hur mycket mer) eller skeva. Detta kommer på olika sätt att påverka egenskaperna hos de statistiska metoderna som används. Hur metoderna påverkas och hur vi kan göra något åt det ingår i mitt forskningsområde.
Min matematiska släktträd återfinns här.
Urval av publikationer
- The small sample performance of estimators of the standard errors of structural equation models (2013)
- A note on the representation of E (x⊗xx') and E (xx'⊗xx') for the random vector x (2012)
- Inflation, Exchange Rates and PPP in a Multivariate Panel Cointegration Model (2008)
- A method to generate multivariate data with the desired moments (2008)
- Why not use standard panel unit root test for testing PPP (2008)
- Inference in panel cointegration models with long panels (2007)
- Estimating Nonlinear structural models (2007)
- The seasonal KPSS statistic (2006)
- The Exact Covariance Matrix of Dynamic Models with Latent Variables (2005)
- On seasonal error correction when the processes include different numbers of unit roots (2003)
- Forecasting performance of seasonal cointegration models (2002)
- Likelihood based cointegration tests in heterogenous panels (2001)
- The effect of precautionary saving on consumption in Sweden (2001)
- Starting values in estimation of cointegrating vectors with restrictions (2001)
- A Simple Linear Time Series Model with Misleading Nonlinear Properties (1999)
- Identification of the order of a fractionally differenced ARMA model (1999)
- Small-sample properties of some tests for unit root with data-based choice of the degree of augmentation (1999)
- Short and long run dependence in Swedish stock returns (1998)
- A matrix evaluation of the moving-average representation (1997)
Senaste publikationer
- Robust polychoric correlation (2023)
- The link between ethnic diversity and scientific impact (2021)
- The deregulation of the Queensland electricity market and a smooth transition duration model (2021)
- Size and power of tests for dependency in regressions with ordinal variables (2021)
- Uncertainty and the ranking of economics journals (2020)
Alla publikationer
- Robust polychoric correlation (2023)
- The link between ethnic diversity and scientific impact (2021)
- Size and power of tests for dependency in regressions with ordinal variables (2021)
- Uncertainty and the ranking of economics journals (2020)
- Estimating a VECM for a Small Open Economy (2019)
- The Swedish version of the Normalization Process Theory Measure S-NoMAD (2018)
- Likelihood Ratio Tests for a Unit Root in Panels with Random Effects (2017)
- Development of health-related quality of life and symptoms of anxiety and depression among persons diagnosed with cancer during adolescence (2016)
- A new way of determining distance decay parameters in spatial interaction models with application to job accessibility analysis in Sweden (2016)
- Asymptotic properties of Spearman's rank correlation for variables with finite support (2016)
- Beating the VAR (2015)
- Income inequality between Chinese regions (2014)
- The small sample performance of estimators of the standard errors of structural equation models (2013)
- The small sample performance of estimators of the standard errors of structural equation models (2013)
- A note on the representation of E (x⊗xx') and E (xx'⊗xx') for the random vector x (2012)
- Inflation, Exchange Rates and PPP in a Multivariate Panel Cointegration Model (2008)
- A method to generate multivariate data with the desired moments (2008)
- Why not use standard panel unit root test for testing PPP (2008)
- Inference in panel cointegration models with long panels (2007)
- Estimating Nonlinear structural models (2007)
- The seasonal KPSS statistic (2006)
- The Exact Covariance Matrix of Dynamic Models with Latent Variables (2005)
- On seasonal error correction when the processes include different numbers of unit roots (2003)
- Forecasting performance of seasonal cointegration models (2002)
- Likelihood based cointegration tests in heterogenous panels (2001)
- The effect of precautionary saving on consumption in Sweden (2001)
- Starting values in estimation of cointegrating vectors with restrictions (2001)
- A Simple Linear Time Series Model with Misleading Nonlinear Properties (1999)
- Identification of the order of a fractionally differenced ARMA model (1999)
- Small-sample properties of some tests for unit root with data-based choice of the degree of augmentation (1999)
- Short and long run dependence in Swedish stock returns (1998)
- A matrix evaluation of the moving-average representation (1997)
- Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on population mobility under mild policies
- A smooth transition duration model
- Beating the VAR: Improving Swedish GDP forecasts using error and intercept corrections
- The deregulation of the Queensland electricity market and a smooth transition duration model (2021)
- Estimating a VECM for a small open economy (2018)
- Bootstrap versus Bartlett type correction of the Dickey-Fuller test (2013)
- Testing for Purchasing Power Parity in Cointegrated Panels (2008)
- A long memory panel unit root test: PPP revisited (1999)