Berit Höglund
Affilierad Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Obstetrisk och reproduktiv hälsoforskning
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Kort presentation
Akademiska meriter: Docent i Reproduktiv hälsa vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa, Uppsala universitet
Senaste publikationer
- Why and when choosing child-free life in Sweden? Reasons, influencing factors and personal and societal factors (2023)
- Efficacy of a school-based intervention to influence attitudes about future parenting among Swedish youth with intellectual disability (2023)
- The toolkit and Real-Care-Baby intervention (2023)
- Perceptions and imagined performances of pregnancy, birth and parenting among voluntarily child-free individuals in Sweden (2022)
- A school-based intervention can promote insights into future parenting in students with intellectual disabilities (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Why and when choosing child-free life in Sweden? Reasons, influencing factors and personal and societal factors (2023)
- Efficacy of a school-based intervention to influence attitudes about future parenting among Swedish youth with intellectual disability (2023)
- The toolkit and Real-Care-Baby intervention (2023)
- Perceptions and imagined performances of pregnancy, birth and parenting among voluntarily child-free individuals in Sweden (2022)
- A school-based intervention can promote insights into future parenting in students with intellectual disabilities (2021)
- How can sexual and reproductive health and rights be enhanced for young people with intellectual disability? (2020)
- Midwives' work and attitudes towards contraceptive counselling and contraception among women with intellectual disability (2019)
- Ethical dilemmas and legal aspects in contraceptive counselling for women with intellectual disability (2019)
- Few women receive a specific explanation of a stillbirth - an online survey of women's perceptions and thoughts about the cause of their baby's death (2019)
- An Intervention using the Tool-kit ”Children – what does it involve?” and the Real-Care-Baby simulator among students with ID - a feasibility study (2019)
- Midwives' responsibility with normal birth in interprofessional teams (2019)
- An intervention using the preparing for Parenting Toolkit (2018)
- Increased risk for mental illness, injuries, and violence in children born to mothers with intellectual disability (2017)
- Midwives' comprehension of care for women with intellectual disability during pregnancy and childbirth (2015)
- Professional and social support enhances maternal well-being in women with intellectual disability (2014)
- Struggling for motherhood with an intellectual disability (2013)
- Midwives’ knowledge of, attitudes towards and experiences of caring for women with intellectual disability during pregnancy and childbirth (2013)
- Pregnancy and birth among women with intellectual disability in Sweden - experiences and outcomes (2012)
- Newborns of mothers with intellectual disability have a higher risk of perinatal death and being small-for-gestational age (2012)
- Pregnancy and birth outcomes of women with intellectual disability in Sweden (2012)
- Childbirth and newborn health in Swedish women with ID and their infants (2010)
- Emergency cesarean delivery in induction of labor (2005)