Paulina Nowicka
Professor i kostvetenskap ssk dietetikens kommunikation vid Institutionen för kostvetenskap
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Lärostolsprofessor i kostvetenskap, särskilt dietetikens kommunikation. Leg. dietist, familjeterapeut och docent i pediatrisk vetenskap
Min forskning handlar om barnobesitas, speciellt familjefokuserade interventioner i kliniska miljöer, men även bemötande, viktstigma och familjedynamiska processer under barnaåren. För populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning av min forskning lyssna gärna på forskarpodden eller ta del av min senaste bok. Jag undervisar på dietist- och kostvetarprogrammet.
- barnnutrition
- behandling
- childhood obesity
- familj
- livsstil
- pediatrik
- prevention
- psykometri
Min forskning handlar främst om övervikt och obesitas hos barn och ungdomar. Som legitimerad dietist med fil. mag. i psykologi och påbyggnadsutbildning i familjeterapi (steg 1) disputerade jag i ämnet pediatrik vid Lunds Universitet om behandling av barnfetma (2009). Därefter tillbringade jag fem år utomlands som postdoktoral forskare i pediatrik vid Yale University (USA), i utvecklingspsykologi vid University of Oregon (USA) samt i sociokulturell antropologi vid University of Oxford (England). Tack vare anslag från bl. a. Vetenskapsrådet och Vinnova startade jag en egen forskningsgrupp vid Karolinska Institutet, under denna tid riktades fokus för min forskning mot interventioner tidigt i livet. Som lärostolsprofessor i kostvetenskap, ssk dietetikens kommunikation vid Uppsala universitet, är jag särskilt intresserad av hur informationen och kommunikationen kring behandling sker och hur den kan utvecklas. Jag forskar och undervisar om barns mat och ätande samt övervikt/obesitas samt är studierektor för forskarutbildning. Jag är också associerad till Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity, University of Oxford .
Jag är övertygad att den bästa forskningen oftast genomförs i samarbete med andra. Jag har haft ledande positioner i ett flertal vetenskapliga föreningar såsom Childhood Obesity Task Force av European Association for the Study on Obesity (EASO), styrelsemedlem och kassör för European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG), vetenskaplig sekreterare för Svensk Obesitas Forskning (SFO) samt ingått i Livsmedelsverkets expertgrupp för nutrition och folkhälsa. Jag har också varit värd för European Childhood Obesity Congress 2015 som gick av stapeln i Stockholm och är värd för samma kongress i Uppsala 2025. Jag har ingått i projektledningsgruppen för nationella riktlinjer för vård vid obesitas för barn och vuxna, ett arbete som leddes av Socialstyrelsen (2020-2023) samt i expertgruppen för globala riktlinjer, ett arbete som leds av WHO.
Den forskning som jag bedriver är både av kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats, mina publikationer har bl a handlat om social ojämlikhet, känsla av sammanhang samt intergenerationella skillnader i relation till mat och dryck. Dock ligger min huvudsakliga expertis inom behandlingsforskning om barnobesitas. Jag har medverkat eller lett flera randomiserade kontrollerade studier. I dessa har jag utvecklat och testat olika behandlingsmodeller för obesitas hos barn och ungdomar. I Mer och Mindre (MoM), som jag leder, testar vi en behandlingsmodell med fokus på föräldrastöd tidigt i livet. Modellen är utvecklat i Sverige och nu vill vi utvärdera den i Rumänien och Spanien, studien heter Mer och Mindre Europa. Min forskning har finansierats av Vetenskapsrådet, Vinnova, FORTE, EU Horizon 2020, Jerringfonden, Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forskning och Svenska Läkaresällskapet m fl.
Jag är huvudhandledare för två doktorander, My Sjunnestrand, som studerar obesitasstigma i olika sammanhang med fokus på mindre barn, och Ylva Törner, som studerar dietistens roll i barnhälsovården, inom ramen för den nationella forskarskolan InSyNC inom hållbar nutritionsvård.
Som huvudhandledare har jag handlett tre doktorander till disputation:
- Anna Ek som disputerade 2016 med avhandlingen "Early obesity: family-based risk factors and treatment interventions"
- Karolin Bergman som disputerade 2019 med avhandlingen "Negotiating healthy eating. Lay, stakeholder and government constructions of official dietary guidance in Sweden”
- Maria Somaraki som disputerade 2020 med avhandlingen: "Parent-child feeding dynamics and childhood obesity: The importance of foreign background and effects of early obesity treatment".
Jag har varit postdoktoral handledare för Anna Ek, Elin Lövestam, Pernilla Sandvik och Markus Brissman.
Urval av publikationer
- A long-term follow-up of treatment for young children with obesity (2023)
- The social origins of obesity within and across generations (2023)
- A randomized controlled trial for overweight and obesity in preschoolers (2019)
- A Parent Treatment Program for Preschoolers With Obesity (2019)
Senaste publikationer
- Systematic Development of National Guidelines for Obesity Care (2024)
- "A balancing act" (2024)
- Obesity treatment in adolescents and adults in the era of personalized medicine. (2024)
- Diet quality and cardiovascular outcomes (2024)
- A long-term follow-up of treatment for young children with obesity (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Systematic Development of National Guidelines for Obesity Care (2024)
- "A balancing act" (2024)
- Obesity treatment in adolescents and adults in the era of personalized medicine. (2024)
- Diet quality and cardiovascular outcomes (2024)
- A long-term follow-up of treatment for young children with obesity (2023)
- The social origins of obesity within and across generations (2023)
- National data showed an increased prevalence of overweight and obesity among four-year-old Swedish children during the first year of COVID-19. (2023)
- Cost-Effectiveness and Long-Term Savings of the Bright Bodies Intervention for Childhood Obesity (2023)
- 'Writing nutritionistically' (2022)
- Children's experiences of meals after obesity treatment (2022)
- Explaining the complex impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children with overweight and obesity (2022)
- How Do Interpersonal Relationships Affect Children's Weight Management? (2022)
- How active can preschoolers be at home? (2022)
- Associations of preschoolers' dietary patterns with eating behaviors and parental feeding practices at a 12-month follow-up of obesity treatment (2022)
- How do young children eat after an obesity intervention? (2022)
- Addressing Weight Stigma and Weight-Based Discrimination in Children (2022)
- Impact of weight management nutrition interventions on dietary outcomes in children and adolescents with overweight or obesity (2021)
- The role of parental depression during early childhood obesity treatment (2021)
- Social disparities in obesity treatment for children age 3-10 years (2021)
- Childhood memories of food and eating in lower-income families in the United States (2021)
- Changing the Home Food Environment (2021)
- Making Childhood Obesity a Priority (2021)
- Parenting and childhood obesity (2021)
- ‘A holistic approach’ (2020)
- Responding positively to "children who like to eat" (2020)
- Body mass index and gestational weight gain in migrant women by birth regions compared with Swedish-born women (2020)
- Self-rated health in migrant and non-migrant women before, during and after pregnancy (2020)
- Changes in parental feeding practices and preschoolers' food intake following a randomized controlled childhood obesity trial (2020)
- Public expressions of trust and distrust in governmental dietary advice in Sweden (2019)
- The influence of preschoolers' emotional and behavioural problems on obesity treatment outcomes (2019)
- A randomized controlled trial for overweight and obesity in preschoolers (2019)
- A Parent Treatment Program for Preschoolers With Obesity (2019)
- Feeding the extended family (2019)
- Picky eating in an obesity intervention for preschool-aged children (2019)
- Planting a seed - child health care nurses' perceptions of speaking to parents about overweight and obesity (2019)
- Stakeholder responses to governmental dietary guidelines (2018)
- Kritisk dietetik (2018)
- Reviewing and addressing the link between mass media and the increase in obesity among European children (2018)
- Picky eating in Swedish preschoolers of different weight status (2018)
- Update of the best practice dietetic management of overweight and obese children and adolescents: a systematic review protocol (2018)
- Perceived child eating behaviours and maternal migrant background (2018)
- Water, juice, or soda? (2017)
- Dietisters erfarenhet av motiverande samtal inom öppenvård (2017)
- Kritisk dietetik (2017)
- Physical Activity and Physical Fitness in Pediatric Obesity (2017)
- Controlling feeding practices and maternal migrant background (2017)
- Psychosocial predictors and moderators of weight management programme outcomes in ethnically diverse obese youth (2017)
- Inequality and childhood overweight and obesity (2017)
- Associations between Parental Concerns about Preschoolers' Weight and Eating and Parental Feeding Practices (2016)
- A question of balance (2016)
- Associations between maternal sense of coherence and controlling feeding practices (2016)
- Obesogenic dietary intake in families with 1-year-old infants at high and low obesity risk based on parental weight status (2016)
- The More and Less Study (2015)
- Child behaviors associated with childhood obesity and parents’ self-efficacy to handle them (2015)
- Childhood Obesity Is a Chronic Disease Demanding Specific Health Care - a Position Statement from the Childhood Obesity Task Force (COTF) of the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) (2015)
- Low grandparental social support combined with low parental socioeconomic status is closely associated with obesity in preschool-aged children: a pilot study (2015)
- The Assessment of Eating Behaviour in Children Who Are Obese: A Psychological Approach. A Position Paper from the European Childhood Obesity Group (2014)
- ‘‘Those Comments Last Forever’’: Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers Recount How They Became Aware of Their Own Body Weights as Children (2014)
- “A little on the heavy side”: a qualitative analysis of parents’ and grandparents’ perceptions of preschoolers' body weights (2014)
- The Ethics of Childhood Obesity Treatment – from the Childhood Obesity Task Force (COTF) of European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) (2014)
- Föräldratekniker mot fetma hos förskolebarn (2014)
- Assessment of parental overt and covert control of child's food intake: A population-based validation study with mothers of preschoolers (2014)
- Parental feeding practices and associations with child weight status. Swedish validation of the Child Feeding Questionnaire finds parents of 4-year-olds less restrictive (2014)
- Reversal of Early Abnormalities in Glucose Metabolism in Obese Youth: Results of an Intensive Lifestyle Randomized Controlled Trial (2014)
- Infant growth is associated with parental education but not with parental adiposity – Early Stockholm Obesity Prevention Project (2014)
- Parental Monitoring of Children’s Media Consumption: The Long-term Influences on Body Mass Index in Children (2014)
- Moving from Knowledge to Action: A Qualitative Study of Elite Coaches’ Capacity for Early Intervention in Cases of Eating Disorders (2013)
- Direct and Indirect Effects of a Family-Based Intervention in Early Adolescence on Parent-Youth Relationship Quality, Late Adolescent Health, and Early Adult Obesity (2013)
- Beteendemodifikation och barnfetma. Vart står vi idag? (2012)
- Family therapy as a model for treating childhood obesity: Useful tools for clinicians (2011)
- Beteendemodifikation – enda rimliga terapin vid fetma hos barn och vuxna (2011)
- Utility of Hemoglobin A1c for Diagnosing Prediabetes and Diabetes in Obese Children and Adolescents (2011)
- Which psychological method is most effective for group treatment? (2011)
- Long-term Results of an Obesity Program in an Ethnically Diverse Pediatric Population (2011)
- Obesity related eating behaviour patterns in Swedish preschool children and association with age, gender, relative weight and parental weight - factorial validation of the Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (2011)
- Hur kan vi ta vara på föräldrar i behandlingen? (2009)
- Self-esteem in a clinical sample of morbidly obese children and adolescents (2009)
- Sports camp with six months of support from a local sports club as a treatment for childhood obesity (2009)
- Family in pediatric obesity management. A literature review. (2008)
- Family Weight School treatment: 1-year results in obese adolescents. (2008)
- Physical activity - key issues in treatment of childhood obesity. (2007)
- Low-intensity family therapy intervention is useful in a clinical setting to treat obese and extremely obese children. (2007)
- Sugars or sweeteners: Towards guidelines for their use in practice report from an expert consultation (2006)
- Dietitians and exercise professionals in a childhood obesity treatment team. (2005)
- Memories of meals in the Grandparents Study (2019)
- Prevalence of picky eating in children of different weight status (2018)
- Picky eating - An analysis of concerns and support in an online family forum (2018)
- Healthy eating as conceptualized in referral responses to Sweden’s updated dietary guidelines: excluding the complexity of everyday life (2017)
- Family members perceptions of “healthy” vs “unhealthy” practices andways to preserve familial homeostasis in making lifestyle decisions. (2016)
- Early obesity treatment: Motivational work with the parents of the youngest. Current evidence of effectiveness and practical examples. (2016)
- Maternal sense of coherence and controlling feeding practices: The importance of resilience and support for families with preschoolers. (2016)
- Controlling feeding practices are strongly associated with maternal migrant background: An analysis of a multi-cultural sample (2016)
- Parental concern about child weight is an important mediator of the effect of child eating behaviors on parental feeding practices (2015)
- "What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's" (2015)
- Familial practices, attitudes and knowledge related to the child’s beverage consumption (2015)
- Föräldraskap och fetma (2015)