Oskar Nordell
Universitetslektor vid Konstvetenskapliga institutionen; Konstvetenskap
- Telefon:
- 018-471 59 37
- E-post:
- oskar.nordell@konstvet.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Engelska parken,
Thunbergsvägen 3H
752 38 UPPSALA - Postadress:
- Box 630
751 26 UPPSALA
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Oskar Nordell vid Konstvetenskapliga institutionen; Konstvetenskap
- 0000-0002-8433-3472
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Kort presentation
PhD in Art History 2022. Research focuses on contemporary architecture, urban design, sports architecture. Currently at the Department of Art history.
- actor-network theory
- architectural history
- architecture
- art history
- network theory
- sports architecture
- territoriality
- transnational linkages
- urban design
Lecturing on the history of architecture, the history of art, and theories and methods of art history and of architecture. The dissertation Arenaboom. En arkitekturstudie av idrottsarenor I Sverige under 2000-talets första decennier (2022) explores and analyses the current construction boom of sport venues in Sweden from the perspective of architectural history. The dissertation provides a broad, but specific, explanation for the reasons behind the construction boom of sport venues, as well as it provides insight into the different territorialities produced in and by contemporary sport venues. On top of being an empirical study of both historical and contemporary architecture, it presents a contribution to the discussion on theories and methods of network theory, actor-network theory, and territoriality.
Senaste publikationer
- Arenaboom (2022)
- Michelangelo's oval for the Campidoglio (2021)
- The Stadium Experience (2016)
- Stadium Experiences (2016)
- Den samtida idrottsarenan. (2015)