Johanna Liljestrand Rönn
1:e Forskningsing vid Institutionen för ekologi och genetik; Zooekologi
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- 018-471 26 27
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- 070-753 48 75
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- Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum (EBC)
Norbyvägen 18 D - Postadress:
- Norbyvägen 18 D
752 36 UPPSALA
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Senaste publikationer
- Environmental complexity mitigates the demographic impact of sexual selection (2024)
- Sex-Specific Dominance of Gene Expression in Seed Beetles (2024)
- Experimental Life History Evolution Results in Sex-specific Evolution of Gene Expression in Seed Beetles (2023)
- Concerted evolution of metabolic rate, economics of mating, ecology, and pace of life across seed beetles (2022)
- Direct and indirect effects of male genital elaboration in female seed beetles (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Environmental complexity mitigates the demographic impact of sexual selection (2024)
- Sex-Specific Dominance of Gene Expression in Seed Beetles (2024)
- Experimental Life History Evolution Results in Sex-specific Evolution of Gene Expression in Seed Beetles (2023)
- Concerted evolution of metabolic rate, economics of mating, ecology, and pace of life across seed beetles (2022)
- Direct and indirect effects of male genital elaboration in female seed beetles (2021)
- Sexual conflict drives micro- and macroevolution of sexual dimorphism in immunity (2021)
- An experimental test of temperature-dependent selection on mitochondrial haplotypes in Callosobruchus maculatus seed beetles (2020)
- Female-specific resource limitation does not make the opportunity for selection more female biased (2020)
- Analysis of butterfly reproductive proteins using capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (2019)
- The pace-of-life (2017)
- Postmating sexual selection and the enigmatic jawed genitalia of Callosobruchus subinnotatus (2017)
- Complex mitonuclear interactions and metabolic costs of mating in male seed beetles (2016)
- Within-species divergence in the seminal fluid proteome and its effect on male and female reproduction in a beetle (2015)
- Male Seminal Fluid Substances Affect Sperm Competition Success and Female Reproductive Behavior in a Seed Beetle (2015)
- Brains and the city in passerine birds (2013)
- Phenotypic Engineering Unveils the Function of Genital Morphology (2012)
- Do longer genital spines in male seed beetles function as better anchors during mating? (2012)
- Brains and the city (2011)
- Correlated evolution between male and female primary reproductive characters in seed beetles (2011)
- Correlated evolution between male ejacualte allocation and female remating behaviour in seed beetles (Bruchidae) (2008)
- Interspecific variation in ejaculate allocation and associated effects on female fitness in seed beetles (2008)
- Genetic differentiation among European whitefish ecotypes based on microsatellite data (2008)
- Coevolution between harmful male genitalia and female resistance in seed beetles (2007)
- Impacts of effective population size on genetic diversity and relatedness in hatchery reared Brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) (2006)
- The costs of mating and egg production in Callosobruchus seed beetles (2006)
- Evolutionary diversification of the bean beetle genus Callosobruchus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) (2006)
- Signatures of sex-specific dominance in gene expression