Tapati Sarkar
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för materialvetenskap; Fasta tillståndets fysik
- Telefon:
- 018-471 33 59
- E-post:
- tapati.sarkar@angstrom.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 35
751 03 Uppsala
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Urval av publikationer
- Reentrant canonical spin-glass dynamics and tunable field-induced transitions in (GeMn)Co2O4 Kagomé lattice (2024)
- High current limits in chemical vapor deposited graphene spintronic devices (2023)
- Magnetic circular dichroism in the dd excitation in the van der Waals magnet CrI3 probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (2023)
- Recent progress in two dimensional Mxenes for photocatalysis (2023)
- Spin-liquid state with precursor ferromagnetic clusters interacting antiferromagnetically in frustrated glassy tetragonal spinel Zn0.8Cu0.2FeMnO4 (2023)
- Surface Termination-Enhanced Magnetism at Nickel Ferrite/2D Nanomaterial Interfaces (2023)
- Enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalysis via magnetic nanocomposites (2023)
- Antiferromagnetic short-range order and cluster spin-glass state in diluted spinel ZnTiCoO4 (2022)
- A Hydrofluoric Acid-Free Green Synthesis of Magnetic M.Ti2CTx Nanostructures for the Sequestration of Cesium and Strontium Radionuclide (2022)
- Slow spin dynamics of cluster spin-glass spinel Zn(Fe1-xRu (x))(2)O-4 (2022)
- Nanostructure-driven complex magnetic behavior of Sm2CoMnO6 double perovskite (2022)
- Proximity enhanced magnetism at NiFe2O4/Graphene interface (2022)
- Unraveling the nature of ferrimagnetism and associated exchange interactions in distorted honeycomb Ni4Nb2O9 (2022)
- Combined Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach for Highly Ordered One-Dimensional Composite Nanostructures for Spin Insulatronics (2021)
- Exploring the magnetic properties and magnetic coupling in SrFe12O19/ Co1-XZnXFe2O4 & nbsp;nanocomposites (2021)
- Tuning the Magnetic Properties of Hard-Soft SrFe12O19/CoFe2O4 Nanostructures via Composition/Interphase Coupling (2021)
- Towards bi-magnetic nanocomposites as permanent magnets through the optimization of the synthesis and magnetic properties of SrFe12O19 nanocrystallites (2021)
- Experimental advances in charge and spin transport in chemical vapor deposited graphene (2021)
- Compositional dependence of the magnetic state of Co3-xZnxTeO6 solid solutions (2021)
- Synthesis of BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanocomposites using a one-pot technique (2021)
- Antiferromagnetism, spin-glass state, H-T phase diagram, and inverse magnetocaloric effect in Co2RuO4 (2020)
- Novel mixed precursor approach to prepare multiferroic nanocomposites with enhanced interfacial coupling (2020)
- Interplay of charge density wave and multiband superconductivity in layered quasi-two-dimensional materials (2020)
- Ultimate Spin Currents in Commercial Chemical Vapor Deposited Graphene (2020)
- Neutron diffraction evidence for local spin canting, weak Jahn-Teller distortion, and magnetic compensation in Ti1-xMnxCo2O4 spinel (2020)
- LaFeO3-CoFe2O4 bi-magnetic composite thin films prepared using an all-in-one synthesis technique (2020)
- Symbiotic, low-temperature, and scalable synthesis of bi-magnetic complex oxide nanocomposites (2020)
- Cation ordering, ferrimagnetism and ferroelectric relaxor behavior in Pb(Fe1-xScx)(2/3)W1/3O3 solid solutions (2019)
- Room temperature ferrimagnetism in Yb-doped relaxor ferroelectric PbFe2/3W1/3O3 (2019)
- Cationic distribution, exchange interactions, and relaxation dynamics in Zn-diluted MnCo2O4 nanostructures (2019)
- Controlling magnetic coupling in bi-magnetic nanocomposites (2019)
- Modification of the structure and magnetic properties of ceramic La2CoMnO6 with Ru doping (2018)
- Nature of magnetic ordering in nanocomposites of Zn1-pNipO and NiO (2018)
- Ba3MIr2O9 hexagonal perovskites in the light of spin-orbit coupling and local structural distortions (2018)
- Tunable single-phase magnetic behavior in chemically synthesized AFeO(3)-MFe2O4 (A = Bi or La, M = Co or Ni) nanocomposites (2018)
- Proposed Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in nanostructured films of Gd at low temperature and its manifestations in electrical resistivity and magnetoresistance (2017)
- Perovskite solid solutions La0.75Bi0.25Fe1-xCrxO3 (2017)
- Composition dependence of the multifunctional properties of Nd-doped Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics (2017)
- Magnetic phase diagram of Co(Cr1-xAlx)2O-4 (x=0.0-1.0) (2017)
- The role of Tb-doping on the structural and functional properties of Bi4-xTbxTi3O12 ferroelectric phases with the Aurivillius type structure (2017)
- Magnetic structure of the magnetocaloric compound AlFe2B2 (2016)
- Low-temperature anomalous magnetic behavior of Co2TiO4 and Co2SnO4 (2016)
- Pb2MnTeO6 Double Perovskite (2016)
- Thermal evolution of the spin ordering at the concomitant spin-orbital rearrangement temperature in RVO3 (R=Lu, Yb and Tm) (2016)
- Hydrogenation-Induced Structure and Property Changes in the Rare-Earth Metal Gallide NdGa (2016)
- Phase diagram, structures and magnetism of the FeMnP1-xSix-system (2015)
- Irreversible structure change of the as prepared FeMnP1−xSix-structure on the initial cooling through the curie temperature (2015)
- Magnetic compensation, field-dependent magnetization reversal, and complex magnetic ordering in Co2TiO4 (2015)
- Successive phase transitions in the orthovanadate TmVO3 (2015)
- On the nature of magnetic state in the spinel Co2SnO4 (2015)
- Strain heterogeneity and magnetoelastic behaviour of nanocrystalline half-doped La, Ca manganite, La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 (2014)
Senaste publikationer
- Evolution of tunable energy bandgap and magnetic anisotropy in Mn substituted ferrimagnetic nickel-chromates (2025)
- Biphasic lithium iron oxide nanocomposites for enhancement in electromagnetic interference shielding properties (2025)
- Engineering Hard Ferrite Composites by Combining Nanostructuring and Al3+ Substitution (2025)
- Effect of strontium phosphate coating on NCM811 powders for high-performance Li-ion battery cathode (2024)
- Additive interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the monolayer-MoS2/Co/Pt asymmetric trilayer system (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Evolution of tunable energy bandgap and magnetic anisotropy in Mn substituted ferrimagnetic nickel-chromates (2025)
- Biphasic lithium iron oxide nanocomposites for enhancement in electromagnetic interference shielding properties (2025)
- Engineering Hard Ferrite Composites by Combining Nanostructuring and Al3+ Substitution (2025)
- Effect of strontium phosphate coating on NCM811 powders for high-performance Li-ion battery cathode (2024)
- Additive interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the monolayer-MoS2/Co/Pt asymmetric trilayer system (2024)
- Electromagnetic wave absorption performance of Fe3O4/activated carbon-natural resin nanocomposite (2024)
- Enhancement of microwave absorption performance of cobalt ferrite by adding MXene (Ti3C2Tx) nanosheets (2024)
- Interplay of lattice-spin-orbital coupling and Jahn-Teller effect in noncollinear spinel Ti x Mn1-x (Fe y Co1-y )2O4 (2024)
- Vacancy-Engineered Nickel Ferrite Forming-Free Low-Voltage Resistive Switches for Neuromorphic Circuits (2024)
- Magnetic nanocomposite for lead (II) removal from water (2024)
- Reentrant canonical spin-glass dynamics and tunable field-induced transitions in (GeMn)Co2O4 Kagomé lattice (2024)
- High current limits in chemical vapor deposited graphene spintronic devices (2023)
- Magnetic circular dichroism in the dd excitation in the van der Waals magnet CrI3 probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (2023)
- Recent progress in two dimensional Mxenes for photocatalysis (2023)
- Spin-liquid state with precursor ferromagnetic clusters interacting antiferromagnetically in frustrated glassy tetragonal spinel Zn0.8Cu0.2FeMnO4 (2023)
- Surface Termination-Enhanced Magnetism at Nickel Ferrite/2D Nanomaterial Interfaces (2023)
- Enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalysis via magnetic nanocomposites (2023)
- Antiferromagnetic short-range order and cluster spin-glass state in diluted spinel ZnTiCoO4 (2022)
- A Hydrofluoric Acid-Free Green Synthesis of Magnetic M.Ti2CTx Nanostructures for the Sequestration of Cesium and Strontium Radionuclide (2022)
- Slow spin dynamics of cluster spin-glass spinel Zn(Fe1-xRu (x))(2)O-4 (2022)
- Nanostructure-driven complex magnetic behavior of Sm2CoMnO6 double perovskite (2022)
- Proximity enhanced magnetism at NiFe2O4/Graphene interface (2022)
- Unraveling the nature of ferrimagnetism and associated exchange interactions in distorted honeycomb Ni4Nb2O9 (2022)
- Combined Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach for Highly Ordered One-Dimensional Composite Nanostructures for Spin Insulatronics (2021)
- Exploring the magnetic properties and magnetic coupling in SrFe12O19/ Co1-XZnXFe2O4 & nbsp;nanocomposites (2021)
- Tuning the Magnetic Properties of Hard-Soft SrFe12O19/CoFe2O4 Nanostructures via Composition/Interphase Coupling (2021)
- Towards bi-magnetic nanocomposites as permanent magnets through the optimization of the synthesis and magnetic properties of SrFe12O19 nanocrystallites (2021)
- Experimental advances in charge and spin transport in chemical vapor deposited graphene (2021)
- Compositional dependence of the magnetic state of Co3-xZnxTeO6 solid solutions (2021)
- Synthesis of BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanocomposites using a one-pot technique (2021)
- Antiferromagnetism, spin-glass state, H-T phase diagram, and inverse magnetocaloric effect in Co2RuO4 (2020)
- Novel mixed precursor approach to prepare multiferroic nanocomposites with enhanced interfacial coupling (2020)
- Interplay of charge density wave and multiband superconductivity in layered quasi-two-dimensional materials (2020)
- Ultimate Spin Currents in Commercial Chemical Vapor Deposited Graphene (2020)
- Neutron diffraction evidence for local spin canting, weak Jahn-Teller distortion, and magnetic compensation in Ti1-xMnxCo2O4 spinel (2020)
- LaFeO3-CoFe2O4 bi-magnetic composite thin films prepared using an all-in-one synthesis technique (2020)
- Symbiotic, low-temperature, and scalable synthesis of bi-magnetic complex oxide nanocomposites (2020)
- Cation ordering, ferrimagnetism and ferroelectric relaxor behavior in Pb(Fe1-xScx)(2/3)W1/3O3 solid solutions (2019)
- Room temperature ferrimagnetism in Yb-doped relaxor ferroelectric PbFe2/3W1/3O3 (2019)
- Cationic distribution, exchange interactions, and relaxation dynamics in Zn-diluted MnCo2O4 nanostructures (2019)
- Controlling magnetic coupling in bi-magnetic nanocomposites (2019)
- Modification of the structure and magnetic properties of ceramic La2CoMnO6 with Ru doping (2018)
- Nature of magnetic ordering in nanocomposites of Zn1-pNipO and NiO (2018)
- Ba3MIr2O9 hexagonal perovskites in the light of spin-orbit coupling and local structural distortions (2018)
- Tunable single-phase magnetic behavior in chemically synthesized AFeO(3)-MFe2O4 (A = Bi or La, M = Co or Ni) nanocomposites (2018)
- Proposed Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in nanostructured films of Gd at low temperature and its manifestations in electrical resistivity and magnetoresistance (2017)
- Perovskite solid solutions La0.75Bi0.25Fe1-xCrxO3 (2017)
- Composition dependence of the multifunctional properties of Nd-doped Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics (2017)
- Magnetic phase diagram of Co(Cr1-xAlx)2O-4 (x=0.0-1.0) (2017)
- The role of Tb-doping on the structural and functional properties of Bi4-xTbxTi3O12 ferroelectric phases with the Aurivillius type structure (2017)
- Magnetic structure of the magnetocaloric compound AlFe2B2 (2016)
- Low-temperature anomalous magnetic behavior of Co2TiO4 and Co2SnO4 (2016)
- Pb2MnTeO6 Double Perovskite (2016)
- Thermal evolution of the spin ordering at the concomitant spin-orbital rearrangement temperature in RVO3 (R=Lu, Yb and Tm) (2016)
- Hydrogenation-Induced Structure and Property Changes in the Rare-Earth Metal Gallide NdGa (2016)
- Phase diagram, structures and magnetism of the FeMnP1-xSix-system (2015)
- Irreversible structure change of the as prepared FeMnP1−xSix-structure on the initial cooling through the curie temperature (2015)
- Magnetic compensation, field-dependent magnetization reversal, and complex magnetic ordering in Co2TiO4 (2015)
- Successive phase transitions in the orthovanadate TmVO3 (2015)
- On the nature of magnetic state in the spinel Co2SnO4 (2015)
- Strain heterogeneity and magnetoelastic behaviour of nanocrystalline half-doped La, Ca manganite, La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 (2014)