Andreas Frick
Biträdande universitetslektor vid Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper; Experimentell kognitiv och affektiv neurovetenskap (ECAN)
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 10
- Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 10
751 85 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent, PhD
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Kort presentation
Varför lider vissa av handikappande rädslor och ångest? Vi försöker förstå de neurobiologiska och psykologiska orsakerna bakom uppkomst och vidmakthållande av rädslor. Genom att kartlägga utvecklingen av hjärnans nätverk och signalämnen och hur de tillsammans med psykologiska faktorer bidrar till rädslor hoppas vi kunna erbjuda bättre behandlingar för drabbade individer.
- anxiety
- fmri
- hjärnavbildning
- neuroimaging
- pet
- psychiatry
- psykiatri
- womher
- ångest
Urval av publikationer
- Evaluating an internet-delivered fear conditioning and extinction protocol using response times and affective ratings (2022)
- Application of positron emission tomography in psychiatry-methodological developments and future directions (2022)
- Dopamine and fear memory formation in the human amygdala (2022)
- Similar Profile and Magnitude of Cognitive Impairments in Focal and Generalized Epilepsy (2022)
- Effects of caffeine on anxiety and panic attacks in patients with panic disorder (2022)
- Internet-delivered approach-avoidance conflict task shows temporal stability and relation to trait anxiety (2022)
- Habitual caffeine consumption moderates the antidepressant effect of dorsomedial intermittent theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (2021)
- Expectancy effects on serotonin and dopamine transporters during SSRI treatment of social anxiety disorder (2021)
- Expression and co-expression of serotonin and dopamine transporters in social anxiety disorder (2021)
- Delayed gaze shifts away from others' eyes in children and adolescents with social anxiety disorder (2021)
- Enriching CBT by Neuroscience (2021)
- GABA quantification in human anterior cingulate cortex (2021)
- Decrease in amygdala activity during repeated exposure to spider images predicts avoidance behavior in spider fearful individuals (2020)
- Higher- and lower-order personality traits and cluster subtypes in social anxiety disorder (2020)
- Neuroimaging, genetic, clinical, and demographic predictors of treatment response in patients with social anxiety disorder (2020)
- Social support modulates subjective and neural responses to sad mental imagery (2020)
- Soothing the emotional brain (2019)
- Anterior cingulate cortex activity as a candidate biomarker for treatment selection in social anxiety disorder (2018)
- Brain changes in social anxiety disorder run in the family (2018)
- Amygdala reactivity and connectivity during social and non-social aversive stimulation in social anxiety disorder (2018)
- Association between amygdala neurokinin-1 receptor availability and anxiety-related personality traits (2018)
- Sample Size Matters (2017)
- Voxel-based morphometry multi-center mega-analysis of brain structure in social anxiety disorder (2017)
- Think twice, it's all right (2017)
- Do You Believe It? Verbal Suggestions Influence the Clinical and Neural Effects of Escitalopram in Social Anxiety Disorder (2017)
- Increased serotonin 1A receptor availability in the raphe nuclei predicts future suicidal behaviour (2017)
- Common and Distinct Gray Matter Alterations in Social Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder (2017)
- Quantitative positron emission tomography in brain research (2017)
- Development of a clinically feasible [11C]PE2I PET method for differential diagnosis of parkinsonism using reduced scan duration and automated reference region extraction. (2017)
- Disrupting Reconsolidation Attenuates Long-Term Fear Memory in the Human Amygdala and Facilitates Approach Behavior (2016)
- Alterations in the serotonergic and substance P systems in posttraumatic stress disorder (2016)
- Use of 5-Hydroxytryptophan Labeled With Carbon 11 in Social Anxiety Disorder Reply (2016)
- Reduced serotonin synthesis and regional cerebral blood flow after anxiolytic treatment of social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Overlapping expression of serotonin transporters and neurokinin-1 receptors in posttraumatic stress disorder (2016)
- Serotonin synthesis rate and the tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (2016)
- The effect of combined hormonal contraceptives use on brain reactivity during response inhibition (2016)
- Combining escitalopram and cognitive-behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Neuroplasticity in response to cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Disruption of Memory Reconsolidation Erases a Fear Memory Trace in the Human Amygdala (2015)
- Imaging Anxiety (2015)
- Serotonin Synthesis and Reuptake in Social Anxiety Disorder (2015)
- Increased neurokinin-1 receptor availability in the amygdala in social anxiety disorder (2015)
- Predicting long-term outcome of Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder using fMRI and support vector machine learning (2015)
- Human serotonin transporter availability predicts fear conditioning (2015)
- Enlargement of visual processing regions in social anxiety disorder is related to symptom severity (2014)
- Classifying social anxiety disorder using multivoxel pattern analyses of brain function and structure (2014)
- Altered fusiform connectivity during processing of fearful faces in social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Cortical thickness alterations in social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Oral contraceptive use changes brain activity and mood in women with previous negative affect on the pill (2013)
- Validation of parametric methods for [(11)C]PE2I positron emission tomography (2013)
- Altered neural correlates of affective processing after internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Disruption of reconsolidation erases a fear memory trace in the human amygdala (2012)
- Relationships between the National Adult Reading Test and memory. (2011)
Senaste publikationer
- A Psychometric Evaluation of the Expanded Version of the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS-II) in Children and Adolescents (2024)
- Investigating heart rate variability measures during pregnancy as predictors of postpartum depression and anxiety: an exploratory study (2024)
- Predicting emotion regulation in typically developing toddlers (2024)
- A challenge to the expected (2024)
- Neural correlates of individual differences in multimodal emotion recognition ability (2024)
Alla publikationer
- A Psychometric Evaluation of the Expanded Version of the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS-II) in Children and Adolescents (2024)
- Investigating heart rate variability measures during pregnancy as predictors of postpartum depression and anxiety: an exploratory study (2024)
- Predicting emotion regulation in typically developing toddlers (2024)
- A challenge to the expected (2024)
- Neural correlates of individual differences in multimodal emotion recognition ability (2024)
- The influence of anterior cingulate GABA+ and glutamate on emotion regulation and reactivity in adolescents and adults (2024)
- Blinding integrity of dorsomedial prefrontal intermittent theta burst stimulation in depression (2023)
- Acute low dose caffeine affects behavior profile and activity, an examination of male rats with high or low anxiety-like behavior (2023)
- Acute caffeine differently affects risk-taking and the expression of BDNF and of adenosine and opioid receptors in rats with high or low anxiety-like behavior (2023)
- Pupil dilation during negative prediction errors is related to brain choline concentration and depressive symptoms in adolescents (2023)
- Striatal dopamine transporter and receptor availability correlate with relative cerebral blood flow measured with [11C]PE2I, [18F]FE-PE2I and [11C]raclopride PET in healthy individuals (2023)
- Progressive Voxel-Wise Homotopic Connectivity from childhood to adulthood (2023)
- Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex activity during cognitive challenge in social anxiety disorder (2023)
- Evaluating an internet-delivered fear conditioning and extinction protocol using response times and affective ratings (2022)
- Application of positron emission tomography in psychiatry-methodological developments and future directions (2022)
- Dopamine and fear memory formation in the human amygdala (2022)
- Similar Profile and Magnitude of Cognitive Impairments in Focal and Generalized Epilepsy (2022)
- Serotonin and dopamine transporter availability in social anxiety disorder after combined treatment with escitalopram and cognitive-behavioral therapy (2022)
- Effects of caffeine on anxiety and panic attacks in patients with panic disorder (2022)
- Internet-delivered approach-avoidance conflict task shows temporal stability and relation to trait anxiety (2022)
- Habitual caffeine consumption moderates the antidepressant effect of dorsomedial intermittent theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (2021)
- Expectancy effects on serotonin and dopamine transporters during SSRI treatment of social anxiety disorder (2021)
- Expression and co-expression of serotonin and dopamine transporters in social anxiety disorder (2021)
- Delayed gaze shifts away from others' eyes in children and adolescents with social anxiety disorder (2021)
- Enriching CBT by Neuroscience (2021)
- GABA quantification in human anterior cingulate cortex (2021)
- Decrease in amygdala activity during repeated exposure to spider images predicts avoidance behavior in spider fearful individuals (2020)
- Higher- and lower-order personality traits and cluster subtypes in social anxiety disorder (2020)
- Neuroimaging, genetic, clinical, and demographic predictors of treatment response in patients with social anxiety disorder (2020)
- Social support modulates subjective and neural responses to sad mental imagery (2020)
- Soothing the emotional brain (2019)
- Anterior cingulate cortex activity as a candidate biomarker for treatment selection in social anxiety disorder (2018)
- Brain changes in social anxiety disorder run in the family (2018)
- Amygdala reactivity and connectivity during social and non-social aversive stimulation in social anxiety disorder (2018)
- Association between amygdala neurokinin-1 receptor availability and anxiety-related personality traits (2018)
- Sample Size Matters (2017)
- Voxel-based morphometry multi-center mega-analysis of brain structure in social anxiety disorder (2017)
- Think twice, it's all right (2017)
- Do You Believe It? Verbal Suggestions Influence the Clinical and Neural Effects of Escitalopram in Social Anxiety Disorder (2017)
- Increased serotonin 1A receptor availability in the raphe nuclei predicts future suicidal behaviour (2017)
- Common and Distinct Gray Matter Alterations in Social Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder (2017)
- Quantitative positron emission tomography in brain research (2017)
- Development of a clinically feasible [11C]PE2I PET method for differential diagnosis of parkinsonism using reduced scan duration and automated reference region extraction. (2017)
- Disrupting Reconsolidation Attenuates Long-Term Fear Memory in the Human Amygdala and Facilitates Approach Behavior (2016)
- Alterations in the serotonergic and substance P systems in posttraumatic stress disorder (2016)
- Use of 5-Hydroxytryptophan Labeled With Carbon 11 in Social Anxiety Disorder Reply (2016)
- Reduced serotonin synthesis and regional cerebral blood flow after anxiolytic treatment of social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Overlapping expression of serotonin transporters and neurokinin-1 receptors in posttraumatic stress disorder (2016)
- Serotonin synthesis rate and the tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (2016)
- The effect of combined hormonal contraceptives use on brain reactivity during response inhibition (2016)
- Combining escitalopram and cognitive-behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Neuroplasticity in response to cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Disruption of Memory Reconsolidation Erases a Fear Memory Trace in the Human Amygdala (2015)
- Serotonin Synthesis and Reuptake in Social Anxiety Disorder (2015)
- Increased neurokinin-1 receptor availability in the amygdala in social anxiety disorder (2015)
- Predicting long-term outcome of Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder using fMRI and support vector machine learning (2015)
- Human serotonin transporter availability predicts fear conditioning (2015)
- Enlargement of visual processing regions in social anxiety disorder is related to symptom severity (2014)
- Classifying social anxiety disorder using multivoxel pattern analyses of brain function and structure (2014)
- Altered fusiform connectivity during processing of fearful faces in social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Cortical thickness alterations in social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Oral contraceptive use changes brain activity and mood in women with previous negative affect on the pill (2013)
- Validation of parametric methods for [(11)C]PE2I positron emission tomography (2013)
- Altered neural correlates of affective processing after internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Disruption of reconsolidation erases a fear memory trace in the human amygdala (2012)
- Relationships between the National Adult Reading Test and memory. (2011)
- Changes in serotonin and dopamine transporter availability after combined treatment with escitalopram and cognitive-behavioral therapy in patients with social anxiety disorder
- Response expectancies shape the effect of SSRI treatment on serotonin and dopamine transporters in patients with social anxiety disorder