Sven Nelander
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Dag Hammarskjölds väg 20
751 85 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Rudbecklaboratoriet
751 85 UPPSALA
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Kort presentation
Sven Nelander är professor i integrativ cancerforskning vid Uppsala Universitet. Han studerar tumörer i hjärnan och nervsystemet, med målet att utveckla nya behandlingar. Hans forskarteam vid Rudbecklaboratoriet har utvecklat en rad nya teknik för att åstadkomma detta, från nya patient-specifika försöksmodeller till storskaliga datoranalyser.
Urval av publikationer
- Real-time evaluation of glioblastoma growth in patient-specific zebrafish xenografts (2021)
- Single-cell RNAseq and longitudinal proteomic analysis of a novel semi-spontaneous urothelial cancer model reveals tumor cell heterogeneity and pretumoral urine protein alterations (2021)
- Modeling glioblastoma heterogeneity as a dynamic network of cell states (2021)
- Comparative epigenetic analysis of tumour initiating cells and syngeneic EPSC-derived neural stem cells in glioblastoma (2021)
- Integrative discovery of treatments for high-risk neuroblastoma (2020)
- A Patient-Derived Cell Atlas Informs Precision Targeting of Glioblastoma (2020)
- HCN Channel Activity Balances Quiescence and Proliferation in Neural Stem Cells and Is a Selective Target for Neuroprotection During Cancer Treatment (2020)
- BET and Aurora Kinase A inhibitors synergize against MYCN-positive human glioblastoma cells (2019)
- LGR5 promotes tumorigenicity and invasion of glioblastoma stem-like cells and is a potential therapeutic target for a subset of glioblastoma patients (2019)
- Primary glioblastoma cells for precision medicine (2018)
- Glioblastoma Cell Malignancy and Drug Sensitivity Are Affected by the Cell of Origin (2017)
Senaste publikationer
- Lineage specification in glioblastoma is regulated by METTL7B (2024)
- Reconstructing the regulatory programs underlying the phenotypic plasticity of neural cancers (2024)
- Live Detection of Neural Progenitors and Glioblastoma Cells by an Oligothiophene Derivative (2023)
- Inference of glioblastoma migration and proliferation rates using single time-point images (2023)
- Global hypo-methylation in a proportion of glioblastoma enriched for an astrocytic signature is associated with increased invasion and altered immune landscape (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Lineage specification in glioblastoma is regulated by METTL7B (2024)
- Reconstructing the regulatory programs underlying the phenotypic plasticity of neural cancers (2024)
- Live Detection of Neural Progenitors and Glioblastoma Cells by an Oligothiophene Derivative (2023)
- Inference of glioblastoma migration and proliferation rates using single time-point images (2023)
- Global hypo-methylation in a proportion of glioblastoma enriched for an astrocytic signature is associated with increased invasion and altered immune landscape (2022)
- MYCMI-7 (2022)
- Autocrine signaling can explain the emergence of Allee effects in cancer cell populations (2022)
- Fast and accurate gene regulatory network inference by normalized least squares regression (2022)
- Knowledge of the perturbation design is essential for accurate gene regulatory network inference (2022)
- Optimal Sparsity Selection Based on an Information Criterion for Accurate Gene Regulatory Network Inference (2022)
- Real-time evaluation of glioblastoma growth in patient-specific zebrafish xenografts (2021)
- Single-cell RNAseq and longitudinal proteomic analysis of a novel semi-spontaneous urothelial cancer model reveals tumor cell heterogeneity and pretumoral urine protein alterations (2021)
- Modeling glioblastoma heterogeneity as a dynamic network of cell states (2021)
- Modeling glioblastoma heterogeneity as a dynamic network of cell states (2021)
- p53-Mediated Radiosensitization of 177Lu-DOTATATE in Neuroblastoma Tumor Spheroids (2021)
- NF1 regulates mesenchymal gliblastoma plasticity and aggressiveness through the AP-1 transcription factor FOSL1 (2021)
- Inferring the experimental design for accurate gene regulatory network inference (2021)
- Comparative epigenetic analysis of tumour initiating cells and syngeneic EPSC-derived neural stem cells in glioblastoma (2021)
- Integrative discovery of treatments for high-risk neuroblastoma (2020)
- Growth-Inhibitory Activity of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 in Human Glioblastoma Cell Lines Is Heterogeneous and Dependent on Reduced SOX2 Expression (2020)
- A Patient-Derived Cell Atlas Informs Precision Targeting of Glioblastoma (2020)
- HCN Channel Activity Balances Quiescence and Proliferation in Neural Stem Cells and Is a Selective Target for Neuroprotection During Cancer Treatment (2020)
- Astrocytes enhance glioblastoma growth. (2020)
- Monotherapy efficacy of blood-brain barrier permeable small molecule reactivators of protein phosphatase 2A in glioblastoma (2020)
- Uncovering cancer gene regulation by accurate regulatory network inference from uninformative data (2020)
- BET and Aurora Kinase A inhibitors synergize against MYCN-positive human glioblastoma cells (2019)
- Human Mesenchymal glioblastomas are characterized by an increased immune cell presence compared to Proneural and Classical tumors (2019)
- Increasing the accuracy of glioblastoma subtypes (2019)
- Integrin alpha 10, a Novel Therapeutic Target in Glioblastoma, Regulates Cell Migration, Proliferation, and Survival (2019)
- Batch-normalization of cerebellar and medulloblastoma gene expression datasets utilizing empirically defined negative control genes (2019)
- LGR5 promotes tumorigenicity and invasion of glioblastoma stem-like cells and is a potential therapeutic target for a subset of glioblastoma patients (2019)
- Primary glioblastoma cells for precision medicine (2018)
- Image-Based Detection of Patient-Specific Drug-Induced Cell-Cycle Effects in Glioblastoma (2018)
- Epigenetic Regulation of ZBTB18 Promotes Glioblastoma Progression (2017)
- c-Jun-N-terminal phosphorylation regulates DNMT1 expression and genome wide methylation in gliomas (2017)
- Glioblastoma Cell Malignancy and Drug Sensitivity Are Affected by the Cell of Origin (2017)
- FC1000 (2017)
- Membrane-Depolarizing Channel Blockers Induce Selective Glioma Cell Death by Impairing Nutrient Transport and Unfolded Protein/Amino Acid Responses (2017)
- Safe and effective treatment of experimental neuroblastoma and glioblastoma using systemically administered triple microRNA-detargeted oncolytic Semliki Forest virus (2017)
- Loss of Conservation of Graph Centralities in Reverse-engineered Transcriptional Regulatory Networks (2017)
- Origin of the U87MG glioma cell line (2016)
- Simultaneous Multiplexed Measurement of RNA and Proteins in Single Cells (2016)
- Travelling wave analysis of a mathematical model of glioblastoma growth (2016)
- Integrative Modeling Reveals Annexin A2-mediated Epigenetic Control of Mesenchymal Glioblastoma (2016)
- Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for multiple myeloma (2016)
- High sensitivity isoelectric focusing to establish a signaling biomarker for the diagnosis of human colorectal cancer (2016)
- Case-specific potentiation of glioblastoma drugs by pterostilbene (2016)
- ABCG2 regulates self-renewal and stem cell marker expression but not tumorigenicity or radiation resistance of glioma cells (2016)
- High levels of WNT-5A in human glioma correlate with increased presence of tumor-associated microglia/monocytes (2015)
- Efficient exploration of pan-cancer networks by generalized covariance selection and interactive web content (2015)
- Efficient exploration of multi-cancer networks by generalized covariance selection and interactive web content (2015)
- Glioma-derived plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) regulates the recruitment of LRP1 positive mast cells (2015)
- Variants in ELL2 influencing immunoglobulin levels associate with multiple myeloma (2015)
- Avoiding pitfalls in L-1-regularised inference of gene networks (2015)
- The Human Glioblastoma Cell Culture Resource (2015)
- Bridging the gaps in systems biology (2014)
- Vulnerability of Glioblastoma Cells to Catastrophic Vacuolization and Death Induced by a Small Molecule (2014)
- Meta-Analysis of Neural Childhood Cancer Networks (2014)
- Functional association networks as priors for gene regulatory network inference (2014)
- Selective Calcium Sensitivity in Immature Glioma Cancer Stem Cells (2014)
- Searching for Synergies (2013)
- Comparative drug pair screening across multiple glioblastoma cell lines reveals novel drug-drug interactions (2013)
- Targeting SOX2 in glioblastoma cells reveals heterogeneity in SOX2 dependency
- Exploring large scale integrative networks of glioblastoma using hypothesis driven pattern search
- Decoding glioblastoma drug responses using an open access library of patient derived cell models
- The tumour microenvironment across tumour evolution in bladder cancer profiled by single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis and spatial transcriptomics
- Prioritization of candidate cancer genes on chromosome 17q through reverse engineered transcriptional regulatory networks in medulloblastoma groups 3 and 4