Erik Olsson
Professor vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Psykologi vid hjärt-kärlsjukdom
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- 0000-0002-1591-7407
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Kort presentation
Professor i hälsopsykologi med forskning om sambanden mellan hjärtsjukdom, psykisk hälsa, modifierbara riskfaktorer och beteendeinterventioner vid hjärtsjukdom. Forskargrupp: Psykologi och hjärt-kärlsjukdom
Erik Olsson är professor i hälsopsykologi och legitimerad psykolog. Han leder forskargruppen Psykologi vid hjärt-kärlsjukdom. Forskningsområdet kan sammanfattas som kardiovaskulär psykologi och omfattar sambandet mellan hjärtsjukdom och mental hälsa och hälsobeteenden vid kardiovaskulär sjukdom.
För tillfället är professor Olsson huvudhandledare till doktoranderna Philip Leissner och Mikael Andersén vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa.
Senaste publikationer
- Emotional Distress in Younger (<55 Years) and Older (≥55) Patients After a First-Time Myocardial Infarction and Its Prospective Associations With Working Status and Secondary Preventive Goals Among the Younger Cohort (2024)
- “It’s about how you take in things with your brain” - young people’s perspectives on mental health and help seeking (2024)
- Prevalence and social determinants of anxiety and depression among adults in Ghana (2024)
- Hypocapnia in women with fibromyalgia (2024)
- The Sukaribit Smartphone App for Better Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Emotional Distress in Younger (<55 Years) and Older (≥55) Patients After a First-Time Myocardial Infarction and Its Prospective Associations With Working Status and Secondary Preventive Goals Among the Younger Cohort (2024)
- “It’s about how you take in things with your brain” - young people’s perspectives on mental health and help seeking (2024)
- Prevalence and social determinants of anxiety and depression among adults in Ghana (2024)
- Hypocapnia in women with fibromyalgia (2024)
- The Sukaribit Smartphone App for Better Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study (2024)
- Association of anxiety and recurrent cardiovascular events: investigating different aspects of anxiety (2024)
- Short- and long-term effects of beta-blockers on symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with myocardial infarction and preserved left ventricular function (2024)
- Effects of beta-blockers on quality of life and well-being in patients with myocardial infarction and preserved left ventricular function (2024)
- Designing Software for Web-based Psychosocial Care (2024)
- An internet-delivered intervention targeting fertility-related distress and sexual dysfunction following cancer (2024)
- No effects on heart rate variability in depression after treatment with dorsomedial prefrontal intermittent theta burst stimulation (2023)
- Randomized evaluation of routine beta-blocker therapy after myocardial infarction quality of life (RQoL) (2023)
- Long-term effects on depression and anxiety of an internet-based stepped care intervention for patients with cancer and symptoms of depression and anxiety (2023)
- Association between usage of household cooking fuel and congenital birth defects-18 months multi-centric cohort study in Nepal (2023)
- Management of emotional distress following a myocardial infarction (2023)
- The role of a discussion forum within a web-based psychoeducational intervention focusing on sex and fertility (2023)
- Wellbeing, emotional response and stress among lay responders dispatched to suspected out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (2022)
- Association between β-blocker dose and quality of life after myocardial infarction (2022)
- The factor structure of the cardiac anxiety questionnaire, and validation in a post-MI population (2022)
- Self-perceived cognitive status and cognitive challenges associated with cardiac rehabilitation management (2022)
- Quality of life in mothers and fathers of children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in Sweden, Finland and Denmark (2022)
- The e-mental health treatment in Stockholm myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronaries or Takotsubo syndrome study (E-SMINC) (2022)
- Reducing stress and anxiety in patients with myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries or Takotsubo syndrome (2022)
- Commencement of and Retention in Web-Based Interventions and Response to Prompts and Reminders (2021)
- Ambulatory Heart Rate Variability in Schizophrenia or Depression (2021)
- Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Patients Reporting Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression After Myocardial Infarction (2021)
- Factors associated with measles vaccination status in children under the age of three years in a post-soviet context (2021)
- Autonomic modulation networks in schizophrenia (2020)
- Designing a Web-Based Psychological Intervention for Patients With Myocardial Infarction With Nonobstructive Coronary Arteries (2020)
- Association between β-blocker dose and cardiovascular outcomes after myocardial infarction (2020)
- Psycho-affective pathology in adults with congenital heart disease (2020)
- Attending Heart School and long-term outcome after myocardial infarction (2020)
- Persistent emotional distress after a first-time myocardial infarction and its assocation to late cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality (2019)
- Identification of Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Patients With Cancer (2019)
- Cardiac rehabilitation goal attainment after myocardial infarction with versus without diabetes (2019)
- Factors associated with emotional distress in patients with myocardial infarction (2018)
- Web-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression and Anxiety among Patients with a recent Myocardial Infarction (2018)
- Internet-based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety among Patients with a Recent Myocardial Infarction (2018)
- The effect of group-based cognitive behavioral therapy on inflammatory biomarkers in patients with coronary disease (2018)
- Predicting Adherence to Internet-Delivered Psychotherapy for Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety After Myocardial Infarction (2018)
- Treatment Activity, User Satisfaction, and Experienced Usability of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults With Depression and Anxiety After a Myocardial Infarction (2018)
- Fifteen Challenges in Establishing a Multidisciplinary Research Program on eHealth Research in a University Setting (2017)
- Emotional Distress as a Predictor of Statin Non-adherence among Swedish First-Time Myocardial Infarction Patients, 2006–2013 (2017)
- Health-Related Internet Use in People With Cancer: Results From a Cross-Sectional Study in Two Outpatient Clinics in Sweden (2017)
- Psychological mediators related to clinical outcome in cognitive behavioural therapy for coronary heart disease (2017)
- Temporal changes in myocardial infarction incidence rates are associated with periods of perceived psychosocial stress (2017)
- Young adulthood cognitive ability predicts statin adherence in middle-aged men after first myocardial infarction (2017)
- Cognitive ability, lifestyle risk factors, and two-year survival in first myocardial infarction men (2017)
- Motivation and Treatment Credibility Predicts Dropout, Treatment Adherence, and Clinical Outcomes in an Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Relaxation Program (2016)
- Socio-demographic and clinical variables associated with psychological distress one and three years after a breast cancer diagnosis (2016)
- Is online treatment adherence affected by presentation and therapist support? (2016)
- The Preference for Internet-Based Psychological Interventions by Individuals Without Past or Current Use of Mental Health Treatment Delivered Online (2016)
- The effects of therapist support and treatment presentation on the clinical outcomes of an Internet based applied relaxation program (2015)
- Measuring Use of Health-Related Support on the Internet (2015)
- Treatment of depression and anxiety with internet-based cognitive behavior therapy in patients with a recent myocardial infarction (U-CARE Heart) (2015)
- Adolescent girls with emotional disorders have a lower end-tidal CO2 and increased respiratory rate compared with healthy controls (2014)
- Internet-based stepped care with interactive support and cognitive behavioral therapy for reduction of anxiety and depressive symptoms in cancer (2013)
- Heart Rate Variability During Choral Singing (2013)
- Effects of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback in Subjects with Stress-Related Chronic Neck Pain (2011)
- Heart Rate Variability During PianoPlaying (2011)
- Deficient cardiovascular stress reactivity predicts poor executive functions in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2011)
- Relaxing on a Bed of Nails (2011)
- Heart rate variability (HRV) in adolescent females with anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder (2010)
- Internet-Based Biofeedback-Assisted Relaxation Training in the Treatment of Hypertension (2010)
- Psychophysiological characteristics of women suffering from stress-related fatigue. (2010)
- Heart rate variability is related to self-reported physical activity in a healthy adolescent population (2009)
- A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of the standardised extract shr-5 of the roots of Rhodiola rosea in the treatment of subjects with stress-related fatigue. (2009)
- Clinical decision-support for diagnosing stress-related disorders by applying psychophysiological medical knowledge to an instance-based learning system. (2006)
- Social competence and behavioural problems in children with hearing impairment (2000)
- Derivation and validation of STOPSMOKE: An instrument built from Swedish population data for predicting smoking abstinence post myocardial infarction
- An internal pilot study to test the Fertility and Sexuality following Cancer (Fex-Can) 2.0 intervention (2023)
- Emotional Distress is a Predictor of Poor Long-Term Statin Adherence at Two Years After a Myocardial Infarction (2016)
- The Development and Feasablity of an Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Intervention to reduce Depression and/or Anxiety after a Myocardial Infarction - The U-CARE Heart study (2016)
- Decreased prevalence of psychological distress after acute myocardial infarction from 2006 to 2013 (2016)
- Myocardial Infarction and Google Searches on "Stress" (2016)
- Myocardial infarction and artificial time-constraint (2016)
- Cognitive Ability, Lifestyle Risk Factors, and Two-Year Mortality in First Myocardial Infarction Men: A Swedish National Registry Study (2016)
- Theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia and depression (2015)
- Affective Outcomes in the SUPRIM Stress Management Program for Post-Myocardial Infarction Patients (2014)
- Development of a Questionnaire Examining What Kind of and to What Extent Cancer Patients Search for Health Related Support on the Internet (2014)
- Hyperventilation and autonomic hyperarousal are related to emotional disorders in adolescent girls (2014)
- A Case Study on Quantifying the Workload of Working Machine Operators by Means of Psychophysiological Measurements (2013)
- U-CARE Heart: A Randomized Controlled Study of the Effects of Internet-based Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Depression and Anxiety in Patients with a Previous Myocardial Infarction (2013)
- U-CARE – internet-based psychosocial care and psychological treatment in connection to somatic disease (2013)
- Respiratory Patterns in Adolescent Girls with Anxiety and Depression As Compared to Healthy Controls (2012)
- U-CARE (2012)
- U-CARE: A research program on psychosocial care via the internet (2012)
- Psychosocial care via internet, a mode to achieve improved patient care at a lower cost? (2011)
- FC14-02 - Biological stress markers, executive functions and self-perceived stress in adults with ADHD (attention-deficit /hyperactivity disorder) (2011)
- Using breathing in psychophysiological stress profiling (2007)
- Psychophysiological treatment for stress related somatic complaints: a randomized controlled stud (2004)