John Airey
Forskare vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Fysikens didaktik
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Kort presentation
John Airey is Reader (docent) in Physics Education Research at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University and Professor of University Science Education, at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at Stockholm University. John’s research interests focus on physics learning at tertiary level and its relationship to language and other semiotic resources.
Dr John Airey is Reader (docent) in Physics Education Research at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University and Professor of University Science Education, at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at Stockholm University. He is currently the principal investigator for the project Building a professional identity: a comparative study of physics teacher training in four countries (Sweden, England, Singapore and Finland) from the Swedish Research Council (VR-2015-01891). He is also part of a second Swedish Research Council project Investigating interactive science education at the university level: Combining variation theory with social semiotics as it relates to disciplinary representations and semiotic resources (VR 2016-04113).
Research Themes
John’s research interests focus on physics learning at tertiary level and its relationship to language and other semiotic resources.
Urval av publikationer
- What makes a good physics teacher? (2020)
- A Fragmented Training Environment (2020)
- Learning to use Cartesian coordinate systems to solve physics problems (2020)
- Unpacking the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (2019)
- What does it mean to understand a physics equation? (2019)
- Increasing Access to Science and Engineering (2019)
- Transduction and Science Learning (2019)
- Demonstrating The Role Of Transduction In The Teaching And Learning Of Science (2019)
- Developing Students’ Disciplinary Literacy? (2018)
- Social Semiotics in University Physics Education (2017)
- "I don't teach language" (2012)
- Science, Language, and Literacy (2009)
- Language and the Experience of Learning University Physics in Sweden (2006)
Senaste publikationer
- On the periphery of university physics (2021)
- Swimming Against the Tide (2021)
- Physics Education Research (2020)
- The content lecturer and English-medium instruction (EMI) (2020)
- What makes a good physics teacher? (2020)
Alla publikationer
- On the periphery of university physics (2021)
- Swimming Against the Tide (2021)
- The content lecturer and English-medium instruction (EMI) (2020)
- What makes a good physics teacher? (2020)
- A Fragmented Training Environment (2020)
- Developing representational competence (2020)
- Learning to use Cartesian coordinate systems to solve physics problems (2020)
- Unpacking the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (2019)
- Increasing Access to Science and Engineering (2019)
- Transduction and Science Learning (2019)
- CLIL: Combining Language and Content (2017)
- The expansion of English-medium instruction in the Nordic countries (2017)
- Enhancing the possibilities for learning (2015)
- Towards addressing transient learning challenges in undergraduate physics (2015)
- A social semiotic approach to identifying critical aspects (2015)
- Who needs 3D when the Universe is flat? (2014)
- Introducing the anatomy of disciplinary discernment (2014)
- Unpacking physics representations (2014)
- Developing and Evaluating a Survey for Representational Fluency in Science (2014)
- Disciplinary differences in the use of English in higher education (2014)
- Fostering Disciplinary Literacy? South African Physics Lecturers' Educational Responses to their Students' Lack of Representational Competence (2014)
- "I don't teach language" (2012)
- Exploring the role of physics representations (2012)
- Talking about teaching in English (2011)
- The disciplinary literacy discussion matrix (2011)
- Lecturing undergraduate science in Danish and in English (2011)
- The ability of students to explain science concepts in two languages (2010)
- Estimating undergraduate bilingual scientific literacy in Sweden (2009)
- A Disciplinary Discourse Perspective on University Science Learning (2008)
- Bilingual Scientific Literacy? (2008)
- An exploration of university physics students' epistemological mindsets towards the understanding of physics equations (2007)
- När undervisningsspråket blir engelska (2006)
- Language and the Experience of Learning University Physics in Sweden (2006)
- Can students’ mathematical expectations present a barrier to conceptual understanding?
- What does it mean to understand a physics equation? (2019)
- Developing Students’ Disciplinary Literacy? (2018)
- Social Semiotics in University Physics Education (2017)
- EAP, EMI or CLIL? (2016)
- From stimulated recall to disciplinary literacy (2015)
- Disciplinary literacy (2013)
- Att välja lämpliga semiotiska resurser. (2013)
- Initiating Collaboration in Higher Education (2011)
- The relationship between teaching language and student learning in Swedish university physics (2011)
- Bilingual Scientific Literacy (2011)
- När undervisningsspråket ändras till engelska (2010)
- Tvåspråkig ämneskompetens? En studie av naturvetenskaplig parallellspråkighet i svensk högreutbildning. (2010)
- Disciplinary learning in a second language: A case study from university physics (2007)
- Physics Education Research (2020)
- What does it mean to understand a physics equation? (2019)
- What is a ‘good’ physics teacher? Views from the English education community. (2019)
- The Role of Transduction in the Teaching and Learning of Science: Students Learning about Magnetic Field (2019)
- A new explanation for why PER curriculum materials work (2019)
- Demonstrating The Role Of Transduction In The Teaching And Learning Of Science (2019)
- Building on higher education research - How can we take a scholarly approach to teaching and learning (2018)
- A Social Semiotic Approach to Teaching and Learning Science (2018)
- The Concept of Affordance in the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Science (2018)
- Disciplinary Literacy: A Research Overview (2018)
- Using variation and unpacking to help students decode disciplinary-specific semiotic resources (2018)
- Disciplinary Literacy: Theorising the Specialized Use of Language and other Modes in University Teaching and Learning (2018)
- EMI, CLIL, EAP:What’s the difference? (2018)
- Multimodal Science and Engineering Teaching: Perspectives from 8ICOM (2018)
- The views of pre-service physics teachers on the role of mathematics in the teaching and learning of physics (2018)
- Multimodal Transduction in Upper-secondary School Physics (2018)
- Problem solving and coordinate systems (2018)
- Semiotic Resources and Disciplinary Literacy (2017)
- Learning and Sharing Disciplinary Knowledge (2017)
- Research on physics teaching and learning, physics teacher education, and physics culture at Uppsala University (2017)
- Disciplinary Affordance vs Pedagogical Affordance (2017)
- Investigating Undergraduate Physics Lecturers’ Disciplinary Literacy Goals For Their Students (2017)
- What is a ‘good’ physics teacher? (2017)
- Four discourse models of physics teacher education (2017)
- How does the culture of physics affect physics teacher education? (2017)
- Working with magnetic field to learn about coordinate systems (2017)
- Physics students learning about abstract mathematical tools while engaging with “invisible” phenomena (2017)
- Teaching the movability of coordinate systems: Discovering disciplinary affordances (2017)
- The IOLab and magnetic Field – Magnetic north versus actual direction (2017)
- Coordinating multiple resources to learn physics (2017)
- Physics students learning about abstract mathematical tools when engaging with “invisible” phenomena (2017)
- Towards modelling formal learning in terms of the multimodal emergence of transduction. (2017)
- Undergraduate Teaching with Multiple Semiotic Resources: Disciplinary Affordance vs Pedagogical Affordance (2016)
- Changing to Teaching and Learning in English (2016)
- Undergraduate Teaching and Learning in English (2016)
- Disciplinary Literacy (2016)
- Teaching and Learning in University Physics (2016)
- Multimodal transduction in secondary school physics (2016)
- Social Semiotics in Higher Education: Examples from teaching and learning in undergraduate physics (2015)
- Changing to Teaching and Learning in English (2015)
- Social semiotics in university physics education (2015)
- The "physics expert" discourse model – counterproductive for trainee physics teachers' professional identity building? (2015)
- Teachers transitioning to teaching in English (2014)
- Disciplinary differences in the use of English (2014)
- Teaching and Learning in English (2014)
- That's Funny! (2014)
- Music and physics don’t mix! (2014)
- The Concept of Disciplinary Affordance (2014)
- On the Disciplinary Affordances of Semiotic Resources (2014)
- What Knowledge Do Trainee Physics Teachers Need to Learn? (2014)
- What do you see here? (2014)
- A Semiotic Analysis of the Disciplinary Affordances of the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram in Astronomy. (2014)
- Tell me what you see (2014)
- The Anatomy of Disciplinary Discernment (2014)
- Learning in terms of the semiotic enactment of patterns of disciplinary-relevant aspects (2014)
- Variation as a method for perceiving the disciplinary affordances of physics representations (2014)
- Reverse rankshift (2014)
- Exploring knowledge representation in terms of the enactment of idealized patterns of disciplinary-relevant aspects (2014)
- Understanding Physics Equations (2014)
- What does it mean to understand a physics equation? (2014)
- The competing discourse models future physics teachers’ meet during teacher training (2014)
- Searching for stories: The training environment as a constituting factor in the professional identity work of future physics teachers. (2014)
- Lecturing in English: Comparing fluency and content in L1 and L2 (2013)
- Understanding Disciplinary Differences in Content and Language Integrated Learning: A Disciplinary Literacy Approach. (2013)
- Dealing with Contemporary Challenges in University Education: Response Strategies of South African Physics Lecturers to Students’ Lack of Representational Competence (2013)
- Problematising Disciplinary Literacy in a Multilingual Society: The Case of University Physics in South Africa. (2013)
- Awareness of the three dimensional structure of the Universe. (2013)
- Awareness of the three dimensional structure of the Universe (2013)
- What do teachers of astronomy need to think about? (2013)
- Vad innebär det att förstå en ekvation inom fysiken enligt studenter? (2013)
- Förståelse av fysikekvationer: Vad säger studenter? (2013)
- Kan multipla representationer och en interaktiv studiemiljö främja lärandet av fysikekvationer? (2013)
- Exploring the interplay between disciplinary and professional discourses and the developing professional identity of trainee physics teachers (2013)
- Hur samspelar disciplinära och professionella diskurser i utvecklingen av fysiklärarstudenters professionella identitet? (2013)
- Physics students’ representational competence: South African Physics lecturers’ teaching and curriculum response strategies. (2013)
- The overlooked challenge of learning to extrapolate three-dimensionality. (2013)
- Teaching and learning in English (2012)
- The Impact of English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education (2012)
- Lecturing in English (2012)
- Who needs 3D when the Universe is flat? (2012)
- Who needs 3D when the Universe is flat? (2012)
- Who needs 3D when the Universe is flat? (2012)
- Critical aspects of scientific phenomena -- to the fore, in the background, or not present in scientific representations (2012)
- Choosing appropriate resources: investigating students’ scientific literacy (2012)
- A case study of the role of representations in enabling and constraining the sharing of physics knowledge in peer discussions (2012)
- Which representation is best? How students use representational information in problem solving (2012)
- Disciplinary Differences in Knowledge Structures and their Impact on the Use of English in Swedish Higher Education (2012)
- Watching the sky (2011)
- Watching the Sky (2011)
- Exploring Language Perspectives (2009)
- Teaching in English (2008)
- Language and Engineering (2008)
- Bilingual Scientific Literacy (2008)
- Learning through English (2008)
- The disciplinary discourse of university physics (2008)
- Disciplinary learning in a second language: A case study from university physics. (2007)
- Representing disciplinary knowledge? Understanding students' experience of the equations presented to them in physics lectures (2006)
- Languages, Modality and Disciplinary Knowledge. (2006)
- Learning in a Second Language. Two Case Studies from University Physics. (2006)
- Looking for Links between Learning and the Discursive Practices of University Science. (2005)
- Can you teach it in English? The Language Choice Debate in Swedish Higher Education. (2004)
- Language, Bandwidth and the Shared Space of Learning (2004)
- Teaching University Courses through the Medium of English: The current state of the art. (2003)