Margaretha Nydahl
Professor emer. i kostvetenskap, affilierad vid Institutionen för kostvetenskap
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Kort presentation
Professor emeritus, tidigare universitetslektor och legitimerad dietist. Jag har en bakgrund som dietist främst inom primärvården. Min forskning har främst varit inriktad mot hälsofrämjande och förebyggande åtgärder och aktiviteter, hur detta kommuniceras samt kostens betydelse vid livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar.
En stor del av mitt arbete, forskning och undervisning har fokuserat mot utvärdering av kostens och kostrådgivningens betydelse vid livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar. Jag disputerade vid institutioen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, avdelningen för klinisk nutrition, Uppsala universitet. Avhandlingen inkluderar framförallt interventionsstudier där effekter av olika fettsammansättningar i maten utvärderades bland såväl friska som personer med hyperlipidemi.
Min forskning inom området dietetikens kommunikation har en stark bakgrund i kostvetenskap och har utvecklats mot folkhälsa för den friska populationen generellt och för svaga grupper såsom äldre specifikt. Fokus har varit kostbehandling i relation till hälsa och hur detta kommuniceras. En tyngdpunkt har varit att kartlägga människors kostvanor och hur dessa kan förbättras genom realistiska förändringar. Kostmönster, intag av enskilda livsmedel, näringsintag och omfattning av malnutrition har studerats även ur ett metodologiskt perspektiv genom att såväl val- som tillämpning av olika kostundersökningsmetoder, har varit centrala. Jag har även analyserat hur äldre ser på sin mat- och måltidssituation och hur denna syn varierar med olika bakgrundsfaktorer. Min forskning inkluderar även initiering av hälsofrämjande- och primärpreventiva aktiviteter i syfte att underlätta matrelaterade sysslor liksom att främja det faktiska livsmedels- och näringsintaget, samt den sociala gemenskapen bland äldre.
Urval av publikationer
- Agreement between different methods of measuring height in elderly patients (2013)
- CHANCE (2013)
- Cluster Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Related Perceptions (2013)
- Normative, Authentic and Altruistic Fruit and Vegetable Consumption as Weblog Discourses (2013)
- A simplified health information model increased the level of knowledge regarding "five a day" and food safety in a city district (2012)
- Laypeople blog about fruit and vegetables for self-expression and dietary influence (2011)
- Project CHANCE Community Health Management to Enhance Behaviour (2009)
- Effects of substituting dietary saturned fatty acids with monounsaturated fatty acids in young healthy volunteers (2000)
Senaste publikationer
- Setting goals with patients at risk of malnutrition (2022)
- Discrepancy in the evaluation of explicit and implicit nutrition care outcomes for patients at risk of malnutrition (2022)
- 'Between foods and medicines' (2022)
- The concept of adherence and its applications in the field of nutrition and dietetics: a narrative review (2021)
- A qualitative exploration of dietitians' experiences of prescribing oral nutritional supplements to patients with malnutrition (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Setting goals with patients at risk of malnutrition (2022)
- Discrepancy in the evaluation of explicit and implicit nutrition care outcomes for patients at risk of malnutrition (2022)
- 'Between foods and medicines' (2022)
- A qualitative exploration of dietitians' experiences of prescribing oral nutritional supplements to patients with malnutrition (2021)
- A Proposed Theoretical Model for Sustainable and Safe Commensality among Older Adults (2021)
- Sarcopenic obesity and associations with mortality in older women and men – a prospective observational study (2020)
- High adherence to oral nutrition supplements prescribed by dietitians (2019)
- Adherence to a regulation that aims to prevent and treat malnutrition (2019)
- Incomplete descriptions of oral nutritional supplement interventions in reports of randomised controlled trials (2018)
- Consumers' health-related perceptions of bread - Implications for labeling and health communication (2018)
- National survey in elderly care on the process of adopting a new regulation aiming to prevent and treat malnutrition in Sweden (2018)
- Reforming Foodservice in Elderly Care (2018)
- Physical performance and serum 25(OH)vitamin D status in community dwelling old mobility limited adults (2018)
- Effect of exercise and nutritional supplementation on health-related quality of life and mood in older adults (2018)
- "Feeling more self-confident, cheerful and safe”. Experiences from a health-promoting intervention in community dwelling older adults — A qualitative study (2018)
- Effect of structured physical activity and nutritional supplementation on physical function in mobility-limited older adults (2017)
- Different liking but similar healthiness perceptions of rye bread among younger and older consumers in Sweden (2017)
- Quality indicators of nutritional care practice in elderly care (2017)
- Individually prescribed diet is fundamental to optimize nutritional treatment in geriatric patients (2016)
- Characterization of Commercial Rye Bread Based on Sensory Properties, Fluidity Index and Chemical Acidity (2016)
- The Vitality, Independence, and Vigor in the Elderly 2 Study (VIVE2) (2015)
- Bread consumption patterns in a Swedish national dietary survey focusing particularly on whole-grain and rye bread (2014)
- Agreement between different methods of measuring height in elderly patients (2013)
- CHANCE (2013)
- Health communication in relation to healthy eating among elderly (2013)
- Cluster Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Related Perceptions (2013)
- Normative, Authentic and Altruistic Fruit and Vegetable Consumption as Weblog Discourses (2013)
- A simplified health information model increased the level of knowledge regarding "five a day" and food safety in a city district (2012)
- Laypeople blog about fruit and vegetables for self-expression and dietary influence (2011)
- Pregnancy planning in Sweden (2011)
- The Informal Networks in Food Procurement by Older People (2010)
- Comparison between optical readable and open-ended weighed food records (2009)
- Fruit and vegetable consumption close to recommendations (2009)
- Health awareness and behavour of the elderly: between needs and reality (2009)
- Five-day food intake in elderly female outpatients with Parkinson´s disease, rheumatoid arthritis or stroke (2004)
- Five-day food intake in elderly female outpatients with Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis or stroke (2004)
- Meals and snacks among elderly self-managing and disabled women (2003)
- Food and nutrient intake in a group of self-managing elderly Swedish women. (2003)
- Food and nutrient intake in a group of self-managing elderly Swedish women (2003)
- Associations between perceived cooking ability, dietary intake and meal patterns among older women (2002)
- Reasons among older Swedish women of not participating in a food survey (2002)
- Meals and energy intake among elderly women - an analysis of qualitative and quantitative dietary assessment methods (2001)
- Managing food shopping and cooking: the experiences of older Swedish women (2001)
- The meal as a gift (2000)
- Meals, habits and culture among retired women living at home. (1997)
- Similar effects of rapeseed oil (canola oil) and olive oil in alipid-lowering diet for patients with hyperlipoproteinemia. (1995)
- ‘I take the amount I need to feel good’: a qualitative exploration of patient experiences of the meaning and usage of oral nutritional supplements
- Livsmedelskvalitet (2014)
- Livsmedelsvetenskap (2007)
- Dietary lipids and their effects in hyperlipidaemic and healthy persons (1995)
- Den bekymmersamma maten- äldre reflekterar över ändrade livsförhållanden (2015)
- Salt (2014)
- Grönsaker (2014)
- Socker (2014)
- Matfetter (2014)
- Sötningsmedel (2014)
- The concept of adherence and its applications in the field of nutrition and dietetics: a narrative review (2021)
- ‘I take the amount I need to feel good’: a qualitative exploration of patient experiences of the meaning and usage of oral nutritional supplements (2021)
- Följsamhet till kosttilläggsförskrivning associerat till patientens behandlingsduration och ålder (2020)
- A qualitative exploration of dietitians’ experiences of prescribing oral nutritional supplements to patients with malnutrition (2020)
- Treatment dilemmas experienced by dietitians when prescribing oral nutritional supplements (2020)
- Factors associated with adherence to oral nutritional supplements among free-living hospital outpatients (2019)
- Adherence to oral nutritional supplements among hospital outpatients (2018)
- Quality Indicators Related to Meal Satisfaction and Adequate Nutritional Status in Elderly Care (2017)
- Municipal differences decisive for provision of food and meals in Swedish eldercare (2016)
- Healthiness mapping The sensory quality of healthy bread according to consumers (2015)
- Low fruit & vegetable consumption and risky food safety behaviour - older people should be included in helth communication (2014)
- Consumers’ perception of bread from a health perspective- an exploratory study among a Swedish population (2014)
- Sensory and health related characteristics of rye bread in Sweden (2014)
- Access to competence and policy- food provision in Swedish eldercare (2014)
- Quality perception of bread among Swedish consumers in the light of the carbohydrate debate (2012)
- Self-expression and dietary influence motives for lay-people blogging about fruit and vegetables (2011)
- Cluster analysis based on individual perceptions on fruit and vegetables (2010)
- Blogging about fruit and vegetables (2010)
- Sweden Community of Eriksberg (2009)
- Cold Food Storage - the 70+ need for Information (2008)
- Cold food storage - the 70+ Need for Information. (2008)
- Practical Health Promotion Intervention in Sweden (2008)
- Practical Health Promotion Intervention among old people in Sweden (2008)
- Comparison between an optical readable food record and an open-ended weighed record (2008)
- Fruit and vegetable consumption in relation to social and external factors (2008)
- Quality of Life management of Living Resource (SENIOR FOOD-QOL). Determining the role of meals in later life (2004)
- Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources (2004)
- Subjective, qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate elderly women's meals in relation to energy (2000)
- Effects of substituting dietary saturned fatty acids with monounsaturated fatty acids in young healthy volunteers (2000)
- Project CHANCE Community Health Management to Enhance Behaviour (2009)
- Precoded or weighed food records for measuring dietary habits in a population of Swedish adults. I Food intake. (1996)