Per Lytsy
Associerad forskare vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Allmänmedicin
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Senaste publikationer
- Work participation after receiving multidisciplinary treatment or acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for return to work (2024)
- Heterogeneity in Blood Pressure Response to 4 Antihypertensive Drugs (2023)
- Misinterpretations of P-values and statistical tests persist among researchers and professionals working with statistics and epidemiology (2022)
- Comparing the Efficacy of Multidisciplinary Assessment and Treatment, or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, with Treatment as Usual on Health Outcomes in Women on Long-Term Sick Leave (2021)
- Effects of apixaban compared with warfarin as gain in event-free time (2020)
Alla publikationer
- Work participation after receiving multidisciplinary treatment or acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for return to work (2024)
- Heterogeneity in Blood Pressure Response to 4 Antihypertensive Drugs (2023)
- Misinterpretations of P-values and statistical tests persist among researchers and professionals working with statistics and epidemiology (2022)
- Comparing the Efficacy of Multidisciplinary Assessment and Treatment, or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, with Treatment as Usual on Health Outcomes in Women on Long-Term Sick Leave (2021)
- Effects of apixaban compared with warfarin as gain in event-free time (2020)
- Experiences and needs concerning health related information for newly arrived refugees in Sweden (2020)
- National trends in total cholesterol obscure heterogeneous changes in HDL and non-HDL cholesterol and total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio (2020)
- Living environment, social support and informal caregiving are associated with healthcare seeking behaviour and adherence to medication treatment (2019)
- Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults (2019)
- Motivation for return to work and actual return to work among people on long-term sick leave due to pain syndrome or mental health conditions (2019)
- Gender differences in healthcare management of depression (2019)
- The Precision HYpertenSIon Care (PHYSIC) study (2019)
- Perspectives on health examination for asylum seekers in relation to health literacy - focus group discussions with Arabic and Somali speaking participants (2019)
- Strengthened General Self-Efficacy with Multidisciplinary Vocational Rehabilitation in Women on Long-Term Sick Leave (2018)
- Multidisciplinary Intervention and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Return-to-Work and Increased Employability among Patients with Mental Illness and/or Chronic Pain (2018)
- Length of time periods in treatment effect descriptions and willingness to initiate preventive therapy (2018)
- P in the right place (2018)
- Poor health and refraining from seeking healthcare are associated with limited comprehensive health literacy among refugees (2018)
- Comprehensive health literacy is associated with experiences of the health examination for asylum seekers - A Swedish cross-sectional study (2018)
- Experiences of the health examination for asylum seekers - focus group discussions with Arabic and Somali speaking refugees in Sweden (2018)
- Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure (2018)
- Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016 (2017)
- Time-based measures of treatment effect (2017)
- Social and health-related factors associated with refraining from seeking dental care (2017)
- Housing Type and Neighbourhood Safety Behaviour Predicts Self-rated Health, Psychological Well-being and Frequency of Recent Unhealthy Days (2017)
- Creating falseness - How to establish statistical evidence of the untrue (2017)
- Effectiveness of two vocational rehabilitation programmes in women with long-term sick leave due to pain syndrome or mental illness (2017)
- Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015 (2017)
- Active Traveling and Its Associations with Self-Rated Health, BMI and Physical Activity (2016)
- Treatment effect expressed as the novel Delay of Event measure is associated with high willingness to initiate preventive treatment - A randomized survey experiment comparing effect measures (2016)
- Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014 (2016)
- Time Based Measures Of Treatment Effect (2016)
- Worldwide trends in diabetes since 1980 (2016)
- Predictors of self-efficacy in women on long-term sick leave (2015)
- Health and wellbeing in informal caregivers and non-caregivers (2015)
- Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis (2015)
- Health in women on long-term sick leave because of pain or mental illness (2015)
- Health literacy and refugees' experiences of the health examination for asylum seekers (2015)
- The influence of locus of control on self-rated health in context of chronic disease (2014)
- Interplay of overweight and insulin resistance on hypertension development (2014)
- Health literacy among refugees in Sweden (2014)
- Adherence to and beliefs in lipid-lowering medical treatments (2013)
- Endothelial function and risk of hypertension and blood pressure progression (2013)
- A proposal for an additional clinical trial outcome measure assessing preventive effect as delay of events (2012)
- Cardiovascular Risk Factor Assessments and Health Behaviours in Patients Using Statins Compared to a Non-Treated Population (2012)
- How do prescribing doctors anticipate the effect of statins? (2011)
- Restart - Return To Work After Long-tem Sickness Absence From Work (2010)
- Patienter överskattar statiners preventiva effekt. (In English: Patients overestimate the effect of statins). (2010)
- Snake oil science (2010)
- Views on Treatment Necessity, Harm, and Benefits in Patients Using Statins (2010)
- Återgång till arbete är möjlig för långtidssjukskrivna (2010)
- Återgång till arbete är möjlig för långtidssjukskrivna (2010)
- Sjukförsäkringen (2009)
- Utmattningssyndrom (2008)
- Patient expectations on lipid-lowering drugs (2007)
- Experiences of the Health Examination for Asylum Seekers
- Power of the Pill (2010)
- Någonting är sjukt (2009)
- Någonting är sjukt (2009)
- Någoting är sjukt (2009)
- Health literacy and refugees’ experiences of the health examination for asylum seekers (2017)
- Health literacy and refugees’ experiences of the health examination for asylum seekers (2017)
- Experiences of the Health Examination for Asylum Seeker (2017)
- Experiences of the Health Examination for Asylum Seeker (2017)
- Experiences of the HealthExamination for Asylum Seeker (2017)
- Experiences of the Health Examination for Asylum Seeker (2017)
- Comprehensive health literacy is associated with experiences of the health examination for asylum seekers - A Swedish cross-sectional study (2016)
- Vitalis (2015)
- Comprehensive health literacy and the experiences of the health examination for asylum seekers (2015)
- Comprehensive health literacy is associated with experiences of the health examination for asylum seekers - A Swedish cross-sectional study (2015)
- Low self-efficacy in women on long-term sick leave (2014)
- Functional and complex health literacy levels among refugees in Sweden; and examination of socio-demographic and health related factors associated with inadequate health literacy (2014)
- Functional and comprehensive health literacy levels among refugees in Sweden, and examination of socio-demographic and health related factors associated with inadequate health literacy (2014)
- Functional and comprehensive health literacy levels among refugees in Sweden, and examination of socio-demographic and health related factors associated with inadequate health literacy (2014)
- Self-efficacy in women on long termsick leave - the Vitalis project (2013)
- Vitalis – Back to Life, Back to Work (2013)
- Doctors anticipation of statins' effect on life length (2011)
- Läkares syn och förväntningar på statinbehandling (2008)
- Kardiovaskulär risk påverkar ej patienters förväntningar på blodfettssänkande behandling. (2007)
- Evidence-based methods for enhancing the labour-force entrance of people with mental disabilities (2015)
- Vitalis (2014)
- Aktivitetsersättning - en väg till arbete? (2013)
- Slutrapport – NySatsa Haninge (2010)
- Utvärdering av samverkan med rehabkoordinatorer och kontaktpersoner i primärvården respektive psykiatrin under 2010. Slutrapport. (2010)
- Utvärdering av samverkan i form av beredningsgrupper i primärvården under 2008 (2009)
- Sjukskrivningsprocessen inom ortopeden, handkirurgen och psykiatrin vid Akademiska sjukhuset (2009)