Monica Blom Johansson
Forskare vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Logopedi
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- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD
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Kort presentation
Jag är docent och forskare vid institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap. Min forskning rör framför allt psykosociala konsekvenser vid afasi och hur man kan ge stöd och samtalsträning till närstående.
Jag har sedan 1992 arbetat kliniskt som legitimerad logoped med personer med afasi inom både geriatrisk och rehabiliteringsmedicinsk verksamhet vid Falu lasarett, Umeå universitetssjukhus samt Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala. Jag disputerade 2012 med avhandlingen ”Aphasia and communication in everyday life”. Under åren 2013-2024 har jag innehaft ett lektorat vid institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap och som sådan varit mycket involverad i logopedprogrammet som programordförande och studierektor, men också med chefsansvar och som forskargruppsledare. Numera handleder jag framför allt master- och forskarstudenter utöver viss forskning vid institutionen samt med professions- och verksamhetsutveckling på Akademiska sjukhuset.
Min forskning fokuserar på ”hur det är att leva med afasi”, särskilt hur situationen ser ut för de närstående och vad man kan göra för att underlätta deras situation. Vidare är jag intresserad av hur kommunikationsstrategier kan tränas in för att underlätta samtal med en person med afasi och huruvida en sådan träning kan främja såväl dennes som samtalspartnerns välbefinnande. Ett sådant arbete kräver valida och reliabla bedömningsinstrument, vilket jag också ägnar mig åt att ta fram.
Senaste publikationer
- The impact of surgical technique and cleft width on the rate of secondary surgery and velopharyngeal function in children with UCLP at 5 years of age (2024)
- Experiences and need of support to significant others of persons with aphasia (2023)
- Why do significant others of people with aphasia accept or decline participation in communication partner training? (2023)
- Longitudinal data on speech outcomes in internationally adopted children compared with non‐adopted children with cleft lip and palate (2023)
- Self-efficacy and resilience in severe aphasia (2023)
Alla publikationer
- The impact of surgical technique and cleft width on the rate of secondary surgery and velopharyngeal function in children with UCLP at 5 years of age (2024)
- Longitudinal data on speech outcomes in internationally adopted children compared with non‐adopted children with cleft lip and palate (2023)
- Self-efficacy and resilience in severe aphasia – an exploratory cross-sectional study of two psychosocial factors and their relation to functional communication (2023)
- Protocol for the development of the international population registry for aphasia after stroke (I-PRAISE) (2022)
- Psykisk ohälsa vanligt bland anhöriga (2022)
- Self-reported changes in everyday life and health of significant others of people with aphasia (2022)
- Swallowing function in COVID-19 patients after invasive mechanical ventilation (2022)
- Do best practice recommendations align with current aphasia practices in the Swedish care context (2022)
- Greater Palatal Cleft Width Predicts an Increased Risk for Unfavorable Outcomes in Cleft Palate Repair. (2022)
- What do people respond to when rating executive function? (2022)
- Swallowing dysfunction in patients hospitalised due to a COPD exacerbation (2021)
- Mobilizing device-mediated contributions in interaction involving beginner users of eye-gaze-accessed speech-generating devices (2021)
- Caregivers', teachers', and assistants' use and learning of partner strategies in communication using high-tech speech-generating devices with children with severe cerebral palsy (2021)
- Measuring executive function in people with severe aphasia (2020)
- Creating a response space in multiparty classroom settings for students using eye-gaze accessed speech-generating devices (2020)
- Subjective swallowing symptoms and related risk factors in COPD (2019)
- Relations between executive function, language, and functional communication in severe aphasia (2019)
- Speech and language pathologists' perceptions and practises of communication partner training to support children's communication with high-tech speech generating devices (2019)
- Reporting Interventions in Communication Partner Training (2018)
- Essential elements of communication partner training – can they be identified using the TIDieR checklist? (2018)
- Imageability ratings across languages (2018)
- Complexity in measuring outcomes after communication partner training: Alignment between goals of intervention and methods of evaluation (2018)
- Prevalence of swallowing dysfunction screened in Swedish cohort of COPD patients (2017)
- A multiple-case study of a family-oriented intervention practice in the early rehabilitation phase of persons with aphasia (2013)
- Communication difficulties and use of communication strategies (2012)
- Communication changes and SLP-services according to significant others of persons with aphasia (2012)
- Svenska logopeders insatser till personer med afasi (2011)
- Beskrivning av den svenska logopedkårens sammansättning samt av "afasilogopeders" arbetsmässiga förutsättningar - resultat från en enkätstudie (2011)
- Working with families of persons with aphasia (2011)
- Self-efficacy and resilience in people with severe aphasia
- Features of Social Action that Mobilize Response when Professionals Interact with Young Beginner Users of Eye-gaze Accessed Speech Generating devices
- Classroom Interaction Involving Students with Cerebral Palsy using Eye-gaze Accessed Speech-Generating Devices
- Språk, tal och kommunikation samt sväljning (2015)
- Språk och kommunikation, tal och sväljning (2006)
- Experiences and need of support to significant others of persons with aphasia (2023)
- Why do significant others of people with aphasia accept or decline participation in communication partner training? (2023)
- Self-efficacy and resilience in severe aphasia (2023)
- SLP services in Sweden and in Finland (2019)
- Swallowing dysfunction in acute COPD (2019)
- Relations between executive function, language and functional communication in severe aphasia (2019)
- Aphasia (2017)
- Prevalence of subjective swallowing dysfunction in patients with stable COPD (2017)
- Swallowing dysfunction in COPD: Is it more related to burden of disease than lung function (2017)
- Prevalence of subjective swallowing dysfunction in patients with stable COPD (2016)
- Cross-linguistic adaptations of The Comprehensive Aphasia Test: Challenges and solutions (2016)
- Word imageability from a cross-linguistic perspective (2016)
- Communication aid devices in Swedish aphasia rehabilitation (2011)
- Kommunikation vid afasi – finns det några hinder och var finns de i så fall? (2010)
- How do we work with persons with aphasia and their relatives? (2009)