Elena Kozlova
Professor vid Institutionen för immunologi, genetik och patologi; Forskningsprogram: Genomik och Neurobiologi; Forskargrupp Elena Kozlova
- Telefon:
- 018-471 49 68
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-167 95 35
- E-post:
- elena.kozlova@igp.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
Husargatan 3
751 23 UPPSALA - Postadress:
Box 815
751 08 Uppsala
- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD, Docent
Mer information visas för dig som medarbetare om du loggar in.
- nano materials
- spinal cord
- stem cells
- translational research
- transplantation
Professor, Regenerativ neurobiology, Institutionen för neurovetenskap, Uppsala universitet, 2016
Universitetslektor, Regenerativ neurobiologi, Institutionen för neurovetenskap, Uppsala universitet, 2011-2016
Docent i neurovetenskap, Uppsala universitet, 2002
Forskare, Institutionen för neurovetenskap, Uppsala universitet, 1995-2011
Postdoktor, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 1993-1995, and National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, UK, 1994-1995
FD, Biologi, Moskvas statliga universitet (MGU), Moskva, Ryssland, 1991
Målsättningen med vår forskning är att i) förbättra förutsättningarna för funktionsåterkomst efter skada i centrala nervsystemet, utnyttja den potential som stamceller har att stimulera vävnadsreparation, och iii) utveckla nya metoder för behandling av skada och sjukdom i centrala nervsystemet med hjälp av nanomaterial. Forskningen är grundläggande och bedrivs på odlade celler och i djurförsök.
Skadade nervtrådar i perifera nervsystemet kan återbilda den förlorade delen av nervtråden genom sk nervregeneration och därigenom återskapa förlorad funktion. Skadade nervtrådar i centrala nervsystemet är emellertid oförmögna att spontant regenerera och sådana skador leder därför till permanenta funktionsförluster. Dessutom kan skador på centrala nervbanor leda till långvariga och t o m kroniska smärttillstånd, sk neuropatisk smärta. Vi avser att återskapa förlorade funktioner genom nya metoder att:
– stimulera regeneration av skadade nervtrådar i ryggmärgen,
– stimulera funktionellt meningsfull omorganisation av nervförbindelser, sk plasticitet, iryggmärgen efter skada, och
– reparera förlorade nervförbindelser genom transplantation av stamceller som vi styr till önskade typer av nervceller med hjälp av nyutvecklad teknik.
I nyligen genomförda studier har vi även visat att tillväxt, överlevnad och funktion hos insulinproducerande celler i bukspottkörteln kraftigt stimuleras om de odlas eller transplanteras tillsammans med stamceller från nervsystemet. Dessa resultat kan innebära nya möjligheter att behandla patienter med typ 1 diabetes som har förlorat så mycket av sina insulinproducerande celler att de inte har tillräckligt med insulin. Vi avser att:
– identifiera de mekanismer som ligger bakom de neurala stamcellernas stimulerande effekt på insulinproducerande celler, och
– bidra att utveckla denna kunskap till ny behandling av patienter med typ 1 diabetes.
Vi har visat att nanomaterial av typen mesoporös kisel kan framgångsrikt användas för långsiktig frisättning av ämnen som stimulerarar nervväxt och nervcellsöverlevnad. Vi arbetar nu att utveckla detta material för absorption av sjukdomsframkallande ämnen vid neurodegenerativa sjukdomar såsom amyotrofisk lateralskleros (ALS) och Alzheimers sjukdom.
Urval av publikationer
- Co-transplantation of Human Pancreatic Islets With Post-migratory Neural Crest Stem Cells Increases beta-Cell Proliferation and Vascular And Neural Regrowth (2015)
- Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Progenitors Assist Functional Sensory Axon Regeneration after Dorsal Root Avulsion Injury (2015)
- In vitro generation of motor neuron precursors from mouse embryonic stem cells using mesoporous nanoparticles (2014)
- Delivery of Differentiation Factors by Mesoporous Silica Particles Assists Advanced Differentiation of Transplanted Murine Embryonic Stem Cells (2013)
- Neural Crest Stem Cells Induce Beta-cell Proliferation in Cultured and Transplanted Human Pancreatic Islets (2013)
- Co-Culture of Neural Crest Stem Cells (NCSC) and Insulin Producing Beta-TC6 Cells Results in Cadherin Junctions and Protection against Cytokine-Induced Beta-Cell Death (2013)
- Guiding differentiation of stem cells in vivo by tetracycline-controlled expression of key transcription factors (2012)
- Human dorsal root ganglion neurons from embryonic donors extend axons into the host rat spinal cord along laminin-rich peripheral surroundings of the dorsal root transitional zone (1997)
Senaste publikationer
- Effects of microgravity on neural crest stem cells (2024)
- Boundary cap neural crest stem cells promote angiogenesis after transplantation to avulsed dorsal roots in mice and induce migration of endothelial cells in 3D printed scaffolds (2024)
- Microgravity Effect on Pancreatic Islets (2024)
- Towards 3D Bioprinted Spinal Cord Organoids (2022)
- Mesoporous silica particles are phagocytosed by microglia and induce a mild inflammatory response in vitro (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Effects of microgravity on neural crest stem cells (2024)
- Boundary cap neural crest stem cells promote angiogenesis after transplantation to avulsed dorsal roots in mice and induce migration of endothelial cells in 3D printed scaffolds (2024)
- Microgravity Effect on Pancreatic Islets (2024)
- Towards 3D Bioprinted Spinal Cord Organoids (2022)
- Mesoporous silica particles are phagocytosed by microglia and induce a mild inflammatory response in vitro (2022)
- Dorsal Root Injury (2021)
- Molecular genetic analysis of neural stem cells after space flight and simulated microgravity on earth (2021)
- Boosting Magnetoelectric Effect in Polymer-Based Nanocomposites (2021)
- Extracellular Vesicles as Innovative Tool for Diagnosis, Regeneration and Protection against Neurological Damage (2020)
- Neurotrophic Effects of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor B and Novel Mimetic Peptides on Neurons from the Central Nervous System (2020)
- Effect of scaffold properties on adhesion and maintenance of boundary cap neural crest stem cells in vitro (2020)
- A VDAC1-Derived N-Terminal Peptide Inhibits Mutant SOD1-VDAC1 Interactions and Toxicity in the SOD1 Model of ALS (2019)
- Advances in stem cell therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (2018)
- Neural crest stem cells protect spinal cord neurons from excitotoxic damage and inhibit glial activation by secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (2018)
- Boundary Cap Neural Crest Stem Cells Promote Survival of Mutant SOD1 Motor Neurons (2017)
- A Combinatorial Approach to Induce Sensory Axon Regeneration into the Dorsal Root Avulsed Spinal Cord (2017)
- Murine neural crest stem cells and embryonic stem cell derived neuron precursors survive and differentiate after transplantation in a model of dorsal root avulsion (2017)
- Boundary cap neural crest stem cell transplants contribute Mts1/S100A4-expressing cells in the glial scar (2017)
- Knock-down of ZBED6 in insulin-producing cells promotes N-cadherin junctions between beta-cells and neural crest stem cells in vitro (2016)
- Co-transplantation of Human Pancreatic Islets With Post-migratory Neural Crest Stem Cells Increases beta-Cell Proliferation and Vascular And Neural Regrowth (2015)
- Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Progenitors Assist Functional Sensory Axon Regeneration after Dorsal Root Avulsion Injury (2015)
- Neural crest stem cells from hair follicles and boundary cap have different effects on pancreatic islets in vitro (2015)
- Surface Coating of Pancreatic Islets With Neural Crest Stem Cells Improves Engraftment and Function After Intraportal Transplantation (2015)
- In vitro generation of motor neuron precursors from mouse embryonic stem cells using mesoporous nanoparticles (2014)
- Boundary cap neural crest stem cells homotopically implanted to the injured dorsal root transitional zone give rise to different types of neurons and glia in adult rodents (2014)
- Microglia and Neuropathic Pain (2013)
- Delivery of Differentiation Factors by Mesoporous Silica Particles Assists Advanced Differentiation of Transplanted Murine Embryonic Stem Cells (2013)
- Neural Crest Stem Cells Induce Beta-cell Proliferation in Cultured and Transplanted Human Pancreatic Islets (2013)
- Surface-Coating of Pancreatic Islets with Neural Crest Stem Cells Improves Islet Engraftment and Function After Intraportal Transplantation (2013)
- Co-Culture of Neural Crest Stem Cells (NCSC) and Insulin Producing Beta-TC6 Cells Results in Cadherin Junctions and Protection against Cytokine-Induced Beta-Cell Death (2013)
- Differentiating neural crest stem cells induce proliferation of cultured rodent islet beta cells (2012)
- Guiding differentiation of stem cells in vivo by tetracycline-controlled expression of key transcription factors (2012)
- Coculture of Insulin-Producing RIN5AH Cells With Neural Crest Stem Cells Protects Partially Against Cytokine-Induced Cell Death (2012)
- Forced Runx1 expression in human neural stem/progenitor cells transplanted to the rat dorsal root ganglion cavity results in extensive axonal growth specifically from spinal cord-derived neurospheres (2011)
- In vitro and in vivo effects on neural crest stem celldifferentiation by conditional activation of Runx1 short isoform and its effecton neuropathic pain behavior (2010)
- Regulation of boundary cap neural crest stem cell differentiation after transplantation (2009)
- Cultured astrocytes derived from corpus callosum or cortical grey matter show distinct glutamate handling properties (2009)
- Differentiation and migration of neural crest stem cells are stimulated by pancreatic islets (2009)
- Neural crest stem cells increase beta cell proliferation and improve islet function in co-transplanted murine pancreatic islets (2009)
- The impact of neurotrophin-3 on the dorsal root transitional zone following injury (2008)
- Long-term survival, robust neuronal differentiation, and extensive migration of human forebrain stem/progenitor cells transplanted to the adult rat dorsal root ganglion cavity (2008)
- Modified expression of Mts1/S100A4 protein in C6 glioma cells or surrounding astrocytes affects migration of tumor cells in vitro and in vivo (2007)
- Central nervous system stem/progenitor cells form neurons and peripheral glia after transplantation to the dorsal root ganglion. (2006)
- Intracellular calcium-binding protein S100A4 influences injury-induced migration of white matter astrocytes. (2006)
- Sensory neurite outgrowth on white matter astrocytes is influenced by intracellular and extracellular S100A4 protein. (2006)
- Role of intracellular S100A4 for migration of rat astrocytes. (2006)
- In vitro interactions between insulin-producing beta cells and embryonic dorsal root ganglia. (2005)
- A procedure for culturing astrocytes from white matter and the application of the siRNA technique for silencing the expression of their specific marker, S100A4. (2005)
- Metastasis-associated S100A4 (Mts1) protein is expressed in subpopulations of sensory and autonomic neurons and in Schwann cells of the adult rat. (2004)
- Strategies for repair of the deafferented spinal cord (2002)
- Human dorsal root ganglion neurons from embryonic donors extend axons into the host rat spinal cord along laminin-rich peripheral surroundings of the dorsal root transitional zone (1997)