Ingrid Glimelius
Professor vid Institutionen för immunologi, genetik och patologi; Forskningsprogram: Cancerprecisionsmedicin; Forskargrupp Ingrid Glimelius
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- 0000-0001-6158-3041
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Överläkare och professor i Onkologi. Akademiska Sjukhuset, samt Uppsala Universitet
Ordförande i Cancerrådet Akademiska Sjukhuset
Forskargruppsledare vid Immunologi, Genetik och Patologi. Vi studerar lymfom, testikelcancer och äggstockcancer med fokus på hela sjuksomsförloppet från diagnos, till behandling och uppföljning.
Vi studerar införande av nya målstyrda läkemedel, studera biverkningar av cancerläkemedel och strävar mot bot av sjukdomarna och en god livskvalitet för de som drabbats
- cancer
- cancer immunotherapy
- childbearing after cancer
- hodgkin lymphoma
- mantle cell lymphoma
- minimal residual disease
- proteomics
- survivorship
- testicular cancer
Professor i Onkologi, Uppsala Universitet
Överläkare i Onkologi, Akademiska Sjukhuset, Uppsala
Ordförande i Cancerrådet Akademiska Sjukhuset sedan januari 2023
Disputation, Uppsala Universitet 2009, Hodgkin lymphoma – an interplay between tumour cell and microenvironment
Läkare, specialist Internmedicin 2011
Läkare, specialist Onkologi 2013
Docent i Onkologi 2016
Good Clinical Practice, Investigator Site Personnel ICH-GCP 2017
Överläkare i Onkologi 2019, tumörgruppsansvarig för mantelcellslymfom och testikelcancer
Professor i Onkologi sedan september 2022
"Jag arbetar med att bota cancersjukdomar. Jag strävar mot att de som drabbas av cancer ska få en så god livkvalitet som möjligt både under och efter sin behandling för cancer".
I min forskargrupp studerar vi elakartade lymfom, testikelcancer och äggstockscancer.
Lymfom är en grupp av sjukdomar som drabbar ca 2000/ år i Sverige. Vi har ett fokus på framförallt mantelcellslymfom och Hodgkins lymfom i vår forskargrupp.
Mantelcellslymfom är en av de lymfomformer som har sämst prognos och det är mycket angeläget att hitta nya behandlingsstrategier. Förutom en kort överlevnad är många äldre när de drabbas. Glädjande finns det många nya läkemedel där vi strävar efter att göra dessa behandlingar tillgängliga för fler personer och studera hur vi kan styra behandlingen så det ger maximal effekt och så lite biverkningar som möjligt.
Genom aktivt deltagande i den nordiska mantelcellslymfomgruppen har vi fört in och utvärderat effekter av flera nya målstyrda läkemedel. De kliniska studier vår grupp genomför är: den nordiska ALTAMIRA studien, den nordisk-brittiska ENRICH studien och den nordiska VALERIA studien.
Vi har även pågående biologisk forskning om tumörmikromiljö, genetiska förändringar i tumörerna och syfte att studera uppkomstmekanismer.
Med hjälp av stora epidemiologiska registerstudier studerar vi biverkningar av cancerläkemedel.
Vi deltog även från Uppsala i den Europeiska TRIANGLE studien som nyligen visade att tillägg av tyrosinkinashämmaren Ibrutinib till cytostatika avsevärt förbättrade överlevanden vid mantelcellslymfom. Detta skifte kommer förhoppningsvis leda till en bättre och bättre överlevnad. Dessa kliniska studier görs med hjälp av Klinisk Forsknings och Utvecklingsenhet (KFUE) vid Akademiska Forskningavdelningen på Akademiska Sjukhuset, Uppsala
Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkins lymfom är den vanligaste cancern hos unga kvinnor och män. Överlevnaden är idag god men intensiva cytostatika behövs för att uppnå detta. Dessa biverkningar kan bland annat vara risk för påverkan på fertiliteten, trötthet, hjärtbiverkningar och risk för att få en ny annan cancer.
Vi har kunnat utvärdera effekter och bieffekter av onkologiska behandlingar på riktigt lång sikt, t.ex. cellgiftsbehandling hos barn och strålbehandling för unga vuxna, vilket har varit framgångsrikt. Våra studier av överlevarskap hos cancerpatienter (framförallt hos Hodgkins lymfompatienter) har gett resultat som är applicerbara för hela populationer av patienter, alltså även för patienter som aldrig inkluderas i kliniska prövningar.
Våra studier av barnafödande för patienter som tidigare haft Hodgkins lymfom har rönt mycket stort intresse internationellt. Vi har här i samarbete med Caroline Weibull Caroline Weibull vid Enheten för klinisk epidemiologi i Stockholm dels visat att det för en kvinna som tidigare haft Hodgkins lymfom inte innebär någon ökad risk för återfall om hon skulle önska att bli gravid efter genomgången behandling. Vi har också visat att med moderna intensiva cytostatika lyckas majoriteten av de kvinnliga canceröverlevarna bli gravida och få barn. Dessa data är publicerade i en serie av artiklar i den interanationella tidskriften Journal of Clinical Oncology: Contemporarily Treated Patients With Hodgkin Lymphoma Have Childbearing Potential in Line With Matched Comparators.
Weibull CE, Johansson ALV, Eloranta S, Smedby KE, Björkholm M, Lambert PC, Dickman PW, Glimelius I. J Clin Oncol. 2018 Jul 25:JCO2018783514. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2018.78.3514. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30044694
Pregnancy and the Risk of Relapse in Patients Diagnosed With Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Weibull CE, Eloranta S, Smedby K, Björkholm M, Kristinsson SY, Johansson AL, Dickman PW, Glimelius I. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Feb 1;34(4):337-44. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2015.63.3446. Epub 2015 Dec 14. PMID: 26668344
Graviditet och risken för cancer
Vi har en mycket aktiv forskning rörande olika aspekter av barnafödande och risken för flera olika cancersjukdomar. Vi samarbetar här med flera forskare från Norden och även USA inom den nordiska gruppen för perinatala riskfaktorer och cancer. Forskning rörande graviditet och cancer är ett viktigt fält i och med att det idag är vanligt att kvinnor senarelägger barnafödandet och att det därför ibland sammanfaller med insjuknandet i cancer och även kan påverka cancerrisken.
Sköld C, Bjørge T, Ekbom A, Engeland A, Gissler M, Grotmol T, Madanat-Harjuoja L, Gulbech Ording A, Stephansson O, Trabert B, Tretli S, Troisi R, Toft Sørensen H, Glimelius I.
Int J Cancer. 2018 May 8. doi: 10.1002/ijc.31581. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:29737528
Troisi R, Gulbech Ording A, Grotmol T, Glimelius I, Engeland A, Gissler M, Trabert B, Ekbom A, Madanat-Harjuoja L, Toft Sørensen H, Tretli S, Bjørge T.
Int J Cancer. 2018 May 11. doi: 10.1002/ijc.31600. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 29752724
Troisi R, Bjørge T, Gissler M, Grotmol T, Kitahara CM, Myrtveit Saether SM, Ording AG, Sköld C, Sørensen HT, Trabert B, Glimelius I.J Intern Med. 2018 May;283(5):430-445. doi: 10.1111/joim.12747. Epub 2018 Mar 25. PMID:29476569
En av våra deltagare berättar om sin erfarenhet av att behandlas för mantel cells lymfom i en klinisk studie:
Vår vision för medicinska fakulteten: Creating visons for the Medical Faculty Fall 2020
Att få livet tillbaka med hjälp av nya läkemedel
En av patienterna berättar om deltagandet i en av de kliniska studier vi genomför
Vision Uppsala University
Här pratar jag om hur vi kommer fram till en ny vision för Uppsala Universitet
Nya behandlingar för mantelcellslymfom
Artikel i Svensk Onkologi om de nya behandlingar som precis introducerats vid återfall av mantelcellslyfmom
Mantelcellslymfom nyheter 2023
Artikel i tidskriften Svensk Onkologi om mantelcellslymfom
Urval av publikationer
- Secondary malignancies among mantle cell lymphoma patients (2023)
- Late effects in patients with mantle cell lymphoma treated with or without autologous stem cell transplantation (2023)
- Risk and mortality of testicular cancer in patients with neurodevelopmental or other psychiatric disorders (2023)
- Unmarried or less-educated patients with mantle cell lymphoma are less likely to undergo a transplant, leading to lower survival (2021)
- Maternal health, in-utero, and perinatal exposures and risk of thyroid cancer in offspring (2021)
- Cancer risk in individuals with major birth defects (2020)
- Cancer therapy and risk of congenital malformations in children fathered by men treated for testicular germ-cell cancer (2019)
- Relapse Risk and Loss of Lifetime After Modern Combined Modality Treatment of Young Patients With Hodgkin Lymphoma (2019)
- The role of pregnancy, perinatal factors and hormones in maternal cancer risk (2018)
- Contemporarily Treated Patients With Hodgkin Lymphoma Have Childbearing Potential in Line With Matched Comparators (2018)
- Novel treatment concepts in Hodgkin lymphoma (2017)
- High proportions of PD-1+ and PD-L1+ leukocytes in classical Hodgkin lymphoma microenvironment are associated with inferior outcome (2017)
- Pregnancy and the Risk of Relapse in Patients Diagnosed With Hodgkin Lymphoma (2016)
Senaste publikationer
- Infections in patients with mantle cell lymphoma (2024)
- Associations between pregnancy-related factors and birth characteristics with risk of rare uterine cancer subtypes (2024)
- Hit hard and remove treatment (2024)
- Stable use of radiotherapy in lymphoma patients over time (2024)
- MRD-driven treatment with venetoclax-R2 in mantle cell lymphoma (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Infections in patients with mantle cell lymphoma (2024)
- Associations between pregnancy-related factors and birth characteristics with risk of rare uterine cancer subtypes (2024)
- Hit hard and remove treatment (2024)
- Stable use of radiotherapy in lymphoma patients over time (2024)
- MRD-driven treatment with venetoclax-R2 in mantle cell lymphoma (2024)
- Machine Learning-Based Survival Prediction Models for Progression-Free and Overall Survival in Advanced-Stage Hodgkin Lymphoma (2024)
- Empowering macrophages (2024)
- MYC protein is a high-risk factor in mantle cell lymphoma and identifies cases beyond morphology, proliferation and TP53/p53 (2024)
- The National Swedish Lymphoma Register - a systematic validation of data quality (2024)
- Primary Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection as Treatment for Low-volume Metastatic Seminoma in a Population-based Cohort (2024)
- Secondary malignancies among mantle cell lymphoma patients (2023)
- Comparative Analysis of the Humoral Immune Response to the EBV Proteome across EBV-Related Malignancies (2023)
- Sex differences in childhood cancer risk among children with major birth defects (2023)
- Cancer risk in the siblings of individuals with major birth defects (2023)
- Late effects in patients with mantle cell lymphoma treated with or without autologous stem cell transplantation (2023)
- Reproduction patterns among non-Hodgkin lymphoma survivors by subtype in Sweden, Denmark and Norway (2023)
- Reproduction patterns among classical Hodgkin lymphoma survivors treated with BEACOPP and ABVD in Sweden, Denmark and Norway-A population-based matched cohort study (2023)
- Validation of a prediction model for post-chemotherapy fibrosis in nonseminoma patients (2023)
- Strict self-isolation did not protect Swedish cancer patients on active treatment from the risk of becoming seropositive for SARS-CoV-2 (2023)
- Risk and mortality of testicular cancer in patients with neurodevelopmental or other psychiatric disorders (2023)
- Nationwide Assessment of Patient Trajectories in Mantle Cell Lymphoma (2023)
- Maternal Health, Pregnancy and Offspring Factors, and Maternal Thyroid Cancer Risk (2023)
- Soluble CD163 predicts outcome in both chemoimmunotherapy and targeted therapy-treated mantle cell lymphoma (2023)
- Survival in mantle cell lymphoma after frontline treatment with R-bendamustine, R-CHOP and the Nordic MCL2 regimen - a real world study on patients diagnosed in Sweden 2007-2017 (2022)
- Late relapses in Hodgkin lymphoma - should we search for the needle in the haystack? (2022)
- Unilateral or Bilateral Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection in Nonseminoma Patients with Postchemotherapy Residual Tumour? (2022)
- Checkpoint CD47 expression in classical Hodgkin lymphoma (2022)
- Patients in complete remission after R-CHOP(-like) therapy for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma have limited excess use of health care services in Denmark (2022)
- Limited, But Not Eliminated, Excess Long-Term Morbidity in Stage I-IIA Hodgkin Lymphoma Treated With Doxorubicin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, and Dacarbazine and Limited-Field Radiotherapy (2022)
- Cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2022)
- Parity is associated with better prognosis in ovarian germ cell tumors, but not in other ovarian cancer subtypes (2022)
- Detailed Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients Who Relapsed After the Nordic Mantle Cell Lymphoma Trials (2021)
- Revisiting IL-6 expression in the tumor microenvironment of classical Hodgkin lymphoma (2021)
- Unmarried or less-educated patients with mantle cell lymphoma are less likely to undergo a transplant, leading to lower survival (2021)
- Maternal health, in-utero, and perinatal exposures and risk of thyroid cancer in offspring (2021)
- Parenthood Rates and Use of Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Younger Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors (2021)
- Infiltration of CD163-, PD-L1-and FoxP3-positive cells adversely affects outcome in patients with mantle cell lymphoma independent of established risk factors (2021)
- Age is the most important predictor of survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients achieving event-free survival at 24 months (2021)
- Clinical characteristics and factors associated with COVID-19-related death and morbidity among hospitalized patients with cancer (2021)
- Prognostic impact of soluble CD163 in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (2021)
- Clinical characteristics and outcomes among 2347 patients aged >= 85 years with major lymphoma subtypes (2021)
- Trends in the prevalence, incidence and survival of non-Hodgkin lymphoma subtypes during the 21st century - a Swedish lymphoma register study (2020)
- Surgical Complications in Postchemotherapy Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Nonseminoma Germ Cell Tumour (2020)
- Comorbidities and sex differences in causes of death among mantle cell lymphoma patients (2020)
- Precursor cells and implications of a T-cell inflamed immune response in the pre-malignant setting in Hodgkin lymphoma (2020)
- No excess long-term mortality in stage I-IIA Hodgkin lymphoma patients treated with ABVD and limited field radiotherapy (2020)
- High prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular disease in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (2020)
- Increasing prevalence of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with an estimated future rise (2020)
- Birthweight and all-cause mortality after childhood and adolescent leukemia (2020)
- Marginal zone lymphoma expression of histidine-rich glycoprotein correlates with improved survival (2020)
- p53 is associated with high-risk and pinpointsTP53missense mutations in mantle cell lymphoma (2020)
- Pregnancy-related risk factors for sex cord-stromal tumours and germ cell tumours in parous women (2020)
- Cancer risk in individuals with major birth defects (2020)
- Associations of pregnancy-related factors and birth characteristics with risk of endometrial cancer (2020)
- Cancer therapy and risk of congenital malformations in children fathered by men treated for testicular germ-cell cancer (2019)
- Relapse Risk and Loss of Lifetime After Modern Combined Modality Treatment of Young Patients With Hodgkin Lymphoma (2019)
- High tumour plasma cell infiltration reflects an important microenvironmental component in classic Hodgkin lymphoma linked to presence of B-symptoms (2019)
- Distribution of hospital care among pediatric and young adult Hodgkin lymphoma survivors (2019)
- Socioeconomic impact of Hodgkin lymphoma in adult patients (2019)
- Impact of comorbidity on disease characteristics, treatment intent and outcome in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (2019)
- Temporal trends in treatment-related incidence of diseases of the circulatory system among Hodgkin lymphoma patients (2019)
- Greater attention should be paid to developing therapies for elderly patients with Hodgkin lymphoma (2018)
- Short- and long-term risks of cardiovascular disease following radiotherapy in rectal cancer in four randomized controlled trials and a population-based register (2018)
- Hodgkin lymphoma in children, adolescents and young adults - a comparative study of clinical presentation and treatment outcome. (2018)
- High tumour plasma cell infiltration reflects an important microenvironmental component in classic Hodgkin lymphoma linked to presence of B‐symptoms (2018)
- Prognostic Implications of Specific Comorbidities in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Patients, a Swedish Lymphoma Registry Study (2018)
- Expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 increase in consecutive biopsies in patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma (2018)
- An anergic immune signature in the tumor microenvironment of classical Hodgkin lymphoma is associated with inferior outcome (2018)
- Continuous Increasing Prevalence of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) with an Estimated Future Rise-a Nationwide Population-Based Study from Sweden (2018)
- Preterm delivery is associated with an increased risk of epithelial ovarian cancer among parous women (2018)
- The role of pregnancy, perinatal factors and hormones in maternal cancer risk (2018)
- Pregnancy complications and subsequent breast cancer risk in the mother (2018)
- Contemporarily Treated Patients With Hodgkin Lymphoma Have Childbearing Potential in Line With Matched Comparators (2018)
- Possible Interaction Between Cigarette Smoking and HLA-DRB1 Variation in the Risk of Follicular Lymphoma (2017)
- Novel treatment concepts in Hodgkin lymphoma (2017)
- Increased healthcare use up to 10 years among relapse-free Hodgkin lymphoma survivors in the era of intensified chemotherapy and limited radiotherapy (2017)
- High proportions of PD-1+ and PD-L1+ leukocytes in classical Hodgkin lymphoma microenvironment are associated with inferior outcome (2017)
- Parental Age and Risk of Lymphoid Neoplasms (2017)
- Reproductive history and risk of colorectal adenocarcinoma in parous women (2016)
- Work Loss Duration and Predictors Following Rectal Cancer Treatment among Patients with and without Prediagnostic Work Loss (2016)
- The role of tumour-infiltrating eosinophils, mast cells and macrophages in Classical and Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma in children (2016)
- Lost workdays in uterine cervical cancer survivors compared to the general population (2016)
- High Expression Of Programmed Cell Death Receptor 1 In The Tumor Microenvironment Is Associated With Inferior Event Free Survival In Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma (2016)
- Prognostic Implications Of An Active, Innate Or Anergic Immune Response In The Hodgkin Lymphoma Tumor Microenvironment (2016)
- Association between HLA-A1 and -A2 types and Epstein-Barr virus status of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (2016)
- Risk of lymphoid neoplasms in a Swedish population-based cohort of 337,437 patients undergoing appendectomy (2016)
- Hodgkin Lymphoma In Sweden Since 2000 (2016)
- Pregnancy and the Risk of Relapse in Patients Diagnosed With Hodgkin Lymphoma (2016)
- Risk of disability pension in patients following rectal cancer treatment and surgery (2015)
- A Novel Risk Locus at 6p21.3 for Epstein-Barr Virus-Positive Hodgkin Lymphoma (2015)
- Sick leave and disability pension in Hodgkin lymphoma survivors by stage, treatment, and follow-up time-a population-based comparative study (2015)
- Long-term survival in young and middle-aged Hodgkin lymphoma patients in Sweden 1992-2009-trends in cure proportions by clinical characteristics (2015)
- Autoimmune and Atopic Disorders and Risk of Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma (2015)
- The impact of comorbid disease history on all-cause and cancer-specific mortality in myeloid leukemia and myeloma - a Swedish population-based study (2015)
- Sick leave and disability pension among Swedish testicular cancer survivors according to clinical stage and treatment (2015)
- Exposure to UV radiation and risk of Hodgkin lymphoma (2013)
- Tissue microarray and digital image analysis (2012)
- The effect of Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) on Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines (2011)
- Predictors of histology, tissue eosinophilia and mast cell infiltration in Hodgkin's Lymphoma (2011)
- Expression of mast cell tryptases in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells (2008)
- The potential role of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of Hodgkin's lymphoma (2007)
- IL-9 expression contributes to the cellular composition in Hodgkin lymphoma (2006)
- Angiogenesis and mast cells in Hodgkin lymphoma (2005)
- Bulky disease is the most important prognostic factor in Hodgkin lymphoma stage IIB (2003)
- Breast cancer following radiotherapy and chemotherapy among young women with Hodgkin disease (2003)
- Mast cell infiltration correlates with poor prognosis in Hodgkin's lymphoma (2002)
- Lung cancer following chemotherapy and radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease (2002)
- Late adverse effects in children, adolescents and young adults in relapsing and non-relapsing patients with Hodgkin lymphoma
- Hodgkin Lymphoma in children adolescents and young adults-a comparative study of clinical presentation and treatment outcome
- PD-1 and PD-L1 are upregulated in paired consecutive biopsies with classical Hodgkin lymphoma
- Second cancer is the leading cause of death, with no increase of cardiovascular deaths, after combined modality Hodgkin lymphoma treatment
- Real-life data on morbidity and cause-specific mortality after combined modality treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma 2006-2015.
- Age is the most important predictor of survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients achieving EFS24 - a Swedish population-based study.
- Association between parity, histopathological tumor features and survival in high-grade serous ovarian cancer