Jukka Hohenthal
Universitetslektor vid Företagsekonomiska institutionen; Professorer, lärare, forskare
- Telefon:
- 018-471 15 19
- E-post:
- Jukka.Hohenthal@fek.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- ED, docent, excellent lärare
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Jukka Hohenthal is a senior lecturer at Uppsala University's Department of Business Studies where he teaches undergraduate marketing, undergraduate international business, graduate strategy and graduate international business.
Before coming to Uppsala he worked as a management consultant for several years. He has a Master of Business administration from Uppsala University.
Research Projects
Senaste publikationer
- Big data marketing (2022)
- Searching for big data (2018)
- Kunskapsbaserad marknadsföring (2016)
- Scientification in Sports (2014)
- MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses (2014)
Alla publikationer
- Searching for big data (2018)
- Scientification in Sports (2014)
- MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses (2014)
- Network knowledge and business-relationship value in the foreign market (2014)
- Consultants at Work (2013)
- The Democratization of Market Communication (2012)
- Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods in research on international entrepreneurship (2006)
- SME export channel choice in international markets (2005)
- Cultural diversity and culture specific experiences effect on development of institutional experiential knowledge in SME’s (2004)
- Vad vet vi egentligen om företagsetableringar i de nya marknadsekonomierna kring Östersjön? (2004)
- Market Discovery and the International Expansion of the Firm (2003)
- Big data marketing (2022)
- Marknadsföring och Nya Medier (2013)
- Sociala media - en möjlighet till studieintegration av internetgenerationen? (2010)
- Att lämna mer plats för forskning samtidigt som undervisningen förbättras - en svårlöst men inte omöjlig ekvation (2010)
- The internationalization processes of the firm: a new research agenda (2009)
- The international processes of the firm: a new research agenda (2009)
- Social Capital as a Key for Exploration and Exploitation of Knowledge in the Internationalization Process of high tech SMEs (2007)
- Managing interdependent business relationships in SME internationalization (2006)
- International Experience and the Recognition of Business Opportunities in Foreign Markets (2005)
- International Experience and Recognition of Business Opportunities in Foreign Markets – A Study of SME’s international Experiences and Location Choice (2005)
- Collaborative Experience in Internationalising Firms (2003)
- Changing the organisational memory – a study of SME internationalisation (2003)
- Changing the Organisational Memory in Swedish SMEs Through New International Business Relationships (2002)
- A Model of Learning in International Business Networks, (1999)
- You trust what you know Word-of-mouth and interactive marketing in services (2013)
- The scientification of marketing (2013)
- Use of Social Media in Marketing Educational Services (2012)
- Towards the development of knowledge-based marketing (2011)
- The Internationalization Processes of the Firm (2008)
- The internationalization processes of the firm (2008)
- Experience and growth expectations in the internationalization process of SME’s (2006)
- The role of experience in creating profitable operations in eastern and central europe (2003)
- Market discovery and the international expansion of the firm (2003)
- Understanding decisions (2002)
- Rethinking decisions in business firms (1999)