Camilla Olsson
Forskare vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Logopedi
- Telefon:
- 018-471 76 97
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- 072-999 91 33
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- BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
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751 22 UPPSALA
Universitetsadjunkt vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Logopedprogrammet
- Mobiltelefon:
- 072-999 91 33
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postadress:
- Box 564
751 22 Uppsala
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Kort presentation
Mina forskningsområden är framför allt funktionell kommunikation hos personer med svår afasi, samt psykisk hälsa hos personer med afasi. Jag handleder också studentuppsatser i logopedi på magister- och masternivå. Parallellt med forskning och undervisning arbetar jag kliniskt som logoped i Region Gävleborg.
- afasi
- aphasia
- logopedi
- speech-language pathology
Urval av publikationer
- What do people respond to when rating executive function? (2022)
- Measuring executive function in people with severe aphasia (2020)
- Relations between executive function, language and functional communication in severe aphasia (2019)
- Relations between executive function, language, and functional communication in severe aphasia (2019)
Senaste publikationer
- Self-efficacy and resilience in severe aphasia (2023)
- Self-efficacy and resilience in severe aphasia – an exploratory cross-sectional study of two psychosocial factors and their relation to functional communication (2023)
- Swedish speech-language pathologists’ experiences of mental health in people with aphasia - a qualitative study (2023)
- What do people respond to when rating executive function? (2022)
- Functional communication and non-linguistic factors in severe aphasia (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Self-efficacy and resilience in severe aphasia – an exploratory cross-sectional study of two psychosocial factors and their relation to functional communication (2023)
- What do people respond to when rating executive function? (2022)
- Measuring executive function in people with severe aphasia (2020)
- Relations between executive function, language, and functional communication in severe aphasia (2019)
- Self-efficacy and resilience in people with severe aphasia
- Self-efficacy and resilience in severe aphasia (2023)
- Swedish speech-language pathologists’ experiences of mental health in people with aphasia - a qualitative study (2023)
- Assessment of executive function in people with severe aphasia (2021)
- Relations between executive function, language and functional communication in severe aphasia (2019)