Magnus Borres
Affilierad Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Pediatrisk inflammations- och metabolismforskning samt barnhälsa
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Senaste publikationer
- Rhinovirus-induced wheeze was associated with asthma development in predisposed children (2024)
- Natural course of pollen-induced allergic rhinitis from childhood to adulthood (2024)
- Evaluating clinical importance of sensitization to Ara h 6 quantitively in Japanese children (2024)
- Allergic sensitisation and type-2 inflammation is associated with new-onset and persistent allergic disease (2023)
- Sensitization to molecular dog allergens in an adult population (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Rhinovirus-induced wheeze was associated with asthma development in predisposed children (2024)
- Natural course of pollen-induced allergic rhinitis from childhood to adulthood (2024)
- Evaluating clinical importance of sensitization to Ara h 6 quantitively in Japanese children (2024)
- Allergic sensitisation and type-2 inflammation is associated with new-onset and persistent allergic disease (2023)
- Sensitization to molecular dog allergens in an adult population (2023)
- Sensitization patterns to cat molecular allergens in subjects with allergic sensitization to cat dander (2023)
- Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin levels in early childhood and association with preschool asthma - A prospective observational study (2023)
- Inflammatory related plasma proteins involved in acute preschool wheeze (2023)
- Clinical potential of eosinophil-derived neurotoxin in asthma management (2023)
- Sesame allergy in children (2023)
- Development of sensitization to peanut and storage proteins and relation to markers of airway and systemic inflammation (2023)
- History and Utility of Specific IgE Cutoff Levels (2023)
- Randomized controlled trial of slow peanut oral immunotherapy in young children (2023)
- Recent advances in diagnosing and managing nut allergies with focus on hazelnuts, walnuts, and cashew nuts (2022)
- Broussonetia papyrifera (paper mulberry) pollen is an important cause of allergic rhinitis in Southwest China (2022)
- Open The association between specific IgE antibodies to component allergens and allergic symptoms on dog and cat exposure among Korean pet exhibition participants (2022)
- Asthma and Allergy (2022)
- Serum Eosinophilic Cationic Protein Is a Reliable Biomarker for Childhood Asthma (2022)
- Shrimp- and mite sensitization in a Swedish study (2022)
- Alpha-gal sensitization among young adults is associated with male sex and polysensitization (2022)
- Impaired skin barrier and allergic sensitization in early infancy (2022)
- Allergic sensitization pattern of patients in Brazil (2021)
- Prevalence and early-life risk factors for tree nut sensitization and allergy in young adults (2021)
- Resolved allergen-specific IgE sensitization among females and early poly-sensitization among males impact IgE sensitization up to age 24 years (2021)
- Asthma in combination with rhinitis and eczema is associated with a higher degree of type-2 inflammation and symptom burden than asthma alone (2021)
- Early Life Wheeze and Risk Factors for Asthma-A Revisit at Age 7 in the GEWAC-Cohort (2021)
- Elucidating the alpha-Gal syndrome at the molecular allergen level (2021)
- Unusual and Unexpected Allergic Reactions Can Be Unraveled by Molecular Allergy Diagnostics (2021)
- Laboratory screening test with inhalant and food allergens in atopic Brazilian children and adolescents (2021)
- Component-resolved diagnostics in pet allergy (2021)
- Extract and molecular-based early infant sensitization and associated factors-A PreventADALL study (2021)
- Relationship between longitudinal changes in type-2 inflammation, immunoglobulin E sensitization, and clinical outcomes in young asthmatics (2021)
- Trends in egg specific immunoglobulin levels during natural tolerance and oral immunotherapy (2020)
- Study of atopic multimorbidity in subjects with rhinitis using multiplex allergen component analysis (2020)
- Male sex is strongly associated with IgE-sensitization to airborne but not food allergens (2020)
- Phadiatop, Phadiatop Infant and total IgE evaluated in allergic Brazilian children and adolescents (2020)
- IgE responses to multiple allergen components among school-aged children in a general population birth cohort in Tokyo (2020)
- Utilizing boiled milk sIgE as a predictor of baked milk tolerance in cow's milk allergic children (2019)
- IgE testing can predict food allergy status in patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis (2019)
- IgE Testing Can Predict Food Allergy Status in Patients with Moderate-Severe Atopic Dermatitis (2019)
- Reply to: Can f 5 as a suitable marker of dog allergy (2019)
- Screening With Serology Testing Children With Asthma Could Contribute To Substantial Cost Savings To US Payors (2019)
- Fixed airflow obstruction relates to eosinophil activation in asthmatics (2019)
- Furry Animal Allergen Component Sensitization and Clinical Outcomes in Adult Asthma and Rhinitis (2019)
- Parent and child perception of quality of life in a randomized controlled peanut oral immunotherapy trial (2019)
- Feasibility of desensitizing children highly allergic to peanut by high-dose oral immunotherapy (2019)
- Ana o 3-specific IgE is a predictive marker for cashew oral food challenge failure (2019)
- Structured intervention plan including component-resolved diagnostics helps reducing the burden of food allergy among school-aged children (2019)
- Characterization of sensitization to furry animal allergen components in an adult population (2019)
- Sensitization Profiles to Hazelnut Allergens across the United States of America (2019)
- Sensitization profiles to hazelnut allergens across the United States (2019)
- Allergic diseases in childhood (2018)
- Increased sensitization to several allergens over a 12-year period in Brazilian children (2018)
- What is new in allergy and component tetsing? (2018)
- Molecular allergy diagnostics refine characterization of children sensitized to dog dander (2018)
- Discrimination Between Asthmatic and Healthy Children Using Eosinophil Derived Neurotoxin is Independent of Blood Sample Matrix (2018)
- Grass-Allergic Children Frequently Show Asymptomatic Low-Level IgE Co-Sensitization and Cross-Reactivity to Wheat (2018)
- IgE sensitization to food allergens and airborne allergens in relation to biomarkers of type 2 inflammation in asthma (2018)
- Does oral immunotherapy improve quality of life in children with severe peanut allergy? (2018)
- Predicting reactivity threshold in children with anaphylaxis to peanut (2018)
- Maternal sensitization during pregnancy (2018)
- The absence of serum IgE antibodies indicates non-type 2 disease in young asthmatics (2018)
- Sensitization to minor cat allergen components is associated with type-2 biomarkers in young asthmatics (2018)
- Characterization of multifood allergic children based on clinical and serological data (2017)
- Association of Clinical Reactivity with Sensitization to Allergen Components in Multifood-Allergic Children (2017)
- Overall and peripheral lung function assessment by spirometry and forced oscillation technique in relation to asthma diagnosis and control. (2017)
- Conjunctival provocation test in diagnosis of peanut allergy in children (2017)
- Jug r 1 sensitization is important in walnut-allergic children and youth. (2017)
- Sensitization profiles to peanut allergens across the United States (2017)
- Safety and feasibility of heated egg yolk challenge for children with egg allergies (2017)
- Increase in pollen sensitization in Swedish adults and protective effect of keeping animals in childhood (2016)
- Recent advances in component resolved diagnosis in food allergy (2016)
- IgE to novel citrus seed allergens among cashew-allergic children (2016)
- Assessment of dog allergen molecules in the diagnosis of dog allergy in children (2016)
- High levels of physical activity are associated with poorer asthma control in young females but not in males (2016)
- Simultaneously increased fraction of exhaled nitric oxide levels and blood eosinophil counts relate to increased asthma morbidity (2016)
- Measurement of specific IgE antibodies to Ses i 1 improves the diagnosis of sesame allergy (2016)
- Clinical utility of recombinant allergen components in diagnosing buckwheat allergy (2016)
- A retrospect study into the utility of allergen components in walnut allergy (2016)
- Simultaneously elevated exhaled nitric oxide and serum-eosinophil cationic protein relate to recent asthma events in asthmatics in a cross-sectional population-based study. (2016)
- Multiplex component-based allergen microarray in recent clinical studies (2016)
- New data analysis in a population study raises the hypothesis that particle size contributes to the pro-asthmatic potential of small pet animal allergens. (2016)
- Allergen extract vs component sensitisation and airway inflammation, responsiveness and new-onset respiratory disease. (2016)
- High Diagnostic Sensitivity and Specificity By Analysis of IgE to Different Types of Gliadins When Evaluating Wheat Allergy in Children (2016)
- Severity of allergic asthma is associated to multiple dog and/or cat allergen component sensitization (2016)
- Parallel reductions of IgE and exhaled nitric oxide after optimized anti-inflammatory asthma treatment (2016)
- Low grade IgE sensitisation and Th2-driven inflammation in asthma (2016)
- High prevalence of sIgE to Galactose--1,3-galactose in rural pre-Alps area (2016)
- Comparison of Molecular Multiplex and Singleplex Analysis of IgE to Grass Pollen Allergens in Untreated German Grass Pollen-Allergic Patients (2015)
- Association of Sensitization to Specific Pet Allergen Components with Asthma Symptoms in School Children (2015)
- A population-based study of animal component sensitization, asthma, and rhinitis in schoolchildren (2015)
- Basophil allergen threshold sensitivity and component-resolved diagnostics improve hazelnut allergy diagnosis (2015)
- The predictive relationship between peanut- and Ara h 2-specific serum IgE concentrations and peanut allergy (2015)
- Sensitization pattern to inhalant and food allergens in symptomatic children at first evaluation (2015)
- Perceived Food Hypersensitivity Relates to Poor Asthma Control and Quality of Life in Young Non-Atopic Asthmatics (2015)
- High IgE levels to -lactalbumin, -lactoglobulin and casein predict less successful cow's milk oral immunotherapy (2015)
- The combination of elevated FeNO and blood eosinophils relates to poorer asthma control in young patients with allergic asthma (2015)
- Monitoring the impact of cow's milk allergy on children and their families with the FLIP questionnaire - a six-month follow-up study (2015)
- Recognition pattern of kiwi seed storage proteins in kiwifruit-allergic children (2015)
- Wheat allergy in children evaluated with challenge and IgE antibodies to wheat components (2015)
- Clinical relevance of measuring IgE to cat allergen components (2015)
- Sensitization to cashew nut 2S albumin, Ana o 3, is highly predictive of cashew and pistachio allergy in Greek children (2015)
- Native and denatured egg white protein IgE tests discriminate hen's egg allergic from egg-tolerant children (2015)
- IgE to Furry Animal Allergen Components Was Associated with Asthma in a Population (2015)
- Sensitisation to the cat allergen component Fel d 4 is independently related to the degree of inflammation in young asthmatics (2015)
- CD-Sens and Component Resolved Diagnostics In Diagnosing Hazelnut Allergy (2014)
- Heterogeneity of molecular sensitization profiles in grass pollen allergy - implications for immunotherapy? (2014)
- Airway inflammation and obstruction in relation to systemic eosinophilic inflammation in asthma (2014)
- Alveolar and exhaled NO in relation to asthma characteristics (2014)
- The effects of physical exercise and smoking habits on the expression of SPLUNC1 in nasal lavage fluids from allergic rhinitis subjects (2014)
- Ten-year review reveals changing trends and severity of allergic reactions to nuts and other foods (2014)
- Severe childhood asthma and allergy to furry animals (2014)
- Nasal nitric oxide is associated with exhaled NO, bronchial responsiveness and poor asthma control (2014)
- Does Peanut Allergen Conjunctival Provocation Test Reflect Specific IgE Levels To Peanut? (2014)
- Onset and progression of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis in a Japanese pediatric cohort (2014)
- Monitoring Ara h 1, 2 and 3-sIgE and sIgG4 antibodies in peanut allergic children receiving oral rush immunotherapy (2014)
- The predictive value of microarray assessed IgE-sensitisation for new-onset rhinitis in adults (2014)
- Natural History of Perceived Food Hypersensitivity and IgE Sensitisation to Food Allergens in a Cohort of Adults (2014)
- Aeroallergen and food IgE sensitization and local and systemic inflammation in asthma (2014)
- Reduction of IgE by intensified anti-inflammatory treatment in patients with atopic asthma (2014)
- Anaphylaxis to peanuts in a 16-year-old girl with birch pollen allergy and with monosensitization to Ara h 8 (2013)
- Allergen extract vs component sensitisation and airway inflammation, responsiveness and new-onset respiratory disease