Fritjof Fagerlund
Professor vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Luft-, vatten- och landskapslära; Hydrologi
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- 018-471 71 66
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- Geocentrum, Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Villavägen 16
752 36 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent, Excellent lärare
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Kort presentation
Min forskning handlar främst om flödes- och transportprocesser i mark och grundvatten och hur dessa påverkas av olika reaktioner, processer eller markens heterogenitet. Jag undersöker bl.a. spridning och sanering av högfluorerade (PFAS) och klorerade föroreningar och geologisk lagring av koldioxid. Jag undervisar bl.a. kurser om grundvatten och föroreningstransport och är examinator för examensarbeten inom civilingenjörsprogrammet i miljö- och vattenteknik.
Jag har doktorerat vid Uppsala Universitet och har efter detta verkat som forskare först vid Colorado School of Mines, USA, och sedan åter vid Uppsala Universitet där jag blev professor i geohydrologi 2020. Jag har även varit gästforskare på Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU; 20% av fulltid 2012-2015). I min forskning använder jag mig av en kombination av laboratorieexperiment, fältförsök och modellering. För närvarande har jag ett forskningsprojekt om in-situ sanering av högfluorerade föroreningar med sorbenter (StopPFAS) och medverkar i andra projekt om bl.a. geologisk lagring av koldioxid och termo-hydro-mekanisk-kemiska transportprocesser i sprickigt berg.
Urval av publikationer
- Dissolution of dense non-aqueous phase liquids in vertical fractures (2013)
- PCE dissolution and simultaneous dechlorination by nanoscale zero-valent iron particles in a DNAPL source zone (2012)
- A generalized approach for estimation of in-plane curvature in invasion percolation models for drainage in fractures (2012)
- Empirical correlations to estimate agglomerate size and deposition during injection of a polyelectrolyte-modified Fe0 nanoparticle at high particle concentration in saturated sand (2010)
- Modeling of nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) migration in heterogeneous saturated media (2008)
- Nonaqueous-phase liquid infiltration and immobilization in heterogeneous media (2007)
- Nonaqueous-phase liquid infiltration and immobilization in heterogeneous media (2007)
Senaste publikationer
- Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as contaminants in groundwater resources (2024)
- Existing evidence related to soil retention of phosphorus from on-site wastewater treatment systems in boreal and temperate climate zones (2023)
- In-situ application of colloidal activated carbon for PFAS-contaminated soil and groundwater (2023)
- A systematic study of the competitive sorption of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on colloidal activated carbon (2023)
- Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) retention by colloidal activated carbon (CAC) using dynamic column experiments (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as contaminants in groundwater resources (2024)
- Existing evidence related to soil retention of phosphorus from on-site wastewater treatment systems in boreal and temperate climate zones (2023)
- In-situ application of colloidal activated carbon for PFAS-contaminated soil and groundwater (2023)
- A systematic study of the competitive sorption of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on colloidal activated carbon (2023)
- Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) retention by colloidal activated carbon (CAC) using dynamic column experiments (2022)
- Electrokinetic remediation for removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from contaminated soil (2022)
- Pore-Scale Mechanisms of Solid Phase Emergence During DNAPL Remediation by Chemical Oxidation (2022)
- What evidence exists related to soil retention of phosphorus from on-site wastewater treatment systems in boreal and temperate climate zones? (2020)
- Characterizing CO2 residual trapping in-situ by means of single-well push-pull experiments at Heletz, Israel, pilot injection site (2020)
- Comparison of a new mass-concentration, chain-reaction model with the population-balance model for early- and late-stage aggregation of shattered graphene oxide nanoparticles (2019)
- Modified MODFLOW-based model for simulating the agglomeration and transport of polymer-modified Fe0 nanoparticles in saturated porous media (2018)
- Residual trapping of carbon dioxide during geological storage (2018)
- The impact of co-contaminant SO2, versus salinity and thermodynamic conditions, on residual CO2 trapping during geological storage (2018)
- Spectral induced polarization of Na-montmorillonite dispersions (2017)
- Refractive-Light-Transmission Technique Applied to Density-Driven Convective Mixing in Porous Media With Implications for Geological CO2 Storage (2017)
- Gaussian Process Emulators for Quantifying Uncertainty in CO2 Spreading Predictions in Heterogeneous Media (2017)
- Numerical modelling of CO2 injection at small-scale field experimental site in Maguelone, France (2016)
- Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for computing failure probability of porous media flow systems (2016)
- Transport and retention of carbon-based engineered and natural nanoparticles through saturated porous media (2016)
- Heletz experimental site overview, characterization and data analysis for CO2 injection and geological storage (2016)
- Fate and Transport of Fire-Born Particles in Porous Media (2016)
- Effects of permeability heterogeneity on CO2 injectivity and storage efficiency coefficient (2016)
- Fluid trapping during capillary displacement in fractures (2016)
- Experimental and modeling investigation of CO2 flow and transport in a coupled domain of porous media and free flow (2015)
- Distribution of injected CO2 in a stratified saline reservoir accounting for coupled wellbore-reservoir flow (2015)
- Prerequisites for density-driven instabilities and convective mixing under broad geological CO2 storage conditions (2015)
- Transport of Surface-modified Carbon Nanotubes through a Soil Column (2015)
- Assessing CO2 storage capacity in the Dalders Monocline of the Baltic Sea Basin using dynamic models of varying complexity (2015)
- Transport and mobilization of multiwall carbon nanotubes in quartz sand under varying saturation (2014)
- Analysis of alternative push-pull-test-designs for determining in situ residual trapping of carbon dioxide (2014)
- Deposition and mobilization of functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes in saturated porous media (2014)
- Investigation of mechanisms of supercritical CO2 trapping in deep saline reservoirs using surrogate fluids at ambient laboratory conditions (2014)
- Modeling Gas Transport in the Shallow Subsurface in Maguelone Field Experiment (2013)
- Design of a two-well field test to determine in situ residual and dissolution trapping of CO2 applied to the Heletz CO2 injection site (2013)
- Interwell field test to determine in-situ CO2 trapping in a deep saline aquifer (2013)
- A Numerical Model of Tracer Transport in a Non-isothermal Two-Phase Flow System for Geological Storage Characterization (2013)
- Two-phase flow in rough-walled fractures: Comparison of continuum and invasion-percolation models (2013)
- Dissolution of dense non-aqueous phase liquids in vertical fractures (2013)
- Upscaling of the constitutive relationships for CO2 migration in multimodal heterogeneous formations (2013)
- The role of geological heterogeneity and variability in water infiltration on non-aqueous phase liquid migration (2013)
- PCE dissolution and simultaneous dechlorination by nanoscale zero-valent iron particles in a DNAPL source zone (2012)
- Small-Scale CO2 Injection into a Deep Geological Formation at Heletz, Israel (2012)
- Effects of single-fracture aperture statistics on entrapment, dissolution and source depletion behavior of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (2012)
- A generalized approach for estimation of in-plane curvature in invasion percolation models for drainage in fractures (2012)
- Polymer-Modified Fe(0) Nanoparticles Target Entrapped NAPL in Two Dimensional Porous Media (2011)
- Empirical correlations to estimate agglomerate size and deposition during injection of a polyelectrolyte-modified Fe0 nanoparticle at high particle concentration in saturated sand (2010)
- Particle size distribution, concentration, and magnetic attraction affect transport of polymer-modified Fe0 nanoparticles in sand columns (2009)
- Modeling of nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) migration in heterogeneous saturated media (2008)
- Nonaqueous-phase liquid infiltration and immobilization in heterogeneous media (2007)
- Nonaqueous-phase liquid infiltration and immobilization in heterogeneous media (2007)
- A partially coupled, fraction-by-fraction modelling approach to the subsurface migration of gasoline spills (2007)
- Comparison of relative permeability-fluid saturation-capillary pressure relations in the modelling of non-aqueous phase liquid infiltration in variably saturated, layered media (2006)
- Competitive interactions among per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) during sorption onto colloidal activated carbon (CAC)
- A Stochastic Model for Interpreting the Partitioning Tracer Recovery from Residual Trapping Experiment at Heletz, Israel, Pilot Injection Site (2019)
- Study of CO2 Residual Trapping In-Situ – Results from Push- Pull Experiments at Heletz (Israel) Pilot CO2 Injection Site (2018)
- Laboratory measurements of density-driven convection in analogy with solubility trapping of geologically sequestered CO2 (2016)
- Fluid trapping characteristics of immiscible displacement in fractures (2016)
- Viability of modelling gas transport in shallow injection-monitoring experiment field at Maguelone,France (2015)
- Effect of organic matter on the transport and retention of TiO2 nanoparticles in saturated porous media (2015)
- Transport of carbon-based nanoparticles in saturated porous media (2015)
- Effect of permeability heterogeneity on CO2 injectivity and sweep efficiency based on numerical simulations (2015)
- Capillary Displacement and Fluid Trapping in Fractures (2014)
- Capillary Displacement and Fluid Trapping in Fractures (2014)
- Modeling gas transport in the shallow subsurface in the Maguelone field experiment (2013)
- Modeling gas transport in the shallow subsurface in the Maguelone field experiment (2013)
- Small scale laboratory design investigation of leakage of gaseous CO2 through heterogeneous subsurface system (2012)
- Small scale laboratory design investigation of leakage of gaseous CO2 through heterogeneous subsurface system (2012)
- Field Test for Measurement of In-Situ CO2 Dissolution and Residual Phase Trapping at the Heletz Experimental CO2 Injection Site (2012)
- Design of a two-well field test to determine in-situ residual and dissolution trapping of CO2 in a deep saline aquifer (2012)
- Modeling wellbore and reservoir carbon dioxide flow for the Heletz experiment (2012)
- Modeling wellbore and reservoir carbon dioxide flow for the Heletz experiment (2012)
- Identification of scale effects in dissolution trapping from the response of a push-pull experiment (2012)
- Identification of scale effects in dissolution trapping from the response of a push-pull experiment (2012)
- Analysis of alternative push-pull-test-designs for determining in-situ trapping of CO2 (2012)
- Analysis of alternative push-pull-test-designs for determining in-situ trapping of CO2 (2012)
- Small scale experiment design to study CO2 leakage through a shallow subsurface system (2012)
- Small scale experiment design to study CO2 leakage through a shallow subsurface system (2012)
- Effect of Permeability Heterogeneity on Storage Capacity Estimation in CO2 injection (2012)
- Macro-scale constitutive relationships for CO2 migration in heterogeneous geological formations (2012)
- Use of Gaussian Process Emulators for Quantifying Uncertainty in CO2 Spreading Predications in Heterogeneous Geological Media (2011)
- The MUSTANG site characterisation programme (2011)
- Analysis of boundary conditions in numerical simulations of geological CO2 storage (2011)
- Evaluation of design options for a field experiment of CO2 injection to a deep layered aquifer at the Heletz site using numerical modelling (2011)
- Modelling and Design of Field Tests for Characterization and Monitoring of CO2 Injected to a Deep Saline Aquifer at the Heletz Site (2011)
- Modelling of novel tracers in a two-phase flow system for characterization of geologically stored CO2 in deep saline formations (2011)
- Modeling of single-well CO2 injection-withdrawal experiment to becarried out at the Heletz site (2011)
- Modeling of single-well CO2 injection-withdrawal experiment to becarried out at the Heletz site (2011)
- Flowing Fluid Electric Conductivity logging method as a tool to characterize the hydraulic conducitivity strucure of a target layer for CO2 injection (2011)
- A finite element code for modelling tracer transport in a non-isothermal two-phase flow system for CO2 geological storage characterization (2011)
- Modeling immiscible displacement in variable aperture fractures (2011)
- Design and Analysis of Field Experiments for the Investigation of In-Situ CO2 Trapping (2010)
- Modeling CO2 injection to aid the design of a field experiment at the Heletz site (2010)
- Model simulations for guiding the design of the CO2 injection experiment at the Heletz site (2010)
- Effects of fracture aperture statistics and boundary characteristics on DNAPL migration, entrapment, dissolution and source depletion behavior (2010)
- Dissolution Of A Spatially Variable Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Source: Experimental Study And Model Devolpment (2009)
- Simulations of CO2 injection at the Heletz field site – providing guidance for optimal design of a planned field injection experiment (2009)
- Use of an Intermediate-Scale Tank to Study Strategies for Modified NZVI Emplacement for Effective Treatment of DNAPL Source Zones (2009)
- Modeling of dense nonaqueous phase liquid entrapment and dissolution in variable aperture fractures (2009)
- Modeling of DNAPL migration, entrapment and dissolution in single and intersecting variable aperture fractures (2009)
- Modeling of DNAPL spreading in heterogeneous variable aperture fractures (2009)
- Modeling NAPL migration in heterogeneous media (2007)
- Modeling of NAPL source zone formation in stochastically heterogeneous layered media – a comparison with experimental results. (2006)
- Parameter Sensitivity in the Prediction of DNAPL Infiltration and Redistribution in Heterogeneous Porous Media (2006)
- Experimental investigation of NAPL migration and source zone formation in saturated heterogeneous media (2005)
- NAPL migration and source zone formation in layered heterogeneous media (2005)
- Sensitivity of model parameter in the prediction of DNAPL infiltration and redistribution in heterogeneous porous media (2005)
- Stochastic approach for modelling DNAPL migration in heterogeneous aquifers: model development and experimental data generation (2004)
- Multi-constituent modelling of a gasoline spill using the T2VOC numerical simulator (2003)