Jessica Pepp
Forskare vid Filosofiska institutionen; Teoretisk filosofi; Övrigt verksamma
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My research interests are in the philosophy of language and the philosophy of mind, with a focus on the nature of reference in language and thought. From January 2019 I hold a Burman fellowship at Uppsala University. I am PI of the VR-funded project New Frontiers of Speech: Philosophy of Language in the Information Age (2020-2022). I received my PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles (USA) in 2012 and docentship from University of Turku (Finland) in 2015.
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1. "Manipulative Machines," with E. Michaelson, R. Sterken and M. McKeever, to appear in M. Klenk and F. Jongepier, eds. Manipulation Online: Philosophical Perspectives on Human-Machine Interactions, Routledge, forthcoming.
2. "On Retweeting," with E. Michaelson and R. Sterken, to appear in E. Lepore and L. Anderson, eds., Oxford Handbook of Applied Philosophy of Language, forthcoming.
3. "Why We Should Keep Talking about Fake News" with E. Michaelson and R. Sterken, Inquiry, 2019. DOI:
4. "The Problem of First-Person Aboutness", Croatian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. XIX, No. 57, 2019.
5. “Principles of Acquaintance,” in J. Knowles and T. Raleigh, eds., New Essays on Acquaintance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
6. "What's New About Fake News?" with E. Michaelson and R. Sterken, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, Volume XVI, Issue 2, 2019.
7. "The Aesthetic Significance of the Lying-Misleading Distinction," British Journal of Aesthetics, Volume 59, Issue 3, 2019.
8. "The Flexibility of the Speaker's Reference-Semantic Reference Distinction," to appear in a memorial volume of Synthese for Jaakko Hintikka, J. Almog and G. Sandu, eds., forthcoming.
9. “On Pictorially Mediated Mind-Object Relations," Inquiry, 2019. DOI: 10.1080/0020174X.2018.1562372.
10. “Assertion, Lying, and Untruthfully Implicating,” in S. Goldberg, ed., The Oxford Handbook on Assertion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190675233.013.40
11. “Truth Serum, Liar Serum, and Some Problems about Saying what You Think is False,” in E. Michaelson and A. Stokke, eds., Lying. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
12. “What Determines the Reference of Names? What Determines the Objects of Thought.” Erkenntnis, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10670-018-0048-y
13. “A Unified Treatment of (Pro-) Nominals in Ordinary English,” co-authored with Joseph Almog and Paul Nichols, in A. Bianchi, ed., On Reference. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
14. Locating Semantic Reference. UCLA Ph.D. Dissertation (doctoral thesis), 2012. Available online:
15. “Reference and Referring: A Framework,” in W. Kabasenche, M. O’Rourke, and M. Slater, eds., Reference and Referring. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.
16. “Semantic Reference Not By Convention?” Abstracta – Linguagem, Mente e Ação. Volume 5 Number 2, 2009.
17. “Two Conceptions of Semantic Reference,” Proceedings of ILCLI International Workshop on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Rhetoric, The University of the Basque Country Press (EHU Press), 2009.
Urval av publikationer
- On pictorially mediated mind-object relations (2023)
- Why we should keep talking about fake news (2022)
- What Determines the Reference of Names? What Determines the Objects of Thought (2019)
- The Aesthetic Significance of the Lying-Misleading Distinction (2019)
- The Problem of First-Person Aboutness (2019)
- Principles of Acquaintance (2019)
- What's New about Fake News (2019)
- Assertion, Lying, and Untruthfully Implicating (2018)
- Truth Serum, Liar Serum, and Some Problems About Saying What You Think is False (2018)
- A Unified Treatment of (Pro-)Nominals in Ordinary English (2015)
Senaste publikationer
- On Retweeting (2024)
- Fake News and Fictional News (2024)
- On pictorially mediated mind-object relations (2023)
- Relevance-Based Knowledge Resistance in Public Conversations (2022)
- What is the commitment in lying? (2022)
Alla publikationer
- On pictorially mediated mind-object relations (2023)
- What is the commitment in lying? (2022)
- Towards a sensible bifurcationism (concerning what grounds thought about particulars) (2022)
- Why we should keep talking about fake news (2022)
- Online Communication (2021)
- Is Dickie's Account of Aboutness-Fixing Explanatory? (2020)
- What Determines the Reference of Names? What Determines the Objects of Thought (2019)
- The Aesthetic Significance of the Lying-Misleading Distinction (2019)
- The Problem of First-Person Aboutness (2019)
- What's New about Fake News (2019)
- On Retweeting (2024)
- Fake News and Fictional News (2024)
- Relevance-Based Knowledge Resistance in Public Conversations (2022)
- Manipulative Machines (2022)
- Assertion, Lying and Untruthfully Implicating (2020)
- Principles of Acquaintance (2019)
- Assertion, Lying, and Untruthfully Implicating (2018)
- Truth Serum, Liar Serum, and Some Problems About Saying What You Think is False (2018)
- A Unified Treatment of (Pro-)Nominals in Ordinary English (2015)
- Reference and Referring (2012)