Johanna Jokinen
Universitetslektor vid Kulturgeografiska institutionen
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- 0000-0003-4007-5173
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Kort presentation
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Research interest: transnational migration, peri-urbanization, agricultural land use change, GIS, remote sensing, climate variability, regional development, digital health care and social care, invisible disabilities.
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
Johanna C. Jokinen, PhD in Social and Economic Geography,
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Human Geography with a focus on GIS
Visiting address: Office B479, Ekonomikum, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 floor 4
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
- Grunfelder, Julien, Johanna C. Jokinen, Gustaf Norlén and Kjell Nilsson. 2020. How are the Nordic regions feeling? A comparison of development potentials in the 66 Nordic regions. Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research 5(1): 20–39. DOI:
- Jokinen, Johanna C. 2018. Migration-related land use dynamics in increasingly hybrid peri-urban space: insights from two agricultural communities in Bolivia. Population and Environment 40(2): 136-157. DOI:
- Caretta, Martina A., Danielle Drozdzewski, Johanna C. Jokinen and Emily Falconer. 2018. “Who can play this game?” The lived experiences of doctoral candidates and early career women in the neoliberal university. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 42(2): 261-275. DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2018.1434762
- Caretta, Martina A. and Johanna C. Jokinen. 2017. Conflating privilege and vulnerability: A reflexive analysis of emotions and positionality in postgraduate fieldwork. The Professional Geographer 69(2): 275-283. DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2016.1252268
- Jokinen, Johanna C. and Martina A. Caretta. 2016. When bodies do not fit: an analysis of postgraduate fieldwork. Gender, Place & Culture 23(12): 1665-1676. DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2016.1249343
Book chapters, reports, etc:
- Sánchez Gassen, Nora, Åsa Ström Hildestrand, Alex Cuadrado, Diana Huynh, Johanna C. Jokinen, Ágúst Bogason and Oskar Penje. 2022. Combatting long-term unemployment among immigrants beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences from the Nordic countries. 92 pp. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers.
- Jokinen, Johanna C. and Gustaf Norlén. 2022. Labour market impacts of Covid-19. In: Gustaf Norlén, Linda Randall, Nora Sánchez Gassen and Carlos Tapia (Eds.), State of the Nordic Region 2022 (Nordregio Report 2022:2, pp. 31–43). Stockholm: Nordregio.
- Sánchez Gassen, Nora, Johanna C. Jokinen and Alex Cuadrado. 2022. Marriage, divorce, and birth trends. In: Gustaf Norlén, Linda Randall, Nora Sánchez Gassen and Carlos Tapia (Eds.), State of the Nordic Region 2022 (Nordregio Report 2022:2, pp. 31–43). Stockholm: Nordregio.
- Heleniak, Timothy and Johanna C. Jokinen. 2022. Migration. In: Gustaf Norlén, Linda Randall, Nora Sánchez Gassen and Carlos Tapia (Eds.), State of the Nordic Region 2022 (Nordregio Report 2022:2, pp. 44–58). Stockholm: Nordregio.
- Jokinen, Johanna C. 2022. Welfare institutes in sparsely populated areas. Nordregio Working paper 2022:1, 23 pp. Stockholm: Nordregio.
- Jokinen, Johanna C., Maria Montefusco and Kai Koivumäki. 2021. Nordic indicators for cooperation on disability: Monitoring the implementation of UNCRPD and Agenda 2030. 60 pp. Stockholm: Nordic Welfare Centre.
- Bogason, Ágúst, Anna Karlsdóttir, Rikke Brandt Broegaard and Johanna C. Jokinen. 2021. Planning for sustainable tourism in the Nordic rural regions: Cruise tourism, the right to roam and other examples of identified challenges in a place-specific context. Nordregio Report 2021:1. 81 pp. Stockholm: Nordregio.
- Jokinen, Johanna C. and Alex Cuadrado. 2020. Demographic trends. In: Anna Lundgren, Linda Randall and Gustaf Norlén (Eds.), State of the Nordic Region 2020: Wellbeing, health and digitalisation edition (pp. 13–24). Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers.
- Jokinen, Johanna C., Alex Cuadrado, Shinan Wang and Eva Franzén. 2020. Health in the Nordics – how are the Nordic inhabitants doing? In: Anna Lundgren, Linda Randall and Gustaf Norlén (Eds.), State of the Nordic Region 2020: Wellbeing, health and digitalisation edition (pp. 25–37). Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers.
- Ormstrup Vestergård, Louise, Oskar Penje, Johanna C. Jokinen, Gunn-Hilde Rotvold and Truls Tunby Kristiansen. 2020. Improving accessibility through digitalisation in health care and social care. In: Anna Lundgren, Linda Randall and Gustaf Norlén (Eds.), State of the Nordic Region 2020: Wellbeing, health and digitalisation edition (pp. 52–65). Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers.
- Lundgren, Anna, Louise Ormstrup Vestergård, Ágúst Bogason, Johanna C. Jokinen, Oskar Penje, Shinan Wang, Gustaf Norlén, Linnea Löfving, and Timothy Heleniak. 2020. Digital Health Care and Social Care: Regional development impacts in the Nordic countries. Nordregio Report 2020:14. 110 pp. Stockholm: Nordregio.
- Jokinen, Johanna C., Oskar Penje and Shinan Wang. 2020. NordMap – interaktivt kartverktyg för Norden. Geografiska Notiser 78(3): 68–73.
- Jokinen, Johanna C., Gloria L. Gallardo Fernández and J. Makii. 2020. Adjusting the Research Agenda to Local Realities: Experiences from Chile. In: Gloria L. Gallardo Fernández, Fred Saunders and Tatiana Sokolova (Eds.), Co-creating Actionable Science. Reflections from the Global North and South (pp. 71–95). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Nilsson, Kjell and Johanna C. Jokinen. 2020. Introduction. In Julien Grunfelder, Gustaf Norlén, Linda Randall and Nora Sánchez Gassen (Eds.), State of the Nordic Region 2020 (pp. 14–23). Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers
Jokinen, Johanna. 2009. Den ryska diasporan i Christchurch. In: Gertrud Hultblad, Anders Fridfeldt and Peter Kinlund (Eds.), Geographical studies in Aotearoa 2007: Report from a Geographical Field Course in New Zealand, March-April 2007 (pp. 89–121). Stockholm Geographical Reports No. 16. Stockholm: Department of Human Geography.
Academic theses:
- Jokinen, Johanna C. 2018. Bolivian transnational livelihoods: Impacts of labour migration on wellbeing and farming in Cochabamba. Geographica 20. 125 pp. Uppsala: Department of Social and Economic Geography. ISBN 978-91-506-2737-4.
- Jokinen, Johanna. 2009. From dump-sites to resilient urban residence areas: Successful adaptation to tropical cyclone related flooding in Nicaragua. Master's Thesis in Geography, 45 HECs, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University.
Conference paper presentations:
- 'Äldres ensamhet och användningen av digitala lösningar inom äldreomsorgen under covid-19-pandemin: erfarenheter från tre svenska kommuner', Äldre personers ensamhet - ur olika perspektiv, Linköping University, October 2021.
- 'Interdisciplinary analysis of perceived precipitation variability and temperature trends in the agricultural Cochabamba region, Bolivia', International Mountain Conference in Innsbruck, Austria, September 2019.
- 'Agricultural land use change in peri-urbanizing out-migration communities in Bolivia', the Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, April 2015.
- 'Migration as a strategy to diversify household income sources in agricultural communities in Bolivia', the Royal Geographical Society with IBG Annual International Conference, London, UK, August 2014.
- 'Reasons behind out-migration from rural societies in Bolivia', the Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting, Tampa, USA, April 2014.
- 'Rural roots in the urban landscape: The urban spatial organization of rural-to-urban migrants in Bolivia', the 5th Nordic Geographers' Meeting, Reykjavík, Iceland, June 2013.
- 'Rural roots in the urban landscape: The urban spatial organization of rural-to-urban migrants in Bolivia', the Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, USA, April 2013.
Conference panelist and panel presentations:
- Panelist in session 'Challenges and Solutions in International Geography Research', the Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, April 2015.
- 'A reflexive analysis on field knowledge production and academic labor during PhD studies' (Martina A. Caretta and Johanna C. Jokinen), presentation and panelist in session 'Geography and Post–Graduate Studies in the Neoliberal University', Gendered Rights to the City: Intersections of Identity & Power (Pre-AAG IGU Gender & Geography Commission Conference), Milwaukee, USA, April 2015.
Conference sessions organized:
- Paper session 'Geography and Post–Graduate Studies in the Neoliberal University I', organized by Johanna C. Jokinen and Yui Hashimoto, Gendered Rights to the City: Intersections of Identity & Power (Pre-AAG IGU Gender & Geography Commission Conference), Milwaukee, USA, April 2015.
- Panel session 'Geography and Post–Graduate Studies in the Neoliberal University', organized by Martina A. Caretta, Johanna C. Jokinen, and Yui Hashimoto, Gendered Rights to the City: Intersections of Identity & Power (Pre-AAG IGU Gender & Geography Commission Conference), Milwaukee, USA, April 2015.
During my PhD programme, I was mainly teaching on GIS, cartography, remote sensing, and geopolitics within BA courses given in Swedish. I delivered lectures on vector and raster data structures, remote sensing, geospatial data collection techniques, and geopolitics and facilitated seminars on cartography, geopolitics, landscape literacy, environmental migration, comprehensive planning, and power and planning. I also supervised GIS projects and facilitated exercises in GIS, remote sensing, GPS data collection, and quantitative analysis of population geogprahical data. I have been teaching within the following courses at the Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, covering in total 290 lecturing hours:
- Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS), 2022-
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Urban Planning, 2012-2014, 2016, 2022-
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS) II, 2012-2014, 2022-
- Economic Globalization, 2018-2019, 2022
- Spatial Analysis and Building Information Modeling (BIM), 2022-
- Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives in Economic Geography, 2022-
- Regional and Local Development Strategies, 2022-
- Geography B Methods, 2013-2014, 2019
- Geographical Perspectives on Society/Geography A, 2012, 2014, 2019
- Political Geography and Planning, 2013-2014
- Geography B Environment and Landscape, 2012-2014
- Physical Geography/Geography A, 2012
In addition, I have assisted with course outline and schedule design of the BA course Geographical Information Systems I. I also assisted with excursion planning and administration of the PhD course Field course to South Africa 2013, 7,5 HECs.
BA thesis supervision:
I have supervised two BA students writing their thesis in swedish on environmental management within higher education institutions and place management and sense of place. I also supervised a BA student who was granted a MFS stipend to conduct a fieldwork in Bolivia, writing her thesis in English.
Professional Service:
During my field trips to Bolivia in August 2011 and January 2014, I delivered a lecture and facilitated several GIS exercises in Spanish at the Centro de Planificación y Gestión, Universidad Mayor de San Simón in Cochabamba.
I am the treasurer for Geografiska föreningen i Uppsala since 2012 and Geografilärarnas Riksförening since 2011. I was a board member of Geografiska Förbundet 2008-2015, being in the role of the board secretary 2010-2013, and the treasurer for the PhD Association at the Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, 2012-2014. I was also an elected PhD representative of the Departmental Board at the Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, 2014-2017.
Previous Education:
- Project Management Course (5 ECTS), UCL University College, Odense, Denmark
- The Case Method: Teaching with Cases and Producing Case Material for your Teaching (2 weeks), Uppsala University, 2019
- Activating Teaching Methods (1 week), Uppsala University, 2019
- Academic Teacher Training Course (5 weeks), Uppsala University, 2015
- Supervising Students for Degree Projects (2 weeks), Uppsala University, 2014
- MSc, Geography, Stockholm University, 2009
Thesis: 'From dump-sites to resilient urban residence areas: Successful adaptation to tropical cyclone related flooding in Nicaragua'
I was granted a Sida-funded MFS stipend to conduct a fieldwork in Nicaragua over a period of three months. Read here more about the results of the thesis work I completed within the Master's Programme in Globalization, Environment and Social Change, 120 HECs. - BA, Latin American Studies, Stockholm University, 2006
Previous professional experience:
- Senior Research Fellow in GIS, Nordregio, Stockholm, 2021-2023
- Research Fellow in GIS, Nordregio, Stockholm, 2019-2021
- Lecturer, Department of Education, Uppsala University, 2019
- Lecturer, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, 2019
- PhD candidate, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, 2012-2019
- Assistant, the Swedish National Agency for Education, 2012-2013
- Intern, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Medellín, Colombia, 2011
Carried out research on climate-related changes in peri-urban agricultural land use - Teaching assistant, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, 2010-2012
- Research Assistant, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, 2010
- Teaching assistant, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, 2009-2012
Last updated 2023-10-17
Senaste publikationer
- Statistical dataset on active Facebook users living outside of their country of origin in the European Union (2024)
- What can location-based social media reveal on human migration patterns in Europe? (2024)
- How are the Nordic regions feeling? (2020)
- Adjusting the Research Agenda to Local Realities (2020)
- “Who can play this game?” (2018)
Alla publikationer
- What can location-based social media reveal on human migration patterns in Europe? (2024)
- How are the Nordic regions feeling? (2020)
- “Who can play this game?” (2018)
- Migration-related land use dynamics in increasingly hybrid peri-urban space (2018)
- Conflating Privilege and Vulnerability (2017)
- When bodies do not fit: an analysis of postgraduate fieldwork (2016)
- Remittance behaviours of transnational migrants from Cochabamba, Bolivia
- (Fai)Lure of migration
- A reflexive analysis on field knowledge production and academic labor during PhD studies (2015)
- Agricultural land use change in peri-urbanizing out-migration communities in Bolivia (2015)
- Migration as a strategy to diversify household income sources in agricultural communities in Bolivia (2014)
- Reasons behind out-migration from rural societies in Bolivia (2014)
- Rural roots in the urban landscape (2013)
- Rural roots in the urban landscape (2013)