Cecilia Gullberg

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My overarching research interest is accounting and digitalisation, which is currently being investigated in three projects.

One project concerns “accountability online”, where we study digitally organised non-profit initiatives during the refugee crisis, how accounts of their operations are produced on Facebook, how the accountability relationship between founders and stakeholders evolves and how temporal perspectives impact on how accounting is performed.

Another project concerns qualities and usefulness of accounting information as perceived by managers and controllers. The project involves data from a construction company and a hygiene product company and focuses in particular on how qualities of accounting information take shape in interaction between material properties of information systems and social aspects related to occupational and organisational values.

I am also involved in a project on IT tools in Swedish schools, where we seek to understand how a tool for planning, grading and reporting enables and constrains teachers’ enactment of different logics in their institutionally complex environment, for example a professional logic, a democratic logic and a bureaucratic logic.

I earned my PhD degree at Uppsala university in 2014, and my licentiate degree at Linköping university in 2011. As of August 2015 I am a postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala university, financed by the Wallander postdoctoral scholarship from Handelsbankens Forskningsstiftelser.

My teaching experience includes both undergraduate and graduate levels, and covers fields such as management accounting, IT, and organisation. My most recent teaching engagements are the courses "Management, analysis and action", "Management and control" and "Informationsanalys och beslutsstöd ", as well as supervision of master theses.

I have also worked as a project manager at UU Innovation, with particular responsibility for supporting collaboration between researchers and practitioners in the field of welfare and public management.

