Joanne Hunt
Affilierad Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; E-hälsa och hälsodata
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 UPPSALA
- 0000-0003-3868-5765
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Kort presentation
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Joanne Hunt is a disabled researcher with a background in psychological therapies. Her research interests centre on the (bio)politics of ‘contested’ chronic illness and disability, especially at the intersection of disability studies, feminist studies, psychology and ethics.
Particular topics of interest include the politics of knowledge production, intersectionality, oppression and modes of resistance, and disability-affirmative, structurally competent approaches to healthcare.
- critical psychology
- disability studies
- feminism
- healthcare ethics
- healthcare politics
- medically unexplained symptoms
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Joanne Hunt (MSc, MBACP, GMBPsS) is a disabled researcher with a background in psychological therapies. Her research interests are interdisciplinary and centre on the biopolitics of medically and societally ‘contested’ (medically unexplained, stigmatised and ‘rare’) chronic illness and related disability. Most of Jo’s work is sited at the intersection of disability studies, psychology, feminist studies and ethics. Particular topics of interest include the politics of knowledge production, intersectionality, oppression and modes of resistance, and disability-affirmative, structurally competent approaches to psychotherapy and wider healthcare.
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Full list of publications can be found here