Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Professor i matematik vid Matematiska institutionen; Algebra, logik och representationsteori
- Telefon:
- 018-471 32 84
- E-post:
- Volodymyr.Mazorchuk@math.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 480
751 06 UPPSALA
Professor i matematik vid Matematiska institutionen; Akademisk personal
- Telefon:
- 018-471 32 84
- E-post:
- volodymyr.mazorchuk@math.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 480
751 06 UPPSALA
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Volodymyr Mazorchuk vid Matematiska institutionen; Akademisk personal
- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD, Habil., docent
Mer information visas för dig som medarbetare om du loggar in.
Kort presentation
My main research areas are: Representation theory; Lie algebras; Semigroups
Link to the teaching page: link
Link to my personal page: link
Date of Birth: 10 May 1972
1988-1993: student, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University;
1993-1996: graduate student, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University;
1996: Ph.D. in Mathematics (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences),
Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University;
1996-2000: Assistant Professor in Algebra, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics,
Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University;
1998-1999: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow in Bielefeld University, Germany.
2000: Habilitation in Mathematics (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences),
Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University;
2000-2001: Junior Associate of the ICTP, Trieste, Italy;
2000-2001: Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Chalmers University of
Technology and Göteborg University;
2001-2007: Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Uppsala.
2002: Docent in Mathematics, University of Uppsala.
2007-2008: Reader in Pure Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Glasgow
2007-now: Professor in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Uppsala
Senaste publikationer
- Tonal partition algebras (2024)
- Join operation for the Bruhat order and Verma modules (2024)
- Kostant's problem for fully commutative permutations (2024)
- Applying projective functors to arbitrary holonomic simple modules (2024)
- Simple modules for untwisted affine Lie algebras induced from nilpotent loop subalgebras (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Tonal partition algebras (2024)
- Join operation for the Bruhat order and Verma modules (2024)
- Kostant's problem for fully commutative permutations (2024)
- Applying projective functors to arbitrary holonomic simple modules (2024)
- Simple modules for untwisted affine Lie algebras induced from nilpotent loop subalgebras (2024)
- Multiparameter colored partition category and the product of the reduced Kronecker coefficients (2024)
- Whittaker Categories, Properly Stratified Categories and Fock Space Categorification for Lie Superalgebras (2023)
- Some Homological Properties of Category O for Lie Superalgebras (2023)
- Finite quotients of singular artin monoids and categorification of the desingularization map (2023)
- 2-representations of small quotients of Soergel bimodules in infinite types (2023)
- Some Homological Properties of Category O, V (2023)
- Simple transitive 2-representations of Soergel bimodules for finite Coxeter types (2023)
- Adjunction in the Absence of Identity (2022)
- sl(2)-Harish-Chandra modules for sl(2)⋉L(4) (2022)
- Essential orders on stratified algebras with duality and S-subcategories in O (2022)
- Jucys–Murphy elements and Grothendieck groups for generalized rook monoids (2022)
- On the number of principal ideals in d-tonal partition monoids (2021)
- Translated simple modules for Lie algebras and simple supermodules for Lie superalgebras (2021)
- Simple supermodules over lie superalgebras (2021)
- Bigrassmannian permutations and Verma modules (2021)
- Finitary birepresentations of finitary bicategories (2021)
- Harish-chandra modules over invariant subalgebras in a skew-group ring (2021)
- Canonical Gelfand-Zeitlin Modules over Orthogonal Gelfand-Zeitlin Algebras (2020)
- Trihedral Soergel bimodules (2020)
- Pyramids and 2-representations (2020)
- 2-categories of symmetric bimodules and their 2-representations (2020)
- BGG complexes in singular blocks of category O (2020)
- Bimodules over uniformly oriented An quivers with radical square zero (2020)
- Diagrams and discrete extensions for finitary 2-representations (2019)
- Indecomposable manipulations with simple modules in category O (2019)
- Simple transitive 2-representations of small quotients of Soergel bimodules (2019)
- Simple Transitive 2-Representations via (Co-)Algebra 1-Morphisms (2019)
- Characterisation And Applications Of κ-Split Bimodules (2019)
- Category O for Takiff sl(2) (2019)
- Simple Transitive 2-Representations for Two Nonfiat 2-Categories of Projective Functors (2019)
- The G-Centre and Gradable Derived Equivalences (2018)
- Fiat categorification of the symmetric inverse semigroup ISn and the semigroup Fn* (2018)
- Graded simple Lie algebras and graded simple representations (2018)
- Dualities and derived equivalences for category O (2017)
- Some homological properties of category O. IV (2017)
- Koszul Duality for Semidirect Products and Generalized Takiff Algebras (2017)
- Finitary 2-categories associated with dual projection functors (2017)
- Simple transitive 2-representations for some 2-subcategories of Soergel bimodules (2017)
- Classification problems in 2-representation theory (2017)
- Primitive ideals, twisting functors and star actions for classical Lie superalgebras (2016)
- Parabolic projective functors in type A (2016)
- Special Modules Over Positively Based Algebras (2016)
- Endomorphisms of Cell 2-Representations (2016)
- Morita theory for finitary 2-categories (2016)
- Transitive 2-Representations Of Finitary 2-Categories (2016)
- Isotypic faithful 2-representations of -simple fiat 2-categories (2016)
- G(l, k, d)-modules via groupoids (2016)
- Category O for quantum groups (2015)
- Some homological properties of category O. III (2015)
- Extension Fullness of the Categories of Gelfand-Zeitlin and Whittaker Modules (2015)
- On multisemigroups (2015)
- Simple weight modules over weak generalized Weyl algebras (2015)
- Classification of Simple Weight Modules Over the 1-Spatial Ageing Algebra (2015)
- Category O for the Schrodinger algebra (2014)
- Weight Modules over Infinite Dimensional Weyl Algebras (2014)
- Categorification of the Catalan monoid (2014)
- On simple modules over conformal Galilei algebras (2014)
- On the Representation Theory of Partial Brauer Algebras (2014)
- Additive Versus Abelian 2-Representations of Fiat 2-Categories (2014)
- Simple Virasoro Modules Induced from Codimension One Subalgebras of the Positive Part (2014)
- Simple Virasoro modules which are locally finite over a positive part (2014)
- Equivalence of Blocks for the General Linear Lie Superalgebra (2013)
- Partitioned binary relations (2013)
- Combinatorial Gelfand Models for Semisimple Diagram Algebras (2013)
- Characterization of Simple Highest Weight Modules (2013)
- Combinatorial analogues of ad-nilpotent ideals for untwisted affine Lie algebras (2012)
- Serre Functors for Lie Algebras and Superalgebras (2012)
- Double Catalan monoids (2012)
- Effective dimension of finite semigroups (2012)
- On selfadjoint functors satisfying polynomial relations (2011)
- Blocks and modules for Whittaker pairs (2011)
- Cell 2-representations of finitary 2-categories (2011)
- Cuspidal sl(n)-modules and deformations of certain Brauer tree algebras (2011)
- Supports of weight modules over Witt algebras (2011)
- A new approach to Kostant's problem (2010)
- Koszul duality for stratified algebras I. Balanced quasi-hereditary algebras (2010)
- Classification of simple q_2-supermodules (2010)
- Some homological properties of the category O. II (2010)
- On the irreducible representations of a finite semigroup (2009)
- A brief review of abelian categorifications (2009)
- On Kiselman's semigroup (2009)
- On three approaches to conjugacy in semigroups (2009)
- Applications of the Category of Linear Complexes of Tilting Modules Associated with the Category O (2009)
- Simple modules over factorpowers (2009)
- Regular strongly typical blocks of O-q (2009)
- Combinatorial Gelfand models for some semigroups and $q$-rook monoid algebras (2009)
- Idempotent subquotients of symmetric quasi-hereditary algebras (2009)
- Quadratic Duals, Koszul Dual Functors, and Applications (2009)
- Partialization of categories and inverse braid-permutation monoids (2008)
- On classification of maximal nilpotent subsemigroups (2008)
- A categorification of integral Specht modules (2008)
- On the semigroup of square matrices (2008)
- Schur-Weyl dualities for symmetric inverse semigroups (2008)
- Multicommutators and multianticommutators of orthogonal projections (2008)
- Projective-injective modules, Serre functors and symmetric algebras (2008)
- Categorification of (induced) cell modules and the rough structure of generalised Verma modules (2008)
- Categorification of Wedderburn's basis for C[S-n] (2008)
- Isolated subsemigroups in the variants of Tn (2008)
- Koszul duality for extension algebras of standard modules (2007)
- On conjugation in some transformation and Brauer-type semigroups (2007)
- Faithful group actions on rooted trees induced by actions of quotients (2007)
- Some homological properties of the category O (2007)
- On functors associated to a simple root (2007)
- Classification of simple weight Virasoro modules with a finite-dimensional weight space (2007)
- Representation type of H-infinity(lambda)mu(1) (2006)
- Properly stratified algebras and tilting (2006)
- L- and R- cross-sections in the Brauer semigroup (2006)
- On presentations of Brauer-type monoids (2006)
- Combinatorics and distributions of partial injections (2006)
- Some remarks on the combinatorics of IS_n (2005)
- A twisted approach to Kostant's problem (2005)
- On Arkhipov's and Enright's functors (2005)
- Finitistic dimension and tilting modules for stratified algebras (2005)
- A pairing in homology and the category of linear complexes of tilting modules for a quasi-hereditary algebra (2005)
- Translation and shuffling of projectively presentable modules and a categorification of the parabolic Hecke module (2005)
- Complete reducibility of torsion free C_n-modules of finite degree (2004)
- On finitistic dimension of stratified algebras (2004)
- On simple mixed modules over the Virasoro algebra (2004)
- Stratified algebras arising in Lie theory (2004)
- Combinatorics of nilpotents in symmetric inverse semigroups (2004)
- Structure of modules induced from simple modules with minimal annihilator (2004)
- Finitistic dimension of properly stratified algebras (2004)
- Radical *-doubles of finite-dimensional algebras (2004)
- *-representation type of *-doubles of finite-dimensional algebras (2004)
- On quasicrystal Lie algebras (2002)
- Lectures on algebraic categorification (2012)
- Lectures on sl_2(C)-modules (2010)
- Classical finite transformation semigroups (2009)
- A categorification of integral Specht modules (2006)
- Partialization of categories and inverse braid-permutation monoid (2006)
- Presentation of the singular part of the Brauer monoid (2006)
- Some homological properties of the category O (2006)
- Quadratic duals, Koszul dual functors, and applications (2006)
- Multicommutators and multianticommutators of orthogonal projections (2006)
- Applications of the category of linear complexes of tilting modules associated with the category O (2005)
- A twisted approach to Kostant's problem (2005)
- On nilpotent subsemigroups in some matrix semigroups (2005)
- On classification of maximal nilpotent subsemigroups (2005)
- On Kiselman's semigroup (2005)
- On presentations of Brauer-type monoids (2005)
- On braid groups acting on rooted trees and related constructions (2005)
- Projective-injective modules, Serre functors and symmetric algebras (2005)
- Isolated subsemigroups in the variants of Tn (2005)
- Classification of simple weight Virasoro modules with a finite-dimensional weight space (2005)
- Some remarks on the combinatorics of ISn (2004)
- On finitistic dimension of stratified algebras (2004)
- Representation type of (2004)
- Koszul duality for extension algebras of standard modules (2004)
- On conjugation in some transformation and Brauer-type semigroups (2004)
- L- and R-cross-sections in the Brauer semigroup (2004)
- A pairing in homology and the category of linear tilting complexes for a quasi-hereditary algebra (2004)
- On functors associated to a simple root (2004)
- Properly stratified algebras and tilting (2003)
- Combinatorics and distributions of partial injections (2003)
- On Arkhipov's and Enright's functors (2003)
- Finitistic dimension and tilting modules for stratified algebras (2003)
- Finitistic dimension of properly stratified algebras (2003)