Johan Heilbron
Gästprofessor vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningssociologi
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Johan Heilbron is a historical sociologist, trained at the University of Amsterdam and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. Currently guest professor at the Centre for Higher Education and Research as Objects of Study (HERO) and the Department of History of Science and Ideas at Uppsala University, he is a regular member of the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique (CESSP-CNRS-EHESS) in Paris.
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His research areas concern the historical development of the social and human sciences, economic organizations and institutions, and transnational exchange and cultural globalization.
Book publications include: The Rise of Social Theory (1995, also in French, Dutch, Portuguese), The Rise of the Social Sciences and the Formation of Modernity (co-edited, 2001), Pour une histoire des sciences sociales (co-edited, 2004), Transnational Cultural Exchange and Globalization (2010), French Sociology (2015, also in French), Nederlandse kunst in de wereld (co-authored, 2015), De zaak Organon, (co-authored, 2018), New Directions in Elite Studies (co-edited, 2018), The Social and Human Sciences in Global Power Relations (co-edited 2018), Dictionnaire International Bourdieu (co-edited, 2020), and Pierre Bourdieu et l’art de l’invention scientifique (co-authored,2022).