Emre Yildiz
Associerad forskare vid Företagsekonomiska institutionen; Gäster och övrigt verksamma
- E-post:
- emre.yildiz@fek.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD
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Kort presentation
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In my current research, I primarily build on insights from analytical sociology to probe into the emergent and multi-level nature of social and organizational phenomena. I use these analytical lenses to examine (1) the accumulation and role of past experience in firms' internationalization processes, (2) emergence of innovative capabilities [e.g., Absorptive Capacity] as a result of action and interaction of individual organizational members.
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2007-2012 Stockholm School of Economics - Dissertation Title: Calibrating Integration: Studies on Status, Culture, Knowledge and Cooperation in Acquisitions
Thesis Committee: Carl F. Fey (Nottingham University Business School China), Udo Zander (Stockholm School of Economics), Peter Hagström (Stockholm School of Economics), Per Hedberg (Stockholm School of Economics) and Julian Birkinshaw (London Business School)
2005-2007 Bogaziçi University – Master of Business Administration (MBA)
2003-2005 Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration – Master of International Business (with specialization on marketing and strategy)
1998-2003 Bogaziçi University - Departments of Tourism Administration and International Trade (Double Major)
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Peer-Reviewed Articles
Zhou, A., Fey, C.F., Yildiz , H.E. Fostering Integration through HRM Practices: An Empirical Examination of Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Transfer in Cross-Border M&As. Forthcoming in Journal of World Business.
Morgulis-Yakushev, S., Yildiz, H.E., Fey, C.F. When the Same is (not) the Aim: A Treatise on Organizational Cultural Fit and Knowledge Transfer. Journal of World Business, 53(2): 151-163.
Yildiz, H.E., Fey, C.F. (2016) Are the extent and effect of psychic distance perceptions symmetrical in cross-border M&As? Evidence from a two-country study. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(7): 830-857.
Yildiz, H.E. (2016) "Us vs. Them" or "Us over Them"? On the Roles of Similarity and Status in M&As. International Business Review, 25(1): 51-65.
Yildiz, H.E. (2014) Not All Differences are the Same: Dual Roles of Status and Cultural Similarity in Sociocultural Integration in Cross-Border M&As. Journal of International Management, 20(1): 25-37.
Stahl, G. K., Angwin, D. N., Very, P., Gomes, E., Weber, Y., Tarba, S. Y., ... Yildiz, H. E. (2013). Sociocultural integration in mergers and acquisitions: Unresolved paradoxes and directions for future research. Thunderbird International Business Review, 55: 333–356.
Yildiz, H.E. (2013) Performance Implications of Multinationality: Moderating Role of Foreign Market Entry Mode. Multinational Business Review, 21(4): 334-357.
Yildiz, H. E., Fey, C.F. (2012) The liability of foreignness reconsidered: New insights from the alternative research context of transforming economies. International Business Review, 21(2): 269-280.
Yildiz, H. E., Fey, C.F. (2010) Compatibility and unlearning in knowledge transfer in mergers and acquisitions. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 26(4): 448-456.
Manuscripts under Review
Yildiz, H.E., Murtic, A., Zander, U., Richtnér, A.Title Withheld, under first round review, British Journal of Management.
Yildiz, H.E., Murtic, A., Zander, U., Richtnér, A. Title Withheld, under first round review, Management International Review.
Yildiz, H.E., Murtic, A., Zander, U., Klofsten, M., Richtnér, A. Title Withheld, under first round review, Technovation.
Book Chapters
Régner, P., and Yildiz, H.E. (2014) Change. In Vodosek, M. and Hartog, D. v. (eds.): Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 3rd edition, Volume 6 International Management. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.
Zander, U., Zander, L., Yildiz, H.E. (2012) Building competitive advantage in international acquisitions: Grey box conditions, culture, status, and meritocracy. In: Verbeke, A. & Mechant, H. (eds.) Handbook of Research on International Strategic Management: 211-237. Edward Elgar, (2012).
Yildiz, H.E., Fey, C.F. (2010) Internationalization strategies of firms from emerging economies: Is there a strong case for theoretical extension? In L. Brennan (Ed.) The Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe: 303-316. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Teaching Cases
Regnér, P. and Yildiz, H. E. (2016). H&M in fast fashion: Continued success? In Exploring Strategy, Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D., Regnér, P., (2016), London: Pearson/Financial Times.
Senaste publikationer
- Fostering integration through HRM practices (2020)
- What Fosters Individual-Level Absorptive Capacity in MNCs? (2019)
- When same is (not) the aim (2018)
- "Us vs. them" or "us over them"? (2016)
- Are the extent and effect of psychic distance perceptions symmetrical in cross-border M&As? (2016)
Alla publikationer
- Fostering integration through HRM practices (2020)
- What Fosters Individual-Level Absorptive Capacity in MNCs? (2019)
- When same is (not) the aim (2018)
- "Us vs. them" or "us over them"? (2016)
- Are the extent and effect of psychic distance perceptions symmetrical in cross-border M&As? (2016)
- Not all differences are the same: Dual roles of status and cultural distance in sociocultural integration in cross-border M&As (2014)
- Sociocultural integration in mergers and acquisitions: Unresolved paradoxes and directions for future research (2013)
- Performance implications of multinationality: moderating role of foreign market entry mode (2013)
- The liability of foreignness reconsidered: New insights from the alternative research context of transforming economies (2012)
- Compatibility and unlearning in knowledge transfer in mergers and acquisitions (2010)