Gabriela Rosen
1:e Forskningsing vid Institutionen för immunologi, genetik och patologi; Forskningsprogram: Neuroonkologi och neurodegeneration; Forskargrupp Fredrik Swartling
- Telefon:
- 018-471 48 23
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- Dag Hammarskjölds väg 20
751 85 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Rudbecklaboratoriet
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Urval av publikationer
- FBW7 suppression leads to SOX9 stabilization and increased malignancy in medulloblastoma (2016)
- Heterogeneity among RIP-Tag2 insulinomas allows vascular endothelial growth factor-A independent tumor expansion as revealed by studies in Shb mutant mice (2012)
- Shb deficient mice display an augmented TH2 response in peripheral CD4+ T cells (2011)
- Dysfunctional microvasculature as a consequence of shb gene inactivation causes impaired tumor growth (2009)
Senaste publikationer
- ARF suppression by MYC but not MYCN confers increased malignancy of aggressive pediatric brain tumors (2023)
- Novel cancer gene discovery using a forward genetic screen in RCAS-PDGFB-driven gliomas (2023)
- Dormant SOX9-Positive Cells Facilitate MYC-Driven Recurrence of Medulloblastoma (2022)
- Profiling chromatin accessibility in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples (2022)
- BET and Aurora Kinase A inhibitors synergize against MYCN-positive human glioblastoma cells (2019)
Alla publikationer
- ARF suppression by MYC but not MYCN confers increased malignancy of aggressive pediatric brain tumors (2023)
- Novel cancer gene discovery using a forward genetic screen in RCAS-PDGFB-driven gliomas (2023)
- Dormant SOX9-Positive Cells Facilitate MYC-Driven Recurrence of Medulloblastoma (2022)
- Profiling chromatin accessibility in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples (2022)
- BET and Aurora Kinase A inhibitors synergize against MYCN-positive human glioblastoma cells (2019)
- Humanized Stem Cell Models of Pediatric Medulloblastoma Reveal an Oct4/mTOR Axis that Promotes Malignancy (2019)
- GMYC (2018)
- FBW7 suppression leads to SOX9 stabilization and increased malignancy in medulloblastoma (2016)
- Heterogeneity among RIP-Tag2 insulinomas allows vascular endothelial growth factor-A independent tumor expansion as revealed by studies in Shb mutant mice (2012)
- Shb deficient mice display an augmented TH2 response in peripheral CD4+ T cells (2011)
- The Src homology 2 domain-containing adapter protein B (SHB) regulates mouse oocyte maturation (2010)
- Dysfunctional microvasculature as a consequence of shb gene inactivation causes impaired tumor growth (2009)
- Impaired glucose homeostasis in Shb-/- mice (2009)
- Shb null allele is inherited with a transmission ratio distortion and causes reduced viability in utero (2007)
- Dormant SOX9-positive cells behind MYC-driven medulloblastoma recurrence
- CDK2 as a therapeutic target in MYC-driven medulloblastoma
- Targeting SOX2 in glioblastoma cells reveals heterogeneity in SOX2 dependency
- Photoreceptor-positive cells of tumor origin in MYC-driven Group 3 medulloblastoma