Lena Hellström-Westas
Professor i perinatalmedicin, överläkare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Perinatal, neonatal och barnkardiologisk forskning
- E-post:
- lena.westas@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 UPPSALA
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Senaste publikationer
- Factors associated with the increased incidence of necrotising enterocolitis in extremely preterm infants in Sweden between two population-based national cohorts (2004-2007 vs 2014-2016) (2024)
- One-year survival and outcomes of infants born at 22 and 23 weeks of gestation in Sweden 2004-2007, 2014-2016 and 2017-2019 (2024)
- Mri findings, looking behaviour and affect recognition in very preterm children (2024)
- Neonatal therapeutic hypothermia in a regional swedish cohort (2024)
- Brain MRI findings and their association with visual impairment in young adolescents born very preterm (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Factors associated with the increased incidence of necrotising enterocolitis in extremely preterm infants in Sweden between two population-based national cohorts (2004-2007 vs 2014-2016) (2024)
- One-year survival and outcomes of infants born at 22 and 23 weeks of gestation in Sweden 2004-2007, 2014-2016 and 2017-2019 (2024)
- Mri findings, looking behaviour and affect recognition in very preterm children (2024)
- Neonatal therapeutic hypothermia in a regional swedish cohort (2024)
- Brain MRI findings and their association with visual impairment in young adolescents born very preterm (2024)
- Cooling during transportation of newborns with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy using phase change material mattresses in low-resource settings (2024)
- Therapeutic hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia in Vietnam (2024)
- Brain Extraction Methods in Neonatal Brain MRI and Their Effects on Intracranial Volumes (2024)
- Economic Evaluation of Elective Cesarean Section on Maternal Request Compared With Planned Vaginal Birth-Application to Swedish Setting Using National Registry Data (2023)
- Neuromonitoring in neonatal critical care part II (2023)
- Neuromonitoring in neonatal critical care part I (2023)
- Different aspects of visual perception are important for 12-year social functioning depending on gestational age (2023)
- Why monitor the neonatal brain-that is the important question (2023)
- Serum osteocalcin levels at 4 months of age were associated with neurodevelopment at 4 years of age in term-born children (2022)
- Risk factors for seizures in the vigorous term neonate (2022)
- Visual tracking at 4 months in preterm infants predicts 6.5-year cognition and attention (2022)
- Retrospective evaluation of ophthalmological and neurological outcomes for infants born before 24 weeks gestational age in a Swedish cohort (2022)
- Umbilical cord clamping and management of the third stage of labor (2022)
- Antenatal steroids and neurodevelopment in 12‐year‐old children born extremely preterm (2022)
- Haemoglobin and red blood cell reference intervals during infancy (2022)
- National cohort of infants born before 24 gestational weeks showed increased survival rates but no improvement in neonatal morbidity (2022)
- An automated bedside measure for monitoring neonatal cortical activity (2022)
- Neurodevelopmental disorders and somatic diagnoses in a national cohort of children born before 24 weeks of gestation (2022)
- Early Hyperglycemia in Very Preterm Infants Is Associated with Reduced White Matter Volume and Worse Cognitive and Motor Outcomes at 2.5 Years (2022)
- When all I wanted was to hold my baby-The experiences of parents of infants who received therapeutic hypothermia (2021)
- Bedside and laboratory neuromonitoring in neonatal encephalopathy (2021)
- Average 2.5-year neurodevelopmental test results in children born very preterm did not rule out cognitive deficits at 6.5 years of age (2021)
- Soluble Transferrin Receptor during infancy and reference intervals for the Roche Cobas platform (2021)
- Structured Observation of Motor Performance in Infants (2021)
- Using different definitions affected the reported prevalence of neurodevelopmental impairment in children born very preterm (2021)
- Hypothermic treatment for neonatal asphyxia in low-resource settings using phase-changing material (2021)
- A breastfeeding support program changed breastfeeding patterns but did not affect the mothers' self-efficacy in breastfeeding at two months (2020)
- Longitudinal cohort study reveals different patterns of stress in parents of preterm infants during the first year after birth (2020)
- Morphine affects brain activity and volumes in preterms (2020)
- Prelabour caesarean section and neurodevelopmental outcome at 4 and 12 months of age (2020)
- Parental participation during therapeutic hypothermia for neonatal hypoxicischemic encephalopathy (2019)
- Reaching skills of infants born very preterm predict neurodevelopment at 2.5 years (2019)
- When age really matters (2019)
- Association Between Year of Birth and 1-Year Survival Among Extremely Preterm Infants in Sweden During 2004-2007 and 2014-2016 (2019)
- Childhood death rates declined in Sweden from 2000 to 2014 but deaths from external causes were not always investigated (2019)
- National population-based cohort study found that visual-motor integration was commonly affected in extremely preterm born children at six-and-a-half years (2018)
- Proactive telephone support provided to breastfeeding mothers of preterm infants after discharge (2018)
- Breastfeeding and risk for ceasing in mothers of preterm infants-Long-term follow-up (2018)
- Amplitude-integrated electroencephalography for seizure detection in newborn infants (2018)
- Impaired cognitive ability at 2.5 years predicts later visual and ophthalmological problems in children born very preterm (2018)
- Reference intervals for reticulocyte hemoglobin content in healthy infants (2018)
- Early Electroencephalography Suppression and Postnatal Morbidities Correlate with Cerebral Volume at Term-Equivalent Age in Very Preterm Infants (2018)
- Wait a minute? (2017)
- Poor performance of main-stream capnography in newborn infants during general anesthesia (2017)
- The Structured Observation of Motor Performance in Infants has convergent and discriminant validity in preterm and term infants (2017)
- Early Hyperglycemia And Brain MRI Findings In Very Preterm Infants (2017)
- Rhythmic EEG patterns in extremely preterm infants (2017)
- Elective caesarean (2016)
- Visual-Motor Integration In Extremely Preterm Born Children In Sweden (2016)
- Changes in the prevalence of breast feeding in preterm infants discharged from neonatal units (2016)
- Visual tracking in very preterm infants at 4 mo predicts neurodevelopment at 3 y of age (2016)
- Skin-to-skin contact is associated with earlier breastfeeding attainment in preterm infants (2016)
- Treatment Trials for Neonatal Seizures (2016)
- Lidocaine response rate in aEEG-confirmed neonatal seizures (2016)
- Effect of Delayed Cord Clamping on Neurodevelopment at 4 Years of Age A Randomized Clinical Trial (2015)
- Systematic review of neonatal seizure management strategies provides guidance on anti-epileptic treatment (2015)
- Auditory event-related potentials are related to cognition at preschool age after very preterm birth (2015)
- Early Detection of Preterm Intraventricular Hemorrhage From Clinical Electroencephalography (2015)
- y Cortical burst dynamics predict clinical outcome early in extremely preterm infants (2015)
- Breastfeeding Patterns in Preterm Infants Born at 28-33 Gestational Weeks (2015)
- Bumetanide for the treatment of seizures in newborn babies with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (NEMO) (2015)
- Bumetanide for neonatal seizures - back from the cotside (2015)
- Preterm birth may be a larger risk factor for increased blood pressure thanintrauterine growth restriction (2015)
- Effect of Delayed vs Early Umbilical Cord Clamping on Iron Status and Neurodevelopment at Age 12 Months A Randomized Clinical Trial (2014)
- Using magnetic resonance imaging to diagnose neonatal seizures (2014)
- Reorganizing Life (2014)
- Development and psychometric properties of the Swedish ALPS-Neo pain and stress assessment scale for newborn infants (2014)
- Bumetanide and Hearing Loss (2014)
- Impact of sex on perinatal mortality and morbidity in twins (2014)
- Measuring brain activity cycling (BAC) in long term EEG monitoring of preterm babies (2014)
- Effects of delayed cord clamping on neurodevelopment and infection at four months of age (2013)
- Effects of delayed compared with early umbilical cord clamping on maternal postpartum hemorrhage and cord blood gas sampling (2013)
- The effectiveness of proactive telephone support provided to breastfeeding mothers of preterm infants (2013)
- Systematic characterization of amplitude-integrated EEG signals for monitoring the preterm brain (2013)
- Circulatory insulin-like growth factor-I and brain volumes in relation to neurodevelopmental outcome in very preterm infants (2013)
- Factors affecting parents' presence with their extremely preterm infants in a neonatal intensive care room (2013)
- Monitoring brain function with aEEG in term asphyxiated infants before and during cooling (2013)
- A phase II randomized clinical trial on cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy plus a treatment guideline versus treatment as usual for extremely preterm infants during the first three days of life (SafeBoosC) (2013)
- Clinical use of cerebral oximetry in extremely preterm infants is feasible (2013)
- Outcome of deliveries in healthy but obese women (2013)
- Early neurophysiology and MRI in predicting neurological outcome at 9-10 years after birth asphyxia (2013)
- Efficacy and safety of lidocaine for treatment of neonatal seizures (2013)
- Premedication for intubation with morphine causes prolonged depression of electrocortical background activity in preterm infants (2013)
- The SafeBoosC Phase II Randomised Clinical Trial (2013)
- Treatment of neonatal seizures (2013)
- Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography in Newborns with Inborn Errors of Metabolism (2012)
- Early single-channel aEEG/EEG predicts outcome in very preterm infants (2012)
- Effect of delayed versus early umbilical cord clamping on neonatal outcomes and iron status at 4 months (2011)
- Postnatal decrease in circulating insulin-like growth factor-I and low brain volumes in very preterm infants (2011)
- Rapid Sequence Induction is Superior to Morphine for Intubation of Preterm Infants (2011)
- Neonatal outcome in dysfunctional labour (2011)
- Association Between Adverse Neonatal Outcome and Lactate Concentration in Amniotic Fluid (2011)
- Carbon Dioxide and Glucose Affect Electrocortical Background in Extremely Preterm Infants (2011)
- Incidence of and risk factors for neonatal morbidity after active perinatal care (2010)
- Follow-up of adolescents born extremely preterm (2010)
- The need for more research on seizures in preterm infants. (2010)
- Optimization of an NLEO-based algorithm for automated detection of spontaneous activity transients in early preterm EEG (2010)
- Detection of 'EEG bursts' in the early preterm EEG (2010)
- Effect of Hypothermia on Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalogram in Infants With Asphyxia (2010)
- The influence of age on the distribution of morphine and morphine-3-glucuronide across the blood-brain barrier in sheep (2009)
- One-year survival of extremely preterm infants after active perinatal care in Sweden (2009)
- Bumetanide for neonatal seizures (2009)
- Short-term outcome predictors in infants born at 23-24 gestational weeks (2008)
- Amplitude-integrated EEG--useful for early outcome prediction after birth asphyxia? (2008)
- Electroencephalographic response to procedural pain in healthy term newborn infants (2008)
- Amplitude-integrated electroencephalography in the newborn (2008)
- Improving the treatment of neonatal seizures (2008)
- Early amplitude-integrated EEG correlates with cord TNF-α and brain injury in very preterm infants (2008)