Thomas Stevens
Universitetslektor i naturgeografi vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Luft-, vatten- och landskapslära; Naturgeografi
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My main reseach interests lie in understanding the interaction of climate, surface processes and tectonics over Cenzoic-Quaternary timescales. A major focus is on terrestrial loess deposits of wind-blown dust in China and Eastern Europe and their provenance, age and climate record.
- abrupt climate change
- age dating
- dust
- landscape climate interaction
- loess
- luminescence
- past climate
- provenance
Senaste publikationer
- Modern-type Paleogene Eolian Regime and Global Cooling-Modulated Dust Provenance in Late Paleogene of Central-East Asia (2024)
- Spatial Source Contribution and Interannual Variation in Deposition of Dust Aerosols Over the Chinese Loess Plateau (2024)
- Thin loess in Southwestern Sweden (2024)
- Äldre rödgods från Studentholmen i Uppsala (2024)
- A comprehensive dataset of luminescence chronologies and environmental proxy indices of loess-paleosol deposits across Asia (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Modern-type Paleogene Eolian Regime and Global Cooling-Modulated Dust Provenance in Late Paleogene of Central-East Asia (2024)
- Spatial Source Contribution and Interannual Variation in Deposition of Dust Aerosols Over the Chinese Loess Plateau (2024)
- Thin loess in Southwestern Sweden (2024)
- Äldre rödgods från Studentholmen i Uppsala (2024)
- A comprehensive dataset of luminescence chronologies and environmental proxy indices of loess-paleosol deposits across Asia (2024)
- Dating post-LGM aeolian sedimentation and the Late Palaeolithic in Central Yakutia (northeastern Siberia) (2024)
- Mineralogical and magnetic variations of periglacial loess in SE Tibet reveal mid-Pleistocene expansion of Tibetan glacial activity (2024)
- Mineral magnetism and palaeoenvironment recorded in loess in southern England (2024)
- Combined optically stimulated luminescence and radiocarbon dating of aeolian dunes in Arctic Sweden (2024)
- High resolution luminescence and radiocarbon dating of Holocene Aeolian silt (loess) in west Greenland (2024)
- Implications of the geochemistry of L1LL1 (MIS2) loess in Poland for paleoenvironment and new normalizing values for loess-focused multi-elemental analyses (2024)
- Cryogenic features and stages in Late Quaternary subaerial sediments of the Lower Volga region (2024)
- Absolute dating of sediments forming the Lena river terraces (Northeastern Siberia) (2024)
- Introduction to special issue (2024)
- Absolute 230Th/U chronologies and Δ47 thermometry paleoclimate reconstruction from soil carbonates in Central Asian loess over the past 1 million years (2024)
- Neogene global climate change and East Asian dust sources (2023)
- High-resolution OSL dating of loess in Adventdalen, Svalbard (2023)
- Defining paleoclimatic routes and opportunities for hominin dispersals across Iran (2023)
- Geographic object‐based image analysis (GEOBIA) of the distribution and characteristics of aeolian sand dunes in Arctic Sweden (2023)
- Eurasian Ice Sheet derived meltwater pulses and their role in driving atmospheric dust activity: Late Quaternary loess sources in SE England (2022)
- The provenance of late Cenozoic East Asian Red Clay (2022)
- Searching for potential multi-hazard events during the last 1.5 million years of the Pleistocene epoch (2022)
- Potential drivers of disparity in early Middle Pleistocene interglacial climate response over Eurasia (2022)
- Loess in Britain and Ireland: Formation, modification and environmental significance, a review in memory of John Catt (1937–2017) (2022)
- Revisiting Late Pleistocene Loess–Paleosol Sequences in the Azov Sea Region of Russia (2022)
- The provenance of Danubian loess (2022)
- Dominant precessional forcing of the East Asian summer monsoon since 260 ka (2022)
- LoessFest 2018, Volgograd, Russia (2022)
- A detailed luminescence chronology of the Lower Volga loess-palaeosol sequence at Leninsk (2022)
- Quaternary sediment sources and loess transport pathways in the Black Sea - Caspian Sea region identified by detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology (2022)
- Chinese loess and the Asian monsoon (2022)
- Decoupled Chinese Loess Plateau dust deposition and Asian aridification at millennial and tens of millennial timescales (2022)
- Detailed luminescence dating of dust mass accumulation rates over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles from the Irig loess-palaeosol sequence, Carpathian Basin (2022)
- Dataset of dust mass accumulation rates for the loess-palaeosol sequences from the Carpathian Basin (2022)
- Age, formation and significance of loess deposits in central Sweden (2022)
- Comparison of High-Resolution 14C and Luminescence-Based Chronologies of the MIS 2 Madaras Loess/Paleosol Sequence, Hungary (2022)
- First high-resolution luminescence dating of loess in Western Siberia (2022)
- Resolving conflicting models of late Miocene East Asian summer monsoon intensity recorded in Red Clay deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau (2022)
- Large-number detrital zircon U-Pb ages reveal global cooling caused the formation of the Chinese Loess Plateau during Late Miocene (2022)
- Greenland ice core record of last glacial dust sources and atmospheric circulation (2022)
- Detrital zircon U–Pb age analysis of last glacial loess sources and proglacial sediment dynamics in the Northern European Plain (2021)
- Magnetic susceptibility in the European Loess Belt (2021)
- Late Pleistocene Climate and Dust Source From the Mobarakabad Loess–Paleosol Sequence, Northern Foothills of the Alborz Mountains, Northern Iran (2021)
- Palaeoenvironmental implications from Lower Volga loess - Joint magnetic fabric and multi-proxy analyses (2021)
- Enviromagnetic study of Late Quaternary environmental evolution in Lower Volga loess sequences, Russia (2021)
- Distinct periods of fan aggradation and incision for tributary valleys of different sizes along the Bailong River, eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (2021)
- Geomorphological evolution of the Petrovaradin Fortress Palaeolithic site (Novi Sad, Serbia) (2021)
- Late Quaternary Dust, Loess and Desert Dynamics in Upwind Areas of the Chinese Loess Plateau (2021)
- Detrital zircon U-Pb ages and source of the late Palaeocene Thanet Formation, Kent, SE England (2021)
- Climatic Forcing of Plio-Pleistocene Formation of the Modern Limpopo River, South Africa (2021)
- Stadial-interstadial temperature variations in East Central Europe preceding the Last Glacial Maximum (2021)
- A constant Chinese Loess Plateau dust source since the late Miocene (2020)
- Magnetic susceptibility parameters as proxies for desert sediment provenance (2020)
- Beach ridges of Dali Lake in Inner Mongolia reveal precipitation variation during the Holocene (2020)
- Differential ice volume and orbital modulation of Quaternary moisture patterns between Central and East Asia (2020)
- A sinistral Helicopsis cf. instabilis (Rossmässler, 1838) from Romanian loess (2020)
- Age and significance of late Pleistocene Lithophyllum byssoides intertidal algal ridge, NW Sardinia, Italy (2020)
- Abrupt last glacial dust fall over southeast England associated with dynamics of the British-Irish ice sheet (2020)
- Quartz OSL dating of late quaternary Chinese and Serbian loess (2019)
- Testing contrasting models of the formation of the upper Yellow River usingheavy-mineral data from the Yinchuan Basin drill cores (2019)
- Insights into the provenance of the Chinese Loess Plateau from joint zircon U-Pb and garnet geochemical analysis of last glacial loess (2018)
- On the Holocene evolution of the Ayeyawady megadelta (2018)
- Orbital scale lake evolution in the Ejina Basin, central Gobi Desert, China revealed by K-feldspar luminescence dating of paleolake shoreline features (2018)
- Alluvial fan aggradation/incision history of the eastern Tibetan plateau margin and implications for debris flow/debris-charged flood hazard (2018)
- Loess correlations – Between myth and reality (2018)
- The Crvenka loess-paleosol sequence (2018)
- Rapid incision of the Mekong River in the middle Miocene linked to monsoonal precipitation (2018)
- A major change in precipitation gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau at the Pliocene-Quaternary boundary (2018)
- Approaches and challenges to the study of loess (2018)
- Ice-volume-forced erosion of the Chinese Loess Plateau global Quaternary stratotype site (2018)
- Expansion of dust provenance and aridification of Asia since ~7.2 Ma revealed by detrital zircon U-Pb dating (2018)
- Seesaw pattern in dust accumulation on the Chinese Loess Plateau forced by late glacial shifts in the East Asian monsoon (2018)
- Pottery versus sediment (2017)
- Shift of large-scale atmospheric systems over Europe during late MIS 3 and implications for Modern Human dispersal (2017)
- Long-term Pleistocene aridification and possible linkage to high-latitude forcing (2017)
- Coupled European and Greenland last glacial dust activity driven by North Atlantic climate (2017)
- The provenance of Taklamakan desert sand (2016)
- Mass accumulation rate and monsoon records from Xifeng, Chinese Loess Plateau, based on a luminescence age model (2016)
- Quantitative estimation of the contribution of dustsources to Chinese loess using detrital zircon U-Pbage patterns (2016)
- Twelve thousand years of dust (2015)
- Quaternary dust source variation across the Chinese Loess Plateau (2015)
- A detailed post-IR IRSL chronology for the last interglacial soil at the Jingbian loess site (northern China) (2015)
- Extreme monsoon aridity episodes recorded in South China during Heinrich Events (2015)
- Danube loess stratigraphy - Towards a pan-European loess stratigraphic model (2015)
- Loess Plateau storage of Northeastern Tibetan Plateau-derived Yellow River sediment (2015)
- Two possible source regions for central Greenland last glacial dust (2015)
- Time-scale and astronomical forcing of Serbian loess–paleosol sequences (2014)
- Climate variability and associated vegetation response throughout Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) between 60 and 8 ka (2014)
- Palaeoenvironment and geoconservation of mammoths from the Nosak loess-palaeosol sequence (Drmno, northeastern Serbia) (2014)
- Environmental dynamics and luminescence chronology from the Orlovat loess-palaeosol sequence (Vojvodina, northern Serbia) (2014)
- Loess in China and Europe (2014)
- Dating Middle Pleistocene loess from Stari Slankamen (Vojvodina, Serbia) — Limitations imposed by the saturation behaviour of an elevated temperature IRSL signal (2014)
- Provenance of the upper Miocene–Pliocene Red Clay deposits of the Chinese loess plateau (2014)
- Pacific freshening drives Pliocene cooling and Asian monsoon intensification (2014)
- Eustatic control of late Quaternary sea-level change in the Arabian/Persian Gulf (2014)
- The timing of sediment transport down Monterey Submarine Canyon, offshore California (2014)
- Variation of East Asian monsoon precipitation during the past 21 k.y. and potential CO2 forcing (2013)
- Controlling factors on heavy mineral assemblages in Chinese loess and Red Clay (2013)
- Genetic linkage between the Yellow River, the Mu Us desert and the Chinese Loess Plateau (2013)
- An abrupt shift in dust source on the Chinese Loess Plateau revealed through high sampling resolution OSL dating (2013)
- Importance of biological loess crusts for loess formation in semi-arid environments (2013)
- Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan civilization (2012)
- Loess in the Vojvodina region (Northern Serbia) (2012)
- Establishing a luminescence chronology for a palaeosol-loess profile at Tokaj (Hungary): A comparison of quartz OSL and polymineral IRSL signals (2012)
- Evaluating the use of clay mineralogy, Sr-Nd isotopes and zircon U-Pb ages in tracking dust provenance: An example from loess of the Carpathian Basin (2012)
- SAR TT-OSL dating of the loess deposits in the Horqin dunefield (northeastern China) (2012)
- Geoarchaeology and the value of multidisciplinary palaeoenvironmental approaches (2011)
- Response of surface processes to climatic change in the dunefields and Loess Plateau of North China during the late Quaternary (2011)
- The last million years recorded at the Stari Slankamen (Northern Serbia) loess-palaeosol sequence (2011)
- Characterising Chinese loess stratigraphy and past monsoon variation using field spectroscopy (2011)
- Dust deposition and climate in the Carpathian Basin over an independently dated last glacial-interglacial cycle (2011)
- The causes and scope of political egalitarianism during the Last Glacial (2010)
- Radiometric dating of the late Quaternary summer monsoon on the Loess Plateau, China (2010)
- Assessing the provenance of loess and desert sediments in northern China using U-Pb dating and morphology of detrital zircons (2010)
- Luminescence and amino acid racemization chronology of the loess-paleosol sequence at Sutto, Hungary (2009)
- Towards development of a broadly-applicable SAR TT-OSL dating protocol for quartz (2009)
- Optically stimulated luminescence dating as a tool for calculating sedimentation rates in Chinese loess (2009)
- Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences in the Vojvodina region, north Serbia (2008)
- Optical dating of abrupt shifts in the late Pleistocene East Asian monsoon (2008)
- Examining the potential of high sampling resolution OSL dating of Chinese loess (2007)
- Reinterpreting climate proxy records from late Quaternary Chinese loess (2007)
- An erosional hiatus in Chinese loess sequences revealed by closely spaced optical dating (2006)
- Sedimentation and diagenesis of Chinese loess (2006)
- Paleoclimate record in the Upper Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence at Petrovaradin brickyard (Vojvodina, Serbia) (2005)