Anton Dahlberg
Associerad forskare vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Socialmedicin/CHAP
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Kort presentation
Anton Dahlberg är forskare i CHAP, där han är engagerad i forskning rörande förskolebarns psykiska hälsa samt föräldraskap (bl. a. inom Fokus-forskningsprojektet). Han disputerade 2021 med sin avhandling om beteende- och känslomässiga problem hos förskolebarn samt föräldraskapsstöd.
Anton arbetar även med att låta de yngsta barnens röst göras hörd, och använder och utvärderar bl. a. intervjumetoden In My Shoes.
Vid sidan av forskningen är Anton verksam som psykolog inom mödra-/barnhälsovården.
Medverkan i media (urval)
Intervju i Förskoleforum (2023-03-27)
Intervju i tidningen Skolporten (2021-10-07)
Inslag i SVT om att dela bilder på sina barn (2019-12-08)
Urval av publikationer
- "Daddy comforts me" (2024)
- A higher proportion of children aged 4 years were referred to speech and language therapists after the introduction of a new language screening tool (2024)
- Implementation of the Infant-Toddler Checklist in Swedish child health services at 18 months (2024)
- 'They Yell and I Yell Back' (2023)
- Successful implementation of parenting support at preschool (2022)
- Swedish norms for the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire for children 3-5 years rated by parents and preschool teachers (2020)
- Children want parents to ask for permission before 'sharenting' (2020)
- SDQ in the Hands of Fathers and Preschool Teachers (2019)
Senaste publikationer
- Early emotional and behavioural problems predict use of habilitation services among children (2024)
- "Daddy comforts me" (2024)
- A higher proportion of children aged 4 years were referred to speech and language therapists after the introduction of a new language screening tool (2024)
- Implementation of the Infant-Toddler Checklist in Swedish child health services at 18 months (2024)
- Preschool-level socio-economic deprivation in relation to emotional and behavioural problems among preschool children in Sweden (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Early emotional and behavioural problems predict use of habilitation services among children (2024)
- "Daddy comforts me" (2024)
- A higher proportion of children aged 4 years were referred to speech and language therapists after the introduction of a new language screening tool (2024)
- Implementation of the Infant-Toddler Checklist in Swedish child health services at 18 months (2024)
- Preschool-level socio-economic deprivation in relation to emotional and behavioural problems among preschool children in Sweden (2024)
- Not attending preschool was linked to challenges in peer relationships (2024)
- 'They Yell and I Yell Back' (2023)
- Are We Ready to Really Hear the Voices of Those Concerned? (2023)
- Successful implementation of parenting support at preschool (2022)
- Asthma and allergies correlate to mental health problems in preschool children (2021)
- Infant-Toddler Checklist identifies 18-month-old children with communication difficulties in the Swedish child healthcare setting (2021)
- An Integrated Care Strategy for Pre-schoolers with Suspected Developmental Disorders (2021)
- Swedish norms for the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire for children 3-5 years rated by parents and preschool teachers (2020)
- Children want parents to ask for permission before 'sharenting' (2020)
- SDQ in the Hands of Fathers and Preschool Teachers (2019)
- Is the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with a Trauma Supplement a Valuable Tool in Screening Refugee Children for Mental Health Problems? (2019)
- Validity of Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in non-clinical samples of parents and teachers (2017)
- In My Shoes - Validation of a computer assisted approach for interviewing children (2016)
- “They yell and I yell back”: Pre-schoolers’ voices from inside the coercive cycle