Anna Wikman
Professor vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Medicinsk psykologi och vårdvetenskap
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Mitt forskningsintresse handlar i stort om hur människor som drabbas av somatiska sjukdomar mår psykiskt, och hur vi kan minska, förebygga eller behandla psykisk ohälsa. Sedan jag disputerade år 2009 vid University College London på en avhandling som handlade om posttraumatiska stressreaktioner, ångest, depression och hälsobeteenden efter hjärtinfarkt har jag studerat psykologiska reaktioner i samband med cancer. Min nuvarande forskning fokuserar på psykisk ohälsa, föräldraskap och relationspåverkan i samband med en cancersjukdom. Syftet med dessa forskningsprojekt är att undersöka faktorer som bidrar till psykisk ohälsa samt att utveckla implementerbara insatser som kan bidra till ett förbättrat mående vuxna med cancer som upplever ett behov av stöd efter sin behandling. Vidare är jag även involverad i studier som undersöker faktorer som påverkar psykisk ohälsa bland kvinnor i samband med graviditet och förlossning.
Senaste publikationer
- Investigating heart rate variability measures during pregnancy as predictors of postpartum depression and anxiety: an exploratory study (2024)
- Prenatal and Early Childhood Exposure to Proton Pump Inhibitors and Antibiotics and the Risk of Childhood Cancer (2024)
- Validity of prenatal AUDIT screening for alcohol disorders - a Nationwide Swedish register study. (2024)
- Associations of maternal sedentary behavior and physical activity levels in early to mid-pregnancy with infant outcomes (2024)
- Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Parenting Concerns Questionnaire in parents with cancer (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Investigating heart rate variability measures during pregnancy as predictors of postpartum depression and anxiety: an exploratory study (2024)
- Prenatal and Early Childhood Exposure to Proton Pump Inhibitors and Antibiotics and the Risk of Childhood Cancer (2024)
- Validity of prenatal AUDIT screening for alcohol disorders - a Nationwide Swedish register study. (2024)
- Associations of maternal sedentary behavior and physical activity levels in early to mid-pregnancy with infant outcomes (2024)
- Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Parenting Concerns Questionnaire in parents with cancer (2024)
- Parenting under pressure (2024)
- Losing a child to adolescent cancer (2023)
- Advanced gynecological cancer (2023)
- Hormonal Contraceptive Use and Risk of Depression Among Young Women With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2023)
- The Complexity of Being a Parent in the Hospital and a Patient at Home (2023)
- Psychosocial interventions targeting parenting distress among parents with cancer (2023)
- Negative childbirth experience in relation to mode of birth and events during labour: a mixed method study (2023)
- Overall childbirth experience (2023)
- Provision of long-acting reversible contraception at surgical abortion (2022)
- Health-related quality of life in long-term survivors of childhood brain tumors (2022)
- There is no association between combined oral hormonal contraceptives and depression (2022)
- Association Between Objectively Assessed Sleep and Depressive Symptoms During Pregnancy and Post-partum (2022)
- Negative childbirth experience-what matters most? (2022)
- Psychotropic medication use in parents of survivors of adolescent cancer (2022)
- Prevalence and correlates of current suicidal ideation in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2022)
- Prevalence and intensity of dumping symptoms and their association with health-related quality of life following surgery for oesophageal cancer (2021)
- Role of dietitian support in improving weight loss and nutrition impact symptoms after oesophageal cancer surgery (2021)
- Who do we miss when screening for postpartum depression? (2021)
- Time matters—a Swedish cohort study of labor duration and risk of uterine rupture (2021)
- Duration of labor among women with thromboembolic events (2021)
- Advanced gynaecological cancer (2021)
- Caring Behaviors Inventory-24 (2021)
- Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and Psychometric Analysis of the Attitudes Towards Homelessness Inventory for Use in Sweden (2021)
- "There should be some kind of checklist for the soul" - A qualitative interview study of support needs after end of treatment for gynecologic cancer in young women (2021)
- Towards individualised contraceptive counselling (2021)
- Self‐rated health before pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes in Sweden (2021)
- The Influence of Comorbidity on Health-Related Quality of Life After Esophageal Cancer Surgery (2020)
- Association of maternal attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and preterm birth (2020)
- Increased risk of mental health problems after cancer during adolescence (2020)
- Perceptions of care after end-of-treatment among younger women with different gynecologic cancer diagnoses (2020)
- SSRI use during pregnancy and risk for postpartum haemorrhage (2020)
- Characteristics of women with different perinatal depression trajectories (2020)
- Factors associated with re-initiation of antidepressant treatment following discontinuation during pregnancy (2020)
- Proton Pump Inhibitors and Preeclampsia Risk Among 157 720 Women (2019)
- Reflecting a crisis reaction (2019)
- Neighborhood deprivation and adverse perinatal outcomes in Sweden (2019)
- Association of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder With Teenage Birth Among Women and Girls in Sweden (2019)
- Impact of weight loss and eating difficulties on health-related quality of life up to 10 years after oesophagectomy for cancer (2018)
- Profiles of patient and tumour characteristics in relation to health-related quality of life after oesophageal cancer surgery (2018)
- Women treated for gynaecological cancer during young adulthood (2018)
- Development of an Internet-Administered Cognitive Behavior Therapy Program (ENGAGE) for Parents of Children Previously Treated for Cancer (2018)
- Prevalence and predictors of symptoms of anxiety and depression, and comorbid symptoms of distress in parents of childhood cancer survivors and bereaved parents five years after end of treatment or a child's death (2018)
- Study protocol for a feasibility study of an internet-administered, guided, CBT-based, self-help intervention (ENGAGE) for parents of children previously treated for cancer (2018)
- Attitudes and Preferences Toward a Hypothetical Trial of an Internet-Administered Psychological Intervention for Parents of Children Treated for Cancer (2018)
- Guided Internet-Administered Self-Help to Reduce Symptoms Of Anxiety and Depression Among Adolescents and Young Adults Diagnosed With Cancer During Adolescence (U-CARE: YoungCan) (2017)
- Survival and resource utilization in patients with chest pain evaluated with cardiac troponin T compared with high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (2017)
- Twelve-Month Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Internet-Based Guided Self-Help for Parents of Children on Cancer Treatment (2017)
- Prevalence and predictors of anxiety and depression among esophageal cancer patients prior to surgery (2017)
- A longitudinal assessment of psychological distress after oesophageal cancer surgery (2017)
- The interdependence of posttraumatic stress symptoms in parental dyads during and after their child’s treatment for cancer (2017)
- Co-morbidity after oesophageal cancer surgery and recovery of health-related quality of life. (2016)
- Dimensions of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and their Relationships with Depression, Anxiety, and Quality of Life in Parents of Children Recently Diagnosed with Cancer (2016)
- Toward improved survivorship (2016)
- Parents of children diagnosed with cancer (2016)
- Comorbidities and Risk of Complications After Surgery for Esophageal Cancer (2015)
- Optimism and recovery after acute coronary syndrome (2015)
- Cortisol levels and history of depression in acute coronary syndrome patients. (2012)
- Emotional triggering and low socio-economic status as determinants of depression following acute coronary syndrome. (2011)