Olof Lindahl

Projektkoordinator vid Uppsala antibiotikacentrum

BMC, SciLifeLab Entrance C11, Room E10:4210
752 37 Uppsala
BMC, Box 582, Husargatan 3
751 23 Uppsala

Biträdande lektor vid Uppsala antibiotikacentrum

BMC, SciLifeLab Entrance C11, Room E10:4210
752 37 Uppsala
BMC, Box 582, Husargatan 3
751 23 Uppsala

Universitetslektor vid Företagsekonomiska institutionen; Professorer, lärare, forskare

018-471 13 77
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA
Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
Akademiska meriter:
FD, docent

Kort presentation

Olof Lindahl is an associate professor and senior lecturer with the International Business Group at the Department of Business Studies where he teaches international business and management as well as research methods at the undergraduate, graduate, and PhD levels.

He has a PhD in International Business from Uppsala University.


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Lindahl has a BSc in Business Administration from Uppsala University, a MSc in International Management from Grenoble Graduate School of Business, France, and a PhD in International Business from Uppsala University.

Research Interests

Lindahl is currently working in four main research projects. These investigate the standardization of R&D capabilities in multinational corporations through global transfer and change management efforts, the spread of diagnostics technologies to new clinical settings, the role of public interventions in stimulating pharmaceutical R&D in the field of antibiotics, and the drivers and challenges to technological change in the electrification of the heavy automotive transportation, forestry, and aviation industries.

Awards & Nominations

  • Winner of the Emerald Best Entrepreneurship Paper Award at the INEKA 2019 in Verona, Italy.

  • Finalist for the 2016 Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Award for the best doctoral dissertation in International Business.

  • Finalist in the 2016 EDAMBA Competition for the best European doctoral thesis in business administration.

  • Nominated for the IM Division Gustavson School of Business Best Qualitative Paper in International Business Award at the Academy of Management 2017 in Atlanta, USA.

  • Nominated for the Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar at the Academy of International Business 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey.


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Lindahl's research concerns international business, the management of innovation and organizational change, knowledge management and transfer in multinational corporations, business models in pharmaceutical R&D, the internationalization processes of firms, and reshoring.

Olof Lindahl

