Johan Bonow
Universitetslektor docent vid Kulturgeografiska institutionen
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Johan M. Bonow is a geomorphologist with special interest in long term evolution of regional landscapes. He obtained his PhD at Stockholm University in 2004. He works interdisciplinary and tries to understand how and when the topography on passive margins evolved. He primarily teaches Physical Geography and GiS.
Johan M. Bonow is a specialist in geomorphological mapping and Stratigraphical Landscape Analysis (SLA). With a background in Physical Geography, he obtained his PhD in 2004 at Stockholm University. In 2005 he was employed at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and carried out mapping of palaeosurfaces and SLA along the passive margins of West Greenland, East Greenland and in Brazil. In 2012 he returned to Sweden, working as a lecturer in Geography at Södertörn University, and at Mid Sweden University, in combination with SLA-research projects in southern Africa, Suriname, NE Canada and Scandinavia. Johan is also Editor-in-Chief for Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography. In 2020 he was employed as lecturer in Physical Geography at the Department of Social- and Economic Geography, Uppsala University.