Cedric Linder
Professor emer. i fysikundervisningens didaktik vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Fysikens didaktik
- Telefon:
- 018-471 35 39
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-425 05 84
- E-post:
- cedric.linder@physics.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD
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Senaste publikationer
- Relationship between semiotic representations and student performance in the context of refraction (2024)
- Round and round in circles-shifting relevance structures as students discuss acceleration and forces during circular motion in a vertical plane (2023)
- The Variation of University Physics Students' Experience of Plus and Minus Signs in 1D Vector-kinematics Revisited (2022)
- Qualitatively different ways of unpacking visual representations when teaching intermolecular forces in upper secondary school (2021)
- Using social semiotics and variation theory to analyse learning challenges in physics (2020)
Alla publikationer
- Relationship between semiotic representations and student performance in the context of refraction (2024)
- Round and round in circles-shifting relevance structures as students discuss acceleration and forces during circular motion in a vertical plane (2023)
- The Variation of University Physics Students' Experience of Plus and Minus Signs in 1D Vector-kinematics Revisited (2022)
- Qualitatively different ways of unpacking visual representations when teaching intermolecular forces in upper secondary school (2021)
- Using social semiotics and variation theory to analyse learning challenges in physics (2020)
- Variation theory as a lens for interpreting and guiding physics students' use of digital learning environments (2020)
- Developing representational competence (2020)
- Learning to use Cartesian coordinate systems to solve physics problems (2020)
- Network analysis and qualitative discourse analysis of a classroom group discussion (2019)
- Teachers' reasoning (2017)
- Challenges faced by teachers implementing socio-scientific issues as core elements in their classroom practices (2015)
- University students' reflections on representations in genetics and stereochemistry revealed by a focus group approach (2015)
- Considering student retention as a complex system (2015)
- Enhancing the possibilities for learning (2015)
- Towards addressing transient learning challenges in undergraduate physics (2015)
- A social semiotic approach to identifying critical aspects (2015)
- What’s natural about nature? Deceptive concepts in socio-scientific decision-making (2015)
- Book Review: Thinking in Physics: The Pleasure of Reasoning and Understanding (2015)
- Physics Students' Social Media Learning Behaviours and Connectedness (2015)
- Who needs 3D when the Universe is flat? (2014)
- Introducing the anatomy of disciplinary discernment (2014)
- A new approach to modelling student retention through an application of complexity thinking (2014)
- Sandbox University (2014)
- Extending the theoretical framing for physics education research: An illustrative application of complexity science (2014)
- Unpacking physics representations (2014)
- Using a disciplinary discourse lens to explore how representations afford meaning making in a typical wave physics course (2013)
- Penetrating a wall of introspection (2013)
- Students’ Ontological Security and Agency in Science Education (2013)
- Disciplinary discourse, representation, and appresentation in the teaching and learning of science (2013)
- Exploring the role of physics representations (2012)
- An exploratory study into the complexity of relations between physics lecturers' crafting of practice and students' expectations of quality teaching (2011)
- Being a student again (2010)
- The experience of interacting with technological artefacts (2009)
- Learning in physics by doing laboratory work (2009)
- Teaching in higher education through the use of variation (2009)
- The learners’ experience of variation (2009)
- Higher Education Science and Engineering (2009)
- A Disciplinary Discourse Perspective on University Science Learning (2008)
- Bilingual Scientific Literacy? (2008)
- SimChemistry as an active learning tool in chemical education. (2008)
- An exploration of university physics students' epistemological mindsets towards the understanding of physics equations (2007)
- Learning physics as a whole (2007)
- Learning and the variation in focus among physics students when using a computer simulation (2007)
- Improving students' self-assessment of numerical analysis projects. (2007)
- Mot bättre undervisning och lärande i fysik. (2007)
- Metacognitive activity in the physics student laboratory: Is increased metacognition necessarily better? (2007)
- Language and the Experience of Learning University Physics in Sweden (2006)
- Using Variation to Enhance Learning in Engineering (2006)
- Using a variation approach to enhance physics learning in a college classroom. (2006)
- University students' ideas about data processing and data comparison in a physics laboratory course (2006)
- Beyond Lesson Studies and Design Experiments. Using theoretical tools in practice and finding out how they work. (2006)
- Probability as a conceptual hurdle to understanding one-dimensional quantum scattering and tunnelling. (2005)
- Equipment issues regarding the collection of video data for research. (2005)
- Students’ Expectations of Teaching in Undergraduate Physics. (2005)
- Learning through Simulation (2005)
- Grade achievement as a function of social and academic relations in the University Physics Context
- Can students’ mathematical expectations present a barrier to conceptual understanding?
- Promoting Scientific Literacy: Science Education Research in Transaction (2007)
- Change in Science Teaching: Lessons from a South African Township Classroom (2006)
- Social Semiotics in University Physics Education (2017)
- Att välja lämpliga semiotiska resurser. (2013)
- Bilingual Scientific Literacy (2011)
- Tvåspråkig ämneskompetens? En studie av naturvetenskaplig parallellspråkighet i svensk högreutbildning. (2010)
- Aktiverande problemlösningsövningar i grupp. (2010)
- Relations between motives, academic achievement and retention in the first year of a master programme in Engineering Physics. (2010)
- Disciplinära diskurser i naturvetenskap och matematik. (2010)
- Disciplinary learning in a second language: A case study from university physics (2007)
- Widening (Epistemological) Access: Two Undergraduate Science Courses. (2004)
- On the methodology of 'phenomenography' as a science education research tool (2003)
- Towards understanding learning challenges involving sign convention in introductory level kinematics (2019)
- Variation and messiness in physics students' use of open-ended software (2019)
- A new explanation for why PER curriculum materials work (2019)
- Demonstrating The Role Of Transduction In The Teaching And Learning Of Science (2019)
- Studenters användning av semiotiska resurser (2018)
- Multimodal situated configurations in a physics interactive learning environment dealing with circular motion (2018)
- Students' understanding of algebraic signs (2018)
- Problem solving and coordinate systems (2018)
- Physics students learning about abstract mathematical tools while engaging with “invisible” phenomena (2017)
- Teaching the movability of coordinate systems: Discovering disciplinary affordances (2017)
- The IOLab and magnetic Field – Magnetic north versus actual direction (2017)
- Coordinating multiple resources to learn physics (2017)
- Physics students learning about abstract mathematical tools when engaging with “invisible” phenomena (2017)
- Towards modelling formal learning in terms of the multimodal emergence of transduction. (2017)
- Teaching and Learning in University Physics (2016)
- Viewing the representations used in physics teaching in new ways. (2016)
- Social semiotics in university physics education (2015)
- Categories of influence: the case of light and sound in physics (2015)
- Teachers' use and views of visual representations when teaching chemical bonding (2015)
- The Concept of Disciplinary Affordance (2014)
- On the Disciplinary Affordances of Semiotic Resources (2014)
- Tell me what you see (2014)
- The Anatomy of Disciplinary Discernment (2014)
- Learning in terms of the semiotic enactment of patterns of disciplinary-relevant aspects (2014)
- Variation as a method for perceiving the disciplinary affordances of physics representations (2014)
- Reverse rankshift (2014)
- Exploring knowledge representation in terms of the enactment of idealized patterns of disciplinary-relevant aspects (2014)
- Algebraic signs in introductory kinematics: How university physics students conceptualize their use in problem solving (2014)
- Educational challenges that emerge from a discursive view of learning physics (2014)
- Teachers’ challenges when faced with developing their practice through the integration of SSI (Socio-Scientific Issues). (2013)
- Awareness of the three dimensional structure of the Universe. (2013)
- Awareness of the three dimensional structure of the Universe (2013)
- What do teachers of astronomy need to think about? (2013)
- Challenges in Engineering Higher Education: Understanding Student Retention as a Multilevel Complex Phenomenon. (2013)
- Probing Student Experience and Success in an Engineering Programme Through Development of a Questionnaire and Complexity Analysis. (2013)
- Making physics learning possible: exploring a variation perspective on representations. (2013)
- University teachers’ professional development through a focus group approach. (2013)
- The nature-nurture conflict – A part of biology education? (2013)
- An investigation of student ability to use different forms of representation in applying basic principles of the refraction of light to make image predictions. Paper presented in the Discipline Based Education Research - A View from Physics Invited Symposium. (2013)
- The overlooked challenge of learning to extrapolate three-dimensionality. (2013)
- A social semiotic understanding of representation linking and affordance in physics: The refraction of light. (2013)
- The role of visual representations when teaching chemical bonding: Teachers' reflections (2013)
- Who needs 3D when the Universe is flat? (2012)
- Who needs 3D when the Universe is flat? (2012)
- Critical aspects of scientific phenomena -- to the fore, in the background, or not present in scientific representations (2012)
- Choosing appropriate resources: investigating students’ scientific literacy (2012)
- A case study of the role of representations in enabling and constraining the sharing of physics knowledge in peer discussions (2012)
- Which representation is best? How students use representational information in problem solving (2012)
- Dimensions of variation vis-à-vis complex concepts (2012)
- Googling Physics: Social Media and Science Learning (2012)
- Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century: Realities and Possibilities of Social Media (2012)
- Watching the sky (2011)
- Watching the Sky (2011)
- Using complexity theory to develop a new model of student retention (2011)
- Cross-Cultural Epistemological Orientations to Socioscientific Issues. Poster presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, NARST, International Conference, Orlando, Florida, 3-6 April. (2011)
- ”Det löser sig under studiernas gång” (2010)
- Multimodality as a node in a complexity network in relation to discursive fluency, critical constellations of representation, and experiencing patterns of variation (2010)
- Perceptivism and Representation in a Discourse Model of Science Learning (2010)
- Relations between motives, academic achievement and retention in the first year of a master programme in Engineering Physics (2009)
- Students self-evaluations of themselves as disciplinary practitioners (2009)
- Teaching and learning science (2009)
- The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2009)
- Exploring Language Perspectives (2009)
- Bilingual Scientific Literacy (2008)
- Learning through English (2008)
- Motives and achievements of first year students in the masters programme in Engineering Physics at Uppsala University (2008)
- Motives and Achievements of First Year Students in Bologna Physics Programmes at Uppsala University, Sweden (2008)
- Thinking about representation in our teaching (2008)
- Why is it so important to start looking at teaching and learning with new insights? (2008)
- The disciplinary discourse of university physics (2008)
- Disciplinary learning in a second language: A case study from university physics. (2007)
- Doing physics/doing gender: The gendered identity formation of physics students in relation to laboratory work. (2007)
- Theory in motion. The phenomenographic approach. (2007)
- Representing disciplinary knowledge? Understanding students' experience of the equations presented to them in physics lectures (2006)
- Languages, Modality and Disciplinary Knowledge. (2006)
- Learning in a Second Language. Two Case Studies from University Physics. (2006)
- Gendered identities in the physics student laboratory. (2006)
- Learning Through Computer Simulation. (2006)
- Learning through Variation: A New Way to View Learning. (2006)
- Improving Students' Self-assessment of Numerical Analysis Projects. (2006)
- What's Hot and What's Not: A Phenomenographic Study of Lay Adults' Conceptions of Heat and Temperature. (2005)
- Looking for Links between Learning and the Discursive Practices of University Science. (2005)
- Female Physics Majors' Experiences of Doing University Laboratory Work. (2005)
- Probability as a Conceptual Hurdle to Understanding One-Dimensional Quantum Tunneling (2005)
- Situating the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in University Physics. (2005)
- Towards a Concept Inventory for One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics (2005)
- Learning through variation: A new way to view learning (2005)
- Metacognition in the student laboratory: Is increased metacognition necessarily better? (2005)
- Crafting of teaching practice and physics students' perceptions of quality teaching (2005)
- Learners' Conceptions of Technology (2005)
- Language, Bandwidth and the Shared Space of Learning (2004)
- The Complex Nature of Physics and Engineering Students’ Academic and Social Networks in Higher Education. Poster presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, NARST, Annual International Conference, Orlando, Florida, 3-6 April. (2011)
- Naturvetarnas ‘språk’ - Användandet av figurer, artefakter, ekvationer och ord i studentdiskussioner om fysikaliska fenomen (2010)