Pernilla Ågård
Forskare vid Sociologiska institutionen; Lärare och forskare
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- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postadress:
- Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Pernilla Ågård vid Sociologiska institutionen; Lärare och forskare
Forskare vid Institutionen för socialt arbete; Gäster och övrigt verksamma
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postadress:
- Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA
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Kort presentation
Jag disputerade 2020 med en avhandling om språkliga förhandlingar. Genom fokusgruppsintervjuer med vårdpersonal specialiserad på livets sista tid belyser avhandlingen hur föreställningar om invandrarskap förhandlas fram i samtal personalen emellan.
Som postdoktor i projektet Exlusion from civic engagement of a diverse older population: Features, experiences, and policy implications (CIVEX), handlar min nuvarande forskning om potentiellt marginaliserade äldres möjlighet till samhällsengagemang.
Senaste publikationer
- Exclusion from civic engagement among older migrants in Sweden and Finland – A life-course perspective (2022)
- Barriers and enablers to civic engagement among older migrants and people living in socially disadvantaged communities (2022)
- Older migrants’ experiences of civic engagement in Sweden and Finland (2022)
- The impact of the migratory life course on older people’s civic engagement: Perspectives from Sweden and Finland (2022)
- Samhällsengagemang för marginaliserade grupper (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Samhällsengagemang för marginaliserade grupper (2022)
- Vårdpersonals föreställningar om döende patienter med invandrarbakgrund (2019)
- Health care professionals' understandings of cross-cultural interaction in end-of-life care (2016)
- The 'Other' in End-of-life Care (2016)
- Cross-Cultural Interaction And Otherness In End Of Life Care (2015)
- Att möta det okända (2015)
- Vård- och omsorgspersonal samtalar om äldre döende patienter med invandrarbakgrund (2021)
- The ’Other’ in end-of-life care (2018)
- Exclusion from civic engagement among older migrants in Sweden and Finland – A life-course perspective (2022)
- Barriers and enablers to civic engagement among older migrants and people living in socially disadvantaged communities (2022)
- Older migrants’ experiences of civic engagement in Sweden and Finland (2022)
- The impact of the migratory life course on older people’s civic engagement: Perspectives from Sweden and Finland (2022)
- Negotiating difference: End-of-life care providers talk about migrant patients (2017)
- ”…and what ends up happening is that we end up lying” Palliative Care Workers talk about Cross-cultural Interaction (2017)
- Staff's understandings of cross-cultural interaction in end-of-life care: a focus group study (2015)
- Caring for Dying ’Others’: Palliative Care Workers Talk About Cross-cultural Interaction (2015)
- Caring for dying 'Others': palliative care workers talk (2015)
- Enablers’ or hinderers’ of cross-cultura interaction: palliative care workers negotiate their understandings of family. (2015)
- Enablers or hinderers of cross-cultural interaction: palliative care workers negotiate their understandings of family (2015)
- Cross-cultural interaction in end-of-life care: palliative care workers’ understandings. (2014)
- Palliative Care Workers' Understandings of Cross Cultural Interaction in End-of-Life Care (2014)
- Negotiating Ethnic 'Otherness'- Palliative Care Workers Talk About Their Understandings of Cross-cultural Care Interactions (2014)
- Negotiating ethnic ’Otherness’: palliative care workers talk about their understandings of cross-cultural interactions (2014)