Helena Volgsten
Affilierad Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Obstetrisk och reproduktiv hälsoforskning
- Mobiltelefon:
- 072-519 36 22, 073-469 71 47
- E-post:
- helena.volgsten@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 UPPSALA
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- assisted reproductive technologies
- infertility
- reproduktiv hälsa
Disputerat i Obstetrik och gynekologi 2009 med en avhandling om förekomst och riskfaktorer för ångest och depression hos infertila kvinnor och män i samband med assisterad befruktning (ART). Min forskning har fokus på reproduktiv hälsa/ohälsa, vilket kan innebära ofrivillig barnlöshet/infertilitet och missfall. En femårsuppföljning av de infertila paren beskriver psykisk hälsa och behandlingsutfall efter avslutad ART, beroende på om behandlingen resulterat i barn eller inte. Ett forskningsprojekt har genomförts med syfte att studera vård och stöd i samband med tidiga/uteblivna missfall. Ett annat forskningsprojekt med syfte att ta reda på egenskaper och motiv att som ensamstående kvinna välja moderskap genom ART har genomförts efter ny lag 2016. Fortsatt forskning har fokus på kvinnors och mäns sexuella hälsa i samband med assisterad befruktning (doktorandprojekt). Ett annat projekt avser att studera Kulturdoulans roll för den nyanlända gravida kvinnan i samband med barnafödande, utifrån kvinnans och barnmorskans perspektiv. Annan forskning involverar kvinnors reproduktiva hälsa i ett globalt perspektiv i samarbete med universitet i Tanzania och Sydafrika med fokus på förlossningsutfall och respektfull obstetrisk vård (doktorandprojekt).
Senaste publikationer
- Characteristics of good contraceptive counselling (2024)
- Reproductive sex ending in failure affects sexual health (2024)
- Freebirth, the only option for women who do not fit into common practice (2023)
- Exploring Swedish single women's decision to choose motherhood through medically assisted reproduction - a qualitative study (2023)
- Proportion, Characteristics and Maternal Outcome of women referred for childbirth to a tertiary hospital in northern Tanzania - A descriptive retrospective study based on a hospital birth registry. (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Characteristics of good contraceptive counselling (2024)
- Reproductive sex ending in failure affects sexual health (2024)
- Freebirth, the only option for women who do not fit into common practice (2023)
- Exploring Swedish single women's decision to choose motherhood through medically assisted reproduction - a qualitative study (2023)
- Proportion, Characteristics and Maternal Outcome of women referred for childbirth to a tertiary hospital in northern Tanzania - A descriptive retrospective study based on a hospital birth registry. (2021)
- Motherhood through medically assisted reproduction - characteristics and motivations of Swedish single mothers by choice (2021)
- Investigating the association between neuroticism and adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes (2019)
- Neuroticism is associated with higher antenatal care utilization in obstetric low-risk women (2019)
- Health care providers’ perceptions of family planning and contraception education for adolescents in Kampala, Uganda – A qualitative study (2019)
- Psychiatric disorders in women and men up to five years after undergoing assisted reproductive technology treatment (2019)
- Women's experiences of miscarriage related to diagnosis, duration, and type of treatment (2018)
- Longitudinal study of emotional experiences, grief and depressive symptoms in women and men after miscarriage (2018)
- Early skin-to-skin contact between healthy late preterm infants and their parents (2017)
- Validation of the Revised Impact of Miscarriage Scale for Swedish conditions and comparison between Swedish and American couples' experiences after miscarriage (2017)
- Live birth outcome, spontaneous pregnancy and adoption up to five years after undergoing assisted reproductive technology treatment (2017)
- Healthy late preterm infants and supplementary artificial milk feeds (2015)
- The Swedish Version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (2014)
- Outcome of deliveries in healthy but obese women (2013)
- Prevalence of depressive disorders in infertile women and men up to 5 years after undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment n a follow-up study (2013)
- Personality traits associated with depressive and anxiety disorders in infertile women and men undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment (2010)
- Risk factors for psychiatric disorders in infertile women and men undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment (2010)
- Unresolved grief in women and men in Sweden three years after undergoing unsuccessful in vitro fertilization treatment (2010)
- Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in infertile women and men undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment (2008)
- Neuroticism is not independently associated with adverse obstetric or neonatal outcomes