Ashish KC
Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Centrum för hälsa och hållbarhet
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- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent i global hälsa med inriktning pediatrik
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Kort presentation
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Dr. K.C. has a wide experience in academic, research and global health program with different academic universities. He has been a technical advisor to Save the Children, Population Services International and UNICEF for more than 15 years. He has led and supported three hospital based randomized clinical trial and two large scale multi-centered quality improvement trials in Nepal. He has been the principal investigator for multi-country study for improving measurements for mothers and newborns.
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
Dr. Ashish KC is Associate Professor at Uppsala University, Sweden. He is a perinatal epidemiologist with doctoral degree in global health. He has been a keen researcher to generate evidence on perinatal depression, neonatal resuscitation and improving experience of care of women and children.
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
1. Evaluation of implementing Helping Babies Breathe Quality Improvement cycle in a tertiary hospital of Nepal (2012-2013)
2. Effect of delayed versus early cord clamping on healthy late preterm and term neonates on iron deficiency anemia and developmental outcome at 8 and 12 months-A randomized clinical trial (2015-2019),
3. Effect of delayed versus early cord clamping on healthy neonates on heart rate, oxygen saturation and breathing within first 10 minutes-A randomized clinical trial (2016-2017),
4. Effect of delayed versus early cord clamping on depressed neonates requiring resuscitation on immediate birth outcome (2016-2017),
5. Evaluation of implementing Nepal Perinatal Quality Improvement projects in 12 hospitals of Nepal (2017-2019),
6. Scaling up quality improvement for safer birth in public facilities of Nepal (2019-2020),
7. Effect of Safer Birth Bundle in improving newborn resuscitation for better newborn survival (2018-2020)
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Alla publikationer
- Assessment of economic burden due to COVID-19 pandemic during institutional childbirth in Nepal (2024)
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