Helena Wandin
Associerad forskare vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Logopedi
- E-post:
- helena.wandin@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
- Postadress:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
- 0000-0003-0002-7142
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Kort presentation
Mitt forskningsintresse är kommunikation hos personer med flera omfattande funktionsnedsättningar och vilket stöd som behövs för att kommunikationen med andra ska fungera och för att nå sin fulla språkliga potential. Jag arbetar också som forskare och logoped på Nationellt Center för Rett syndrom och närliggande diagnoser.
Senaste publikationer
- The effect of MultiSensory Music Drama on the interactive engagement of students with severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (2024)
- A scoping review of aided AAC modeling for individuals with developmental disabilities and emergent communication (2023)
- A trained communication partner's use of responsive strategies in aided communication with three adults with Rett syndrome (2022)
- Communication Assessment in Rett Syndrome from an ICF perspective (2021)
- Aided language modelling, responsive communication and eye-gaze technology as communication intervention for adults with Rett syndrome (2021)
Alla publikationer
- The effect of MultiSensory Music Drama on the interactive engagement of students with severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (2024)
- A scoping review of aided AAC modeling for individuals with developmental disabilities and emergent communication (2023)
- A trained communication partner's use of responsive strategies in aided communication with three adults with Rett syndrome (2022)
- Aided language modelling, responsive communication and eye-gaze technology as communication intervention for adults with Rett syndrome (2021)
- Development of consensus-based guidelines for managing communication of individuals with Rett syndrome (2020)
- Development of a tool to assess visual attention in Rett syndrome (2020)
- Eye-Gaze Control Technology as Early Intervention for a Non-Verbal Young Child with High Spinal Cord Injury (2018)
- Communication intervention in Rett syndrome (2015)
- Habiliteringslogopeden i fokus (2015)
- An exploratory case study of a trained communication partner’s use of responsive and scaffolding partner strategies in aided communication with adults with Rett syndrome
- Communication Assessment in Rett Syndrome from an ICF perspective (2021)
- Specialist Investigation of Motor Function and Communicative Ability in Rett Syndrome (2020)
- Alternativ kommunikation och ätsvårigheter. (2012)
- Språk hos barn med funktionsnedsättning (2012)
- Alternativ kommunikation och ätsvårigheter (2012)
- International Guidelines for Management of Communication in Rett Syndrome (2019)
- International guidelines for the management of communication in Rett syndrome (2018)
- Visual attention when aided language modeling is used in interaction (2017)
- Gaze-Based Assistive Technology (2017)
- Teaching aided communication: self-report and intervention by SLPs (2016)
- Communication Strategies - evidence and experience (2016)
- What do people with severe disabilities communicate with the help of communication aids? (2016)
- Development of Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Communication in Individuals with Rett syndrome (2015)
- Logopeders erfarenheter av kommunikationsinsatser vid Rett syndrom (2015)
- Activities for interaction; examples of groupactivities with special focus on communcation with PODD (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Displays) (2015)
- Tools for Assessment of Communication in Rett Syndrome (2015)
- Early communication intervention in Rett Syndrome (2013)