Raine Isaksson
Universitetslektor , docent vid Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och industriell teknik; Kvalitetsteknik
- Telefon:
- 018-471 83 80, 0498-10 83 80
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-249 09 79
- E-post:
- raine.isaksson@angstrom.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3
621 57 Visby - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
621 67 Visby
- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent
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Kort presentation
Raine Isaksson, docent och universitetslektor i kvalitetsteknik. Campus Gotland, Visby.
Kvalitetsutveckling för hållbar utveckling. Hur kan hållbarhet förstås, definieras och mätas i olika system. Visualisering av system med användning av en processbaserad systemmodell.
Hållbar cement och betong i Sverige
Hållbara byggblock med alternativa bindemedel i Afrika söder om Sahara (fokus Östafrika)
Hållbar utveckling och CSR, hållbar verksamhetsutveckling och processledning
- process management
- quality management
- sustainable development
Senaste publikationer
- Quality for Sustainability (Q4S) (2024)
- A Sustainability Opportunity Study (2024)
- Exploring opportunities for sustainable housing (2024)
- The sustainability opportunity study (SOS) (2023)
- Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Building Blocks-Diagnosing Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Exploring opportunities for sustainable housing (2024)
- The sustainability opportunity study (SOS) (2023)
- Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Building Blocks-Diagnosing Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa (2023)
- Sustainability reporting as a 21st century problem statement (2023)
- How Is Building Sustainability Understood?-A Study of Research Papers and Sustainability Reports (2022)
- Striding towards Sustainability (2021)
- Excellence for sustainability – (2021)
- Where to Go with Corporate Sustainability? (2021)
- Are They Reporting the Right Thing and Are They Doing It Right? (2020)
- Understanding sustainability – the case of building blocks in Tanzania and Uganda (2020)
- Understanding building sustainability (2020)
- A proposed preliminary maturity grid for assessing sustainability reporting based on quality management principles (2019)
- Creating a sense of urgency for sustainable development (2019)
- Opportunities for improved sustainability in house building (2019)
- Making sense of quality philosophies (2018)
- From global goals and planetary boundaries to public governance (2018)
- Process based system models for detecting opportunities and threats (2016)
- The support of Quality Management to sustainable development (2016)
- Making sense of opportunities in building material production (2015)
- The crippled bottom line (2015)
- Sustaining Sweden’s competitive position (2015)
- A Preliminary Model for Assessing University Sustainability from the Student Perspective (2013)
- Implementing Lean (2012)
- Detecting Supply Chain Innovation Potential for Sustainable Development (2010)
- How Could Stereotypes Promote Diversity (2010)
- Quality for Sustainability (Q4S) (2024)
- A Sustainability Opportunity Study (2024)
- Using a Process Based System Model (PBSM) for sensemaking (2022)
- Understanding University Sustainability (2022)
- Cement and Concrete - Quality and Sustainability (2021)
- Sustainability Opportunity Study - Diagnosing (2021)
- Understanding, defining and measuring educational quality and sustainability in basic education (2021)
- Understanding sustainable tourism-building (2021)
- Diagnosing Sustainability Opportunities in Swedish Cement and Concrete (2021)
- Building Sustainability (2021)
- How could sustainability and sustainable development be understood based on stakeholder needs focus? (2019)
- Describing building sustainability innovation potential (2019)
- Testing a Maturity Grid for Assessing Sustainability Reports (2018)
- Modelling and Measuring Excellence for Sustainability (2018)
- TQM from theory to practice (2016)
- Cement Performance in Sand Cement Blocks – A Case Study from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (2016)
- Relevance, consequences and change needs of the current Tanzania Concrete Bricks and Blocks standard TZS 283:2002 (2016)
- Synergies of quality and sustainability - shared value in the building supply network (2014)
- Defining Quality and Sustainability – Looking for Synergies (2013)
- Towards a Model for Measuring University Sustainability (2013)
- Lean Higher Education And Lean Research (2013)
- Visualising improvement and innovation potential (2012)
- University Services for regional Development (2011)
- Integrated Management Systems (2011)
- University Support to Regional Development (2011)
- Change Management from a Stakeholder Perspective (2011)
- Sustainable Development in Universities (2011)
- Improving Strength Testing and Customer Value (2011)
- University Services for Regional Development (2011)
- Adding requirements on customers to current quality models toimprove quality (2010)
- Integrated Management Systems (2010)
- Business Administration and Leadership for Sustainable Development (2010)
- Improving Supply Networks (2010)
- Barriers to and drivers for change (2010)
- How to describe, define and work with sustainable development and how it relates to quality management (2010)
- Knowledge management challenges (2010)
- Quality management (2010)
- Drivers for sustainability (2009)
- Leadership and employee commitment for quality management (2009)
- Teaching leadership for improvement (2008)
- Product Quality and Sustainability in the Cement Industry (2007)