Agneta Yngve
Professor emer. vid Institutionen för kostvetenskap
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Kort presentation
Jag är numera pensionerad, det vill säja Professor emeritus, från att ha varit lärostolsprofessor i Kostvetenskap - särskilt måltidsforskning, vid Institutionen för Kostvetenskap. Min forskning har handlat om folkhälsonutrition, dvs mat, fysisk aktivitet och hälsa. Efter pensioneringen har jag tagit uppdrag för EU-kommissionen som monitor och utvärderare, åt olika universitetsövergripande organisationer i utvärdering av individer, fakulteter och kurser vid universitet i många olika länder.
Jag är lärostolsprofessor i Kostvetenskap, särskilt måltidsforskning, med placering vid Institutionen för Kostvetenskap. Jag har publicerat över 200 vetenskapliga artiklar, varav 111 originalartiklar, många ledare, översiktsartiklar, bokkapitel och andra publikationer. Jag var chefredaktör för tidskriften Public Health Nutrition, som utges av Cambridge University Press, under perioden 2007-2012. Sedan hösten 2018 är jag Preses i Måltidsakademien.
Forskningen har haft en bred anklang, med publikationer om barn och matvanor, barns tillväxt, frukt och grönsaksintag hos barn och deras mammor, överviktsforskning, professionell utveckling och promotion av bra matvanor och fysisk aktivitet samt policyfrågor på internationell och nationell nivå. Jag är lärostolsprofessor vid Institutionen för Kostvetenskap, BMC, Uppsala Universitet och har tidigare tillbringat över tre år som lärostolsprofessor i måltidskunskap vid Restaurang- och Hotellhögskolan, Örebro Universitet, tre år som professor vid Högskolen i Oslo og Akershus och dessförinnan 26 år som lektor och gruppledare vid Karolinska Institutet, Institutionen för Biovetenskaper och Näringslära.
Jag har lett ett tiotal EU-projekt med medel från direktoratet för Hälsa och Konsument samt från direktoratet för Kultur och utbildning. Jag har varit work package-ledare för flera projekt med medel från ramprogrammen. Jag har och har haft uppdrag som utvärderare av EU-finansierade projekt och dessutom utvärderat ansökningar till Horizon 2020. Jag har en nutritionistutbildning, en fil mag i nutrition från Stockholms Universitet, en magisterexamen i medicinsk vetenskap, folkhälsa från Karolinska Institutet, samt en medicine doktorsexamen och docentkompetens från Karolinska Institutet. Jag har tillbringat forskningsperioder vid Griffith University, Queensland, Australien och vid Children's Nutrition Research Centre, Baylor College of Medicine i Houston, Texas, USA och var adjungerad faculty vid Arizona State University 2010-2018.
Jag har ett utbrett nätverk internationellt och nationellt, har tidigare samordnat ett nätverk i folkhälsonutrition i Europa och varit Director för ett WHO collaborating centre i fyra år samt varit temporary advisor vid WHO Europa.
Jag har handlett sju doktorander till disputation, vara fem som huvudhandledare och handleder för närvarande två doktorander som huvudhandledare. Jag har varit handledare för en postdoktor från universitetet i Granada.
Jag hyser ett stort intresse av frukt och grönsaksintag, skolmåltiders utformning och sammansättning, liksom av äldres måltider och är sedan några år medlem i Livsmedelsverkets expertgrupp för nutrition och folkhälsa. Jag är ledamot i styrelsen för STINT, Stiftelsen för Internationalisering av Högre Utbildning och Forskning. Jag är ordinarie ledamot i Regionala Etikprövningsnämnden, Uppsala och i The Scientific Committee for the Foundation of the Mediterranean Diet, med säten i Barcelona och Rom. Jag har haft uppdrag som opponent och examinator vid doktorandexaminationer i Sverige, Irland, Norge, Spanien och Belgien. Jag har också regelbundet utfört utvärderingsuppdrag vad gäller högre utbildning i Portugal. Jag har också samordnat en grupp som utvärderade systemet för att utvärdera forskare på Isländska universitet och högskolor och utvärderar hösten 2018 Faculty of Life Sciences vid Universitetet i Wien. Jag sitter i editorial board för den ryska tidskriften Human Ecology.
Senaste publikationer
- Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022 (2024)
- Handbook of publishing 2024 (2024)
- Publiceringshandbok 2024 (2024)
- Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents' growth and development (2023)
- Taking a closer look at the Swedish coffee break, "fika" (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022 (2024)
- Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents' growth and development (2023)
- Taking a closer look at the Swedish coffee break, "fika" (2023)
- Waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio in 7-year-old children-WHO Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (2021)
- Process evaluation of the Sophia Step Study (2021)
- Effects of a three-armed randomised controlled trial using self-monitoring of daily steps with and without counselling in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (2021)
- Assessing Time of Eating in Commensality Research (2021)
- Assessing Commensality in Research (2021)
- The Project Collection Food, Nutrition and Health, with a Focus on Eating Together (2021)
- Assessment of validity and reliability of the NutriCHEQ Questionnaire for identifying children aged 1 to 3 years at nutritional risk (2020)
- Acquiring competence (2020)
- Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults (2019)
- Malnutrition among older adults living in Portuguese nursing homes (2019)
- Prevalence of Severe Obesity among Primary School Children in 21 European Countries (2019)
- Assessing the prevalence and treatment of malnutrition in hospitalized children in Mofid Children's Hospital during 2015-2016 (2018)
- Do substantial BMI reduction episodes among Swedish schoolchildren have any impact on their final height? (2018)
- Self-management of physical activity by the use of step registration in type 2 diabetes (2018)
- Beverage consumption patterns and energy contribution from beverages per meal type (2018)
- Food and beverage dinner combinations, patterns among Swedish adults (2018)
- Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016 (2017)
- Effect and process evaluation of a kindergarten-based, family-involved cluster randomised controlled trial in six European countries on four- to six-year-old children's steps per day (2017)
- Med Diet 4.0 (2017)
- Associations between food and beverage consumption and different types of sedentary behaviours in European preschoolers (2017)
- Folate intake in a Swedish adult population (2017)
- Compliance to the recommended use of folic acid supplements for women in Sweden is higher among those under treatment for infertility than among fertile controls and is also related to socioeconomic status and lifestyle (2017)
- Reported habitual intake of breakfast and selected foods in relation to overweight status among seven- to nine-year-old Swedish children. (2017)
- Reallocating bouted sedentary time to non-bouted sedentary time, light activity and moderate-vigorous physical activity in adults with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (2017)
- "This is why I'm doing a lot of exercise" (2017)
- Methodology of the Comprehensive Program on Prevention and Control of Overweight and Obesity in Iranian Children and Adolescents (2017)
- Consumption of fruits and vegetables and probabilistic assessment of the cumulative acute exposure to organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides of schoolchildren in Slovenia (2016)
- The effect of a cluster randomised control trial on objectively measured sedentary time and parental reports of time spent in sedentary activities in Belgian preschoolers (2016)
- Socioeconomic inequalities in childhood overweight (2016)
- National survey of the Portuguese elderly nutritional status (2016)
- Using different growth references to measure thinness and overweight among Swedish primary school children showed considerable variations (2016)
- Effect and Process Evaluation of a Cluster Randomized Control Trial on Water Intake and Beverage Consumption in Preschoolers from Six European Countries (2016)
- WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (2016)
- WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (2015)
- Differences in Energy Balance-Related Behaviours in European Preschool Children (2015)
- Trajectories and predictors of steps in a worksite intervention (2015)
- Do descriptive norms related to parents and friends predict fruit and vegetable intake similarly among 11-year-old girls and boys? (2015)
- Predicting gender differences in liking for vegetables and preference for a variety of vegetables among 11-year-old children (2015)
- Mediation of parental educational level on fruit and vegetable intake among schoolchildren in ten European countries (2015)
- The ones with lowest fruit and vegetable intake benefitted of the intervention only moderately (2015)
- Physical activity promotion in the primary care setting in pre- and type 2 diabetes - the Sophia step study, an RCT (2015)
- WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (2015)
- Process evaluation design and tools used in a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood (2014)
- Designing and implementing teachers' training sessions in a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood (2014)
- Polyamine levels in breast milk are associated with mothers' dietary intake and are higher in preterm than full-term human milk and formulas (2014)
- Applying the Intervention Mapping protocol to develop a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to increase European preschool children's physical activity levels (2014)
- The effect of a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention on objectively measured physical activity in Belgian preschool boys and girls of high and low SES (2014)
- Reliability of anthropometric measurements in European preschool children (2014)
- Developing the intervention material to increase physical activity levels of European preschool children (2014)
- Reliability of primary caregivers reports on lifestyle behaviours of European pre-school children (2014)
- The PRO GREENS intervention in Finnish schoolchildren (2014)
- A dietary pattern rich in lignans, quercetin and resveratrol decreases the risk of oesophageal cancer (2014)
- Fruit and vegetable consumption in a sample of 11-year-old children in ten European countries (2014)
- Methodological procedures followed in a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention implemented in six European countries to prevent obesity in early childhood (2014)
- Designing and implementing a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood (2014)
- Tools, harmonization and standardization procedures of the impact and outcome evaluation indices obtained during a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood (2014)
- Vitamin A status in pregnant women in Iran in 2001 and its relationship with province and gestational age (2014)
- Concepts and strategies on how to train and motivate teachers to implement a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood (2014)
- Establishing a method to estimate the cost-effectiveness of a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood (2014)
- Does eating family meals and having the television on during dinner correlate with overweight? (2014)
- U.S. Cohort differences in body composition outcomes of a 6-month pedometer-based physical activity intervention (2014)
- WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (2014)
- Lower polyamine levels in breast milk of obese mothers compared to mothers with normal body weight (2013)
- Role of free school lunch in the associations between family-environmental factors and children's fruit and vegetable intake in four European countries (2013)
- Role of free school lunch in the associations between family-environmental factors and children's fruit and vegetable intake in four European countries (2013)
- Effects of a 6-Month Walking Study on Blood Pressure and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in U.S. and Swedish Adults: ASUKI Step Study (2013)
- Effects of a 6-Month Walking Study on Blood Pressure and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in U.S. and Swedish Adults: ASUKI Step Study (2013)
- WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative 2008 (2013)
- Cooking as a healthy behaviour (2012)
- A refresher in research publication ethics (2012)
- Core functions for the public health nutrition workforce in Europe (2012)
- Public health nutrition workforce development in seven European countries (2012)
- Understanding the process of establishing a food and nutrition policy (2012)
- Dietary intake of lignans and risk of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction (2012)
- A systematic approach for the development of a kindergarten-based intervention for the prevention of obesity (2012)
- Multi-level influences on childhood obesity in Sweden (2012)
- Existing policies, regulation, legislation and ongoing health promotion activities related to physical activity and nutrition in pre-primary education settings (2012)
- A robust and knowledgeable workforce is essential for public health nutrition policy implementation (2012)
- World Nutrition 2012-a global Public Health Nutrition opportunity (2012)
- Polyamines (2011)
- Polyamines in foods (2011)
- Differences in fruit and vegetable intake and their determinants among 11-year-old schoolchildren between 2003 and 2009 (2011)
- Consensus on the competencies required for public health nutrition workforce development in Europe (2011)
- High folate intake is related to better academic achievement in Swedish adolescents (2011)
- Optimal vitamin A and suboptimal vitamin D status are common in Iranian infants (2011)
- Soft drinks (2010)
- Polyamines (2009)
- Building global alliances for public health nutrition training (2009)
- Vitamin a and d status in iranian infants (2009)
- A historical perspective of the understanding of the link betwen diet and coronary heart disease (2009)
- Building centres of excellence, and a new approach to food guides (2009)
- Editorial on the occasion of the International Congress of Nutrition. World hunger (2009)
- Personal, social and environmental predictors of daily fruit and vegetable intake in 11-year-old children in nine European countries (2008)
- Infant feeding in Sweden (2008)
- A new academic year (2008)
- The Santa saga (2008)
- Differences in prevalence of overweight and stunting in 11-year olds across Europe (2008)
- Association of total plasma homocysteine with methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotypes 677C > T, 1298A > C, and 1793G > A and the corresponding haplotypes in Swedish children and adolescents (2007)
- Dietary intake among under-, normal- and overweight 9- and 15-year-old Estonian and Swedish schoolchildren. (2007)
- Food and drink marketing to children (2007)
- Editorial - The Santa Body Size Index (SBSI) (2007)
- A European network for public health nutrition (2007)
- Novel mutations in the 5'-UTR of the FOLR1 gene (2006)
- Personal, social and environmental correlates of vegetable intake in normal weight and overweight 9 to 13-year old boys (2006)
- Changes in aerobic fitness in Swedish children and adolescents (2006)
- Changes in aerobic fitness in Swedish children and adolescents (2006)
- Challenges for Public Health Nutrition are immense (2006)
- The Women's Health Initiative. What is on trial (2006)
- Validation of the PDPAR as an adolescent diary (2005)
- The pro children study (2005)
- Protection, promotion and support of breast-feeding in Europe (2005)
- Large social disparities in spontaneous preterm birth rates in transitional Russia (2005)
- Socio-demographic determinants of initiation and duration of breastfeeding in northwest Russia (2005)
- Serum lipids, glucose and insulin levels in healthy schoolchildren aged 9 and 15 years from Central Sweden (2005)
- Promoting fruit and vegetable consumption among European schoolchildren (2005)
- Personal, social and environmental factors regarding fruit and vegetable intake among schoolchildren in nine European countries (2005)
- Fruit and vegetable intake of mothers of 11-year-old children in nine European countries (2005)
- Fruit and vegetable intake in a sample of 11-year-old children in 9 European countries (2005)
- Body movement and physical activity energy expenditure in children and adolescents (2004)
- International physical activity questionnaire (2003)
- Sampling procedure, participation rates and representativeness in the Swedish part of the European Youth Heart Study (EYHS) (2003)
- Comparative analysis of nutrition data from national, household, and individual levels (2003)
- Effect of monitor placement and of activity setting on the MTI accelerometer output (2003)
- The development of a European master programme in public health nutrition (2003)
- Energy expenditure assessed by heart rate and doubly labeled water in young athletes (2002)
- Physical activity but not energy expenditure is reduced in obese adolescents (2002)
- Assessing physical activity among children with accelerometers using different time sampling intervals and placements (2002)
- Physical activity in relation to aerobic fitness and body fat in 14- to 15-year-old boys and girls (2001)
- Heart rate as an indicator of the intensity of physical activity in human adolescents (2001)
- Physical activity assessed by activity monitor and doubly labeled water in children (2001)
- Developing an evidence-based approach to Public Health Nutrition (2001)
- The school setting (2001)
- Breast-feeding in Europe - rationale and prevalence, challenges and possibilities for promotion (2001)
- Breastfeeding determinants and a suggested framework for action in Europe (2001)
- Breastfeeding in countries of the European Union and EFTA (2001)
- A european master's programme in public health nutrition (2001)
- Total daily energy expenditure and pattern of physical activity measured by minute-by-minute heart rate monitoring in 14-15 year old Swedish adolescents (2000)
- Field evaluation of the Computer Science and Application's Inc. Activity monitor during running and skating training in adolescent athletes (2000)
- Total daily energy expenditure and patterns of physical activity in adolescents assessed by two different methods (1999)
- A four week residential program for primary health care patients to control obesity and related heart risk factors (1999)
- Diet and physical activity - interactions for health (1999)
- Effective promotion of healthy nutrition and physical activity in Europe requires skilled and competent people (1999)
- Review of social epidemiologic research on migrants' health (1998)
- Adolescent nutrition (2003)
- Physical activity - a part of dietary recommendations? (2001)
- Physical activity - a part of dietary recommendations? (2001)
- Environmental planning and public health nutrition (2001)
- Social Marketing in Public Health Nutriton (2001)
- Using pedometers for self-management of physical activity. Participant's experiences from Sophia Step Study: A physical actvity promotion intervention in pre- and type 2 diabetics (1917)