Frank Johansson
Professor vid Institutionen för ekologi och genetik; Zooekologi
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Kort presentation
Professor i bevarandebiologi. Min forskning fokuserar på: 1) Effekter av det mikrobiella medlet Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) på terrestra ekosystem, 2) Bevarandebiologi av urbana dammar, 3) Potentiella reaktioner på klimatförändringar: från genotyp- till samhällsnivå För mer information, se min webbsida.
Jag är kursansvarig för kursen Ekologi och populationgenetik. Jag undervisar också på kurserna Beteendeekologi och Ekologisk metodik.
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
Head of of Animal Ecology Program, Dept. Ecology and Evolution, Uppsala University, 2021-to the present.
Professor, Animal Conservation Biology, Dept. Ecology and Genetics, 2012-to the present
Professor, Ecology, Umeå University, 2007-2011.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Animal Ecology, Umeå University, 1993.
Urval av publikationer
- Can information from citizen science data be used to predict biodiversity in stormwater ponds? (2020)
- Temperate insects with narrow seasonal activity periods can be as vulnerable to climate change as tropical insect species (2020)
- Wing morphology and migration status, but not body size, habitat or Rapoport's rule predict range size in North-American dragonflies (Odonata: Libellulidae) (2019)
- Predation selects for smaller eye size in a vertebrate (2019)
- The Rate of Seasonal Changes in Temperature Alters Acclimation of Performance under Climate Change (2017)
- Antagonistic natural and sexual selection on wing shape in a scrambling damselfly (2016)
- Seasonal time constraints reduce genetic variation in life-history traits along a latitudinal gradient (2016)
- Ontogenetic changes in genetic variances of age-dependent plasticity along a latitudinal gradient (2015)
- Competitive interactions modify the temperature dependence of damselfly growth rates (2014)
- Phenotypic plasticity in the hepatic transcriptome of the European common frog (Rana temporaria) (2013)
- Latitudinally structured variation in the temperature dependence of damselfly growth rates (2013)
- Generalists and specialists along a latitudinal transect (2012)
Senaste publikationer
- Disentangling drivers of temporal changes in urban pond macroinvertebrate diversity (2024)
- Species-genetic diversity correlation in a metacommunity of urban pond invertebrates (2024)
- Effects of temperature and resource level on interspecific interactions in two species of Odonata larvae (2024)
- Phylogeography and phenotypic wing shape variation in a damselfly across populations in Europe (2024)
- A crowd-sourced genomic project to assess hybrid content in a rare avian vagrant (Azure Tit Cyanistes cyanus (Pallas, 1770)) (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Disentangling drivers of temporal changes in urban pond macroinvertebrate diversity (2024)
- Species-genetic diversity correlation in a metacommunity of urban pond invertebrates (2024)
- Effects of temperature and resource level on interspecific interactions in two species of Odonata larvae (2024)
- Phylogeography and phenotypic wing shape variation in a damselfly across populations in Europe (2024)
- A crowd-sourced genomic project to assess hybrid content in a rare avian vagrant (Azure Tit Cyanistes cyanus (Pallas, 1770)) (2023)
- Mixed support for an alignment between phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation in damselfly wing shape (2023)
- The effect of temperature and behaviour on the interaction between two dragonfly larvae species within the native and expanded range (2022)
- Weak effects on growth and cannibalism under fluctuating temperatures in damselfly larvae (2022)
- Wing shape differences along a migration route of the long-distance migrant Globe Skimmer Dragonfly Pantala flavescens (2022)
- Pushed Northward by Climate Change (2022)
- Phenological Shifts in a Warming World Affect Physiology and Life History in a Damselfly (2022)
- Remaining forests on the Central Highlands of Madagascar (2022)
- Biodiversity in urban blue space- increasing knowledge and species richness (2022)
- Microplastic exposure across trophic levels (2022)
- The importance of blue and green landscape connectivity for biodiversity in urban ponds (2021)
- Natural selection mediated by seasonal time constraints increases the alignment between evolvability and developmental plasticity (2021)
- Spatio-temporal variation in water beetle assemblages across temperate freshwater ecosystems (2021)
- Body and wing size, but not wing shape, vary along a large-scale latitudinal gradient in a damselfly (2021)
- Size-mediated priority effects are trait-dependent and consistent across latitudes in a damselfly (2021)
- Single and combined effects of microplastics, pyrethroid and food resources on the life-history traits and microbiome of Chironomus riparius (2021)
- High variation in last male sperm precedence and genital morphology in the emerald damselfly, Lestes sponsa (2020)
- Can information from citizen science data be used to predict biodiversity in stormwater ponds? (2020)
- Temperate insects with narrow seasonal activity periods can be as vulnerable to climate change as tropical insect species (2020)
- Preference for supernormal stimuli tends to override initially learned associations for conspicuous prey traits (2020)
- Effects of predator cues carry over from egg and larval stage to adult life-history traits in a damselfly (2020)
- Socio-economic impacts of marine conservation efforts in three Indonesian fishing communities (2019)
- Let's mate here and now - seasonal constraints increase mating efficiency (2019)
- Predator species related adaptive changes in larval growth and digestive physiology (2019)
- Environmental variables drive differences in the beta diversity of dragonfly assemblages among urban stormwater ponds (2019)
- Wing morphology and migration status, but not body size, habitat or Rapoport's rule predict range size in North-American dragonflies (Odonata: Libellulidae) (2019)
- Size-mediated priority and temperature effects on intra-cohort competition and cannibalism in a damselfly (2019)
- Predation risk affects egg mortality and carry over effects in the larval stages in damselflies (2019)
- Predation selects for smaller eye size in a vertebrate (2019)
- The genetic variance but not the genetic covariance of life-history traits changes towards the north in a time-constrained insect (2018)
- Effects of predation stress and food ration on perch gut microbiota (2018)
- Lack of trophic polymorphism despite substantial genetic differentiation in sympatric brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations (2017)
- Is there a relationship between socio-economic factors and biodiversity in urban ponds? (2017)
- Physiological mechanisms of adaptive developmental plasticity in Rana temporaria island populations (2017)
- Repeated pulse exposures to lambda-cyhalothrin affect the behavior, physiology, and survival of the damselfly larvae Ischnura graellsii (Insecta; Odonata) (2017)
- Unravelling the correlates of species richness and ecological uniqueness in a metacommunity of urban pond insects (2017)
- Genetic differentiation in the boreal dragonfly Leucorrhinia dubia in the Palearctic region (2017)
- Phylogeography and larval spine length of the dragonfly Leucorhinia dubia in Europe (2017)
- Single and mixture impacts of two pyrethroids on damselfly predatory behavior and physiological biomarkers (2017)
- The Rate of Seasonal Changes in Temperature Alters Acclimation of Performance under Climate Change (2017)
- A potential pitfall in studies of biological shape (2017)
- The price of looking sexy (2017)
- Cannibalism and activity rate in larval damselflies increase along a latitudinal gradient as a consequence of time constraints (2017)
- The interaction between predation risk and food ration on behavior and morphology of Eurasian perch (2017)
- Effects of management intensity, function and vegetation on the biodiversity in urban ponds (2016)
- Is one defence enough? (2016)
- Compensating for a bad start (2016)
- Morphological Consequences of Developmental Plasticity in Rana temporaria are not Accommodated into Among-Population or Among-Species Variation (2016)
- Changing the habitat (2016)
- Antagonistic natural and sexual selection on wing shape in a scrambling damselfly (2016)
- Seasonal time constraints reduce genetic variation in life-history traits along a latitudinal gradient (2016)
- A large-scale latitudinal pattern of life-history traits in a strictly univoltine damselfly (2016)
- Time constraint effects on phenology and life history synchrony in a damselfly along a latitudinal gradient (2016)
- Combination effects of pyrethroids and neonicotinoids on development and survival of Chironomus riparius (2015)
- Relaxed predation results in reduced phenotypic integration in a suite of dragonflies (2015)
- Ontogenetic changes in genetic variances of age-dependent plasticity along a latitudinal gradient (2015)
- Bird predation selects for wing shape and coloration in a damselfly (2015)
- Competitive interactions modify the temperature dependence of damselfly growth rates (2014)
- Male wing shape differs between condition-dependent alternative reproductive tactics in territorial damselflies (2014)
- A preliminary study on female-limited colour polymorphism in Lestes sponsa (2014)
- Photoperiod and variation in life history traits in core and peripheral populations in the damselfly Lestes sponsa (2014)
- Personality trait differences between mainland and island populations in the common frog (Rana temporaria) (2013)
- Predation and the relative importance of larval colour polymorphisms and colour polyphenism in a damselfly (2013)
- Within-Population Developmental and Morphological Plasticity is Mirrored in Between-Population Differences (2013)
- Phenotypic plasticity in the hepatic transcriptome of the European common frog (Rana temporaria) (2013)
- Large-scale patterns in genetic variation, gene flow and differentiation in five species of European Coenagrionid damselfly provide mixed support for the central-marginal hypothesis (2013)
- No evidence that stickleback spines directly increase risk of predation by an invertebrate predator (2013)
- Latitudinal patterns of phenology and age-specific thermal performance across six Coenagrion damselfly species (2013)
- Latitudinally structured variation in the temperature dependence of damselfly growth rates (2013)
- The Evolution of Wing Shape in Ornamented-Winged Damselflies (Calopterygidae, Odonata) (2013)
- Wing shape allometry and aerodynamics in calopterygid damselflies (2013)
- Habitat variation and wing coloration affect wing shape evolution in dragonflies (2013)
- Predator-induced morphological defences as by-products of prey behaviour (2012)
- Evolution of the G-matrix in life history traits in the common frog during a recent colonisation of an island system (2012)
- Cross-species amplification and development of microsatellites for six species of European Coenagrionid damselflies (2012)
- Generalists and specialists along a latitudinal transect (2012)
- Hind wing shape evolves faster than front wing shape in Calopteryx damselflies (2012)
- Growth Pattern Responses to Photoperiod across Latitudes in a Northern Damselfly (2012)
- Testing the role of phenotypic plasticity for local adaptation (2011)