Per Lindberg
Professor emeritus vid Institutionen för psykologi; Avdelningen för Klinisk psykologi
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- Akademiska meriter:
- professor, leg. psyk.
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I have extensive experience in hearing rehabilitation, clinical psychology and behavioral medicine. My research has had a multidisciplinary profile, including collaboration with colleagues in medicine, physiotherapy, psychology, nursing, and dentistry. The research has focused on issues related to adoption, initiation, and maintenance of health-related behaviours. It takes off from a bio-psycho-social framework applying theory and empirical findings from behavioural medicine in rehabilitation, secondary prevention and self-management related to acute and chronic conditions. Another focus is on the implementation of evidence-based behavioural medicine treatment in primary health care and in habilitation services for adults with Retts syndrome.
Academic and professional qualifications
Uppsala University, Professor, 2008, Clinical Psychology
Uppsala University, Docent, 1995, Clinical Psychology
Uppsala University, Ph.D., 1989, Clinical Psychology
Dissertation title: Assessment of tinnitus aurium: A behavioural approach to the evaluation of symptoms and the effects of intervention. Supervisor: prof Lennart Melin
Socialstyrelsen, 1985, Licensed Psychologist
Uppsala University, M.Sc., 1983, Clinical Psychologist
Uppsala University, B.Sc., 1979, Psychology
Current position
Professor em Psychology, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University (from 9/2020 – ).
Previous positions
Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University (3/2008 – 8/2020)
Senior Lecturer (universitetslektor), Centre for Caring Sciences, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University (100% 3/1997 – 3/2008)
Assistant professor (forskarassistent), Centre for Caring Sciences, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University (100% 3/1991 – 2/1997)
Postdoctoral fellow, School of Psychology, The Flinders University of South Australia (100% 1/1992 – 7/1992)
Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing, County Council of Västmanland, Västerås (10% of full time, 9/1991–6/1995)
Researcher (forskare), Department of Psychology, Uppsala University (50%, 7/1989–2/1991)
Clinical psychologist, Department of Audiology, Uppsala University Hospital (part time during 9/1984–2/1988; 50% during 3/1988–2/1991)
Doctoral student, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University (50%, 7/1984–6/1989)
Research assistant, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University (50%, 9/1982–6/1989)
Special assignments (within the university)
Substitute, Departmental Board, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, 7/2012–6/2015.
Assistant Department Chair, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, 04/2013–3/2014.
Member, Faculty of Social Science, Recruitment Group (responsible for matters concerned with tenured lectureships), Uppsala University, 7/2011– 8/2020.
Member of the Course Classification Group at Uppsala University, 9/2008 – 8/2020.
Member and Vice-Chair (from 2013), Program Committee for the Speech Therapist Program, Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University, 7/2008 – 8/2020.
Director of studies (studierektor) for graduate research training in the Caring Sciences (vårdvetenskap), Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, 7/1999-3/2008.
Deputy Department Chair, Center for Caring Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University, 7/1994–6/1997.
Member of the Departmental Board, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University, 1/2000–3/2008
PhD students supervised to completion (main supervisor)
Eva Johansson/Denison (1999)
Anne Söderlund (2001)
Åsa Fichtel (2003)
Pernilla Åsenlöf (2005)
Cecilia Rastad (2009)
Magnus Lindberg (2010)
Birgitta Jönsson (2010)
PhD students supervised to completion (co-supervisor)
Gerhard Andersson (1995, main supervisor professor Lennart Melin)
Christina Hägnebo (1998, main supervisor professor Lennart Melin)
Annika Nilsson (2008, main supervisor docent Eva Denison)
Maria Sandborgh (2008, main supervisor docent Eva Denison)
Ingrid Demmelmaier (2010, main supervisor professor Pernilla Åsenlöf)
Catharina Gustafsson (2011, main supervisor docent Eva Denison)
Freddie Lymeus (2019, main supervisor professor Terry Hartig)
Helena Wandin (2021, main supervisor professor Karin Sonnander)
Experience in communicating results to stakeholders and users
I have extensive experience in lecturing and course work aimed at patients, end-users and personnel employed in different areas of rehabilitation, such as primary care, tinnitus, hearing impairment, long-term low back pain, and WAD. For all of these areas, I explain how health psychology and behavioral medicine approaches have been introduced in research, clinical trials and routine treatment.Publikationer
Senaste publikationer
- Restoration Skills Training in a Natural Setting Compared to Conventional Mindfulness Training (2022)
- A trained communication partner's use of responsive strategies in aided communication with three adults with Rett syndrome (2022)
- Aided language modelling, responsive communication and eye-gaze technology as communication intervention for adults with Rett syndrome (2021)
- Mindfulness-Based Restoration Skills Training (ReST) in a Natural Setting Compared to Conventional Mindfulness Training (2020)
- Development of a tool to assess visual attention in Rett syndrome (2020)
Alla publikationer
- Restoration Skills Training in a Natural Setting Compared to Conventional Mindfulness Training (2022)
- A trained communication partner's use of responsive strategies in aided communication with three adults with Rett syndrome (2022)
- Aided language modelling, responsive communication and eye-gaze technology as communication intervention for adults with Rett syndrome (2021)
- Mindfulness-Based Restoration Skills Training (ReST) in a Natural Setting Compared to Conventional Mindfulness Training (2020)
- Development of a tool to assess visual attention in Rett syndrome (2020)
- A natural meditation setting improves compliance with mindfulness training (2019)
- Building mindfulness bottom-up (2018)
- Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia comorbid with chronic pain (2017)
- A 10-year follow-up of tailored behavioural medicine treatment and exercise-based physiotherapy in persistent musculoskeletal pain (2017)
- Communication intervention in Rett syndrome (2015)
- Habiliteringslogopeden i fokus (2015)
- Tailored skills training for practitioners to enhance assessment of prognostic factors for persistent and disabling back pain (2012)
- Cost-effectiveness of an individually tailored oral health educational programme based on cognitive behavioural strategies in non-surgical periodontal treatment (2012)
- Factors influencing oral hygiene behaviour and gingival outcomes 3 and 12 months after initial periodontal treatment (2012)
- Indicators of healthy work environments (2012)
- A behavioural nursing intervention for reduced fluid overload in haemodialysis patients (2011)
- Tailored skills training for practitioners to enhance assessment of prognostic factors for persistent and disabling back pain: Four quasi-experimental single subject studies. (2011)
- Life values as predictors of pain, disability and sick leave among Swedish registered nurses: A longitudinal study. (2011)
- Life values as predictors of pain, disability and sick leave among Swedish registered nurses (2011)
- Improvement in Fatigue, Sleepiness, and Health-Related Quality of Life with Bright Light Treatment in Persons with Seasonal Affective Disorder and Subsyndromal SAD (2011)
- Physiotherapists' telephone consultations regarding back pain (2010)
- Biopsychosocial predictors of pain, disability, health care consumption, and sick leave in first-episode and long-term back pain (2010)
- Evaluation of an individually tailored oral health educational programme on periodontal health (2010)
- Subgroups of haemodialysis patients in relation to fluid intake restrictions (2010)
- Implementing behavioural medicine in physiotherapy treatment (2010)
- Implementing behavioural medicine in physiotherapy treatment (2010)
- The effectiveness of an individually tailored oral health educational programme on oral hygiene behaviour in patients with periodontal disease (2009)
- Interdialytic weight gain and ultrafiltration rate in hemodialysis (2009)
- Long-term follow-up of tailored behavioural treatment and exercise based physical therapy in persistent musculoskeletal pain (2009)
- The associations between pain intensity, psychosocial variables, and pain duration/recurrence in a large sample of persons with nonspecific spinal pain (2008)
- Overcoming obstacles for adherence to phosphate binding medication in dialysis patients (2008)
- Light room therapy effective in mild forms of seasonal affective disorder - a randomised controlled study (2008)
- The Pain Belief Screening Instrument (PBSI) (2008)
- Musculoskeletal pain in primary health care (2007)
- Medication discrepancy (2007)
- Fluid Intake Appraisal Inventory (2007)
- Pain belief screening instrument (2007)
- Cognitive behavioural components in physiotherapy management of chronic whiplash associated disorders (WAD) (2007)
- Improved compliance and self-care in patients with periodontitis--a randomized control trial. (2006)
- Idiographic outcome analyses of the clinical significance of two interventions for patients with musculoskeletal pain (2006)
- Individually tailored treatment targeting activity, motor behavior, and cognitions reduces pain-related disability (2005)
- Individually tailored treatment targeting motor behavior, cognitions, and disability (2005)
- Behavioral goal assessment in patients with persistent musculoskeletal pain (2004)
- Whiplash-associated disorders - predicting disability from a process-oriented perspective of coping (2003)
- Coping as a Mediating Factor Between Self-Efficacy and Disability in Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD) (2002)
- Clinical Application of Physiotherapy with a Cognitive-behavioural Approach in Low Back (2001)
- Cognitiv behavioural components in physiotherapy management of chronic whiplash associated disorders (WAD) - a randomised group study (2001)
- Low Back Pain Patients in Primary Care: Subgroups Based on the Multidimensional Pain Inventory (2000)
- Psychological Profile and Somatic Complaints Between Help-Seeking and Non-Help-Seeking Tinnitus Subjects (2000)
- Acute whiplash-associated disorders (WAD): the effects of early mobilization and prognostic factors in long-term symptomatology (2000)
- Long-Term functional and psychological problems in whiplash associated disorders (1999)
- A review of psychological treatment approaches for patients suffering from tinnitus (1995)
- Self-Efficacy Predicts Future Oral Hygiene Self-care Behavior
- Work- and personal factors as predictors for pain, disability and sick leave.
- Improvement in fatigue, sleepiness and health-related quality of life with bright light treatment in seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and subclinical SAD
- A pilot study of targeted and tailored treatment strategies in physical therapy for patients with persistent musculoskeletal pain
- Implementation of a tailored cognitive behavioural approach in physical therapy
- An exploratory case study of a trained communication partner’s use of responsive and scaffolding partner strategies in aided communication with adults with Rett syndrome
- Verhaltenstherapie: Exposition und Ablenkung (2001)
- Epidemiologie, Auswirkungen, Klassifikation (2001)
- Effects of the Restoration Skills Training (ReST) Course on the Ability to Cope with and Attain Restoration from Stress and Fatigue (2017)
- Contrasting Views and Practices of Rest: Rest with Nature View versus None, and Guided Practice in Mindfulness of Nature Scenery versus Mindfulness of Breath (2017)
- Can a systematic participative method for processing workplace survey data enhance organizational communication skills? (2015)