Tanja Tydén
Professor emer. vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Obstetrisk och reproduktiv hälsoforskning
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-877 77 68
- E-post:
- tanja.tyden@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 UPPSALA - Tillgänglig:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 14B, våning 2
- Akademiska meriter:
- DMSc
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Kort presentation
Senior professor i reproduktiv hälsa på institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa och barnmorska på kvinnokliniken Akademiska sjukhuset.
Mitt forskningsområde belyser olika aspekter av reproduktiv hälsa tex, hälsa och livsstil i samband med graviditet, ungomars sexualvanor, preventivmedelsanvändning, prevention av sexuellt överförbara infektioner med fokus på prevention av Humant Papillomvirus.
Urval av publikationer
- Can Reproductive Life Plan-based counselling increase men's fertility awareness? (2018)
- Parents' knowledge, beliefs, and acceptance of the HPV vaccination in relation to their socio-demographics and religious beliefs (2018)
- Adverse childhood experiences and depressive symptomatology among pregnant women (2018)
- Exploring men's pregnancy-planning behaviour and fertility knowledge (2017)
- Catch-up HPV vaccination status of adolescents in relation to socioeconomic factors, individual beliefs and sexual behaviour (2017)
- School nurses' attitudes towards and experiences of the Swedish school-based HPV vaccination programme - A repeated cross sectional study (2017)
- To Consent or Decline HPV Vaccination (2017)
- Do pregnant women want to know the sex of the expected child at routine ultrasound and are they interested in sex selection? (2017)
- Anxiety and depression symptoms among sub-fertile women, women pregnant after infertility treatment, and naturally pregnant women (2017)
- Contraceptive counseling is a golden opportunity to talk about fertility and reproductive health (2017)
- Self-reported sexually transmitted infections among female university students. (2016)
- Swedish parents’ interest in preconception genetic carrier screening (2016)
- School-based intervention for the prevention of HPV among adolescents (2016)
- Women's experiences of having an early medical abortion at home (2016)
- Pornography consumption among adolescent girls in Sweden (2016)
- Ukrainian medical students’ attitudes to parenthood and knowledge of fertility (2016)
- Fertility awareness and attitudes towards parenthood among Danish university college students (2016)
- Do subfertile women adjust their habits when trying to conceive? (2016)
- Is pregnancy planning associated with background characteristics and pregnancy planning behavior? (2016)
- Why is preconception health and care important? (2016)
- Using the Reproductive Life Plan in contraceptive counselling (2016)
- Coherence of pregnancy planning within couples expecting a child (2015)
- Fertility awareness in the Flemish population (2015)
- Adverse childhood experiences influence development of pain during pregnancy. (2015)
- Informed Consent for HPV Vaccination (2015)
- Immigrant women’s experiences and views on the prevention of cervical cancer (2015)
- Preconception lifestyles and lifestyle modification among women seeking for infertility (2015)
- Preconception care policy, guidelines, recommendations and services across six European countries (2015)
- Sexual and contraceptive behavior among female university students in Sweden (2015)
- Midwives' adoption of the reproductive life plan in contraceptive counselling (2015)
- Pregnancy planning and among women attending antenatal care in Sweden and Denmark (2015)
- “Paddling upstream” (2015)
- Pregnancy planning and lifestyle prior to conception and during early pregnancy among Danish women (2014)
- Not the right time (2014)
- School nurses’ attitudes and experiences regarding the human papillomavirus vaccination programme in Sweden (2014)
- Sexual experiences in relation to HPV vaccination status in female high school students in Sweden (2014)
- Professionals’ perceptions of the effect of pornography on Swedish adolescents (2014)
- Pornography and sexual experiences among high school students in Sweden (2014)
- Parental stress and dyadic consensus in early parenthood among mothers and fathers in Sweden (2014)
- Reflections on fertility and postponed parenthood-interviews with highly educated women and men without children in Sweden (2013)
- Trust versus concerns (2013)
- Sverige har Nordens höögsta aborttal (2013)
- Autonomy and dependence (2013)
- Pornography consumption, sexual experiences, lifestyles, and self-rated health among male adolescents in Sweden (2013)
- Oral human papillomavirus prevalence in high school students of one municipality in Sweden (2013)
- Introducing reproductive life plan-based information in contraceptive counselling (2013)
- The Reproductive Life Plan (RLP) (2013)
- Introducing the Reproductive Life Plan in midwifery counselling (2013)
- Sexual and reproductive health Health in Sweden (2012)
- Reflections on having children in the future-interviews with highly educated women and men without children (2012)
- Existential experiences and needs related to induced abortion in a group of Swedish women (2012)
- Women and men's satisfaction with care related to induced abortion (2012)
- Risk factors among men who have repeated experience of being the partner of a woman who requests an induced abortion (2012)
- Hercules and Barbie? (2012)
- Young women's decision-making process for HPV vaccination (2012)
- Implementation and evaluation of the reproductive life plan (2012)
- A repeated survey of sexual behavior among female university students in Sweden (2012)
- Sexual behaviour and contraceptive use among Swedish high school students in two cities (2011)
- Existential Experiences and Strategies in Relation to Induced Abortion (2011)
- Women’s existential experiences within Swedish abortion care (2011)
- Repeat induced abortion - a matter of individual behaviour or societal factors? (2011)
- Midwives at youth clinics attitude to HPV vaccination and their role in cervical cancer prevention (2011)
- Pregnancy planning in Sweden (2011)
- Knowledge of human papillomavirus among high school students can be increased by an educational intervention (2010)
- Existential experiences in a clinical context (2010)
- Fler orsaker till bemanningsproblem (2010)
- An illusion of power (2009)
- High HPV vaccine acceptance despite low awareness among Swedish upper secondary school students (2009)
- Experiences of and attitudes towards pornography among a group of Swedish high school students (2009)
- Knowledge of human papillomavirus and attitudes to vaccination among Swedish high school students (2009)
- Necessary and impossible (2009)
- Existential challenge in a secularized culture (2009)
- Male students' behaviour, knowledge, attitudes, and needs in sexual and reproductive health matters (2009)
- Advance provision of emergency contraceptive pills reduces treatment delay (2008)
- Choosing induced abortion (2008)
- Anal sphincter lacerations and upright delivery postures - a risk analysis from a randomized controlled trial (2007)
- Preventing pregnancy (2007)
- Contraceptive use and associated factors among Swedish high school students (2007)
- Preventivt arbete behövs för att främja ungdomars sexuella hälsa (2007)
- 'It's everywhere!' Young Swedish people's thoughts and reflections about pornography (2006)
- "It's everywhere!" Thoughts and reflections about pornography among young people in Sweden (2006)
- Fertility awareness, intentions concerning childbearing, and attitudes towards parenthood among female and male academics. (2006)
- Limited impact of an intervention regarding emergency contraceptive pills in Sweden (2006)
- The adoption of emergency contraceptive pills in Sweden (2006)
- Evaluation of a Sexual Education Intervention among Swedish High School Students (2006)
- Increased sexual risk taking behavior among Swedish female university students (2006)
- Comparison of the maternal experience and duration of labour in two upright delivery positions--a randomised controlled trial. (2006)
- Attitudes toward parenthood and awareness of fertility among postgraduate students in Sweden (2006)
- Female university students' attitudes to future motherhood and their understanding about fertility (2006)
- Swedish teenager perceptions of teenage pregnancy, abortion, sexual behavior, and contraceptive habits (2005)
- Associations between pornography consumption and sexual practices among adolescents in Sweden. (2005)
- Associations between pornography consumption and sexual practices among adolescents in Sweden (2005)
- Associations between pornography consumption and sexual practices among adolescents in Sweden (2005)
- Emergency contraceptive pills over-the-counter (2004)
- Emergency Contraceptive Pills in Sweden (2004)
- Emergency contraceptive pills over-the-counter (2004)
- Emergency contraceptive pills over-the-counter (2004)
- Sexual behaviour among young men in Sweden and the impact of pornography (2004)
- Sexual behaviour among young men in Sweden (2004)
- Tonårsgraviditeterna ökar - mångkulturell inriktning behövs i förebyggande arbetet (2003)
- A survey of maternity care in Sweden (2003)
- Knowledge, use and attitueds towards emergency contraceptive pills among Swedish women presenting for induced abortion (2002)
- Women's voices about emergency contraceptive pills "over-the-counter" (2002)
- Sex Behavior Among High School Students in Sweden (2002)
- Reasons for pregnancy termination, contraceptive habits and contraceptive failure among Swedish women requesting an early pregnancy termination (2002)
- Trots lättillgängliga akut-p-piller sjunker inte antalet aborter (2002)
- Swedish Teenagers' Attitudes Toward the Emergency Contraceptive Pill (2001)
- Improved Use of Contraceptives, Attitudes Toward Pornography, and Sexual Harassment Among Female University Students (2001)
- A survey of patients with Chlamydia trachomatis infection (2000)
- Från "dagen efter piller" till akut p-piller (2000)
- Ge barnmorskorna rätt att förskriva akut p-piller (2000)
- Focus group interviews of Swedish teenage girls about the emergency contraceptive pill (1999)
- Utvärdering av smittskyddslagens påverkan på personer med diagnostiserad klamydia.1: Smittskydd, samhälle och individ, del B. (1999)
- Det omedelbara omhändertagandet när ett barn föds dött påverkar moderns psykiska välbefinnande på sikt.Kommentar (1999)
- Ökad kunskap om STD-sjukdomar hos universitetsstudenter i Uppsala efter riktad kampanj. (1999)
- Sexual risk taking for self and partner as perceived by young men in Sweden
Senaste publikationer
- Endometriosis risk and hormonal contraceptive usage (2024)
- Pregnancy planning and neonatal outcome (2024)
- Self-reported sexually transmitted infections and associated risk factors among female university students (2024)
- Unplanned pregnancy and the association with maternal health and pregnancy outcomes (2023)
- Women's decision-making related to induced abortion (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Endometriosis risk and hormonal contraceptive usage (2024)
- Pregnancy planning and neonatal outcome (2024)
- Self-reported sexually transmitted infections and associated risk factors among female university students (2024)
- Unplanned pregnancy and the association with maternal health and pregnancy outcomes (2023)
- Women's decision-making related to induced abortion (2023)
- Contraceptive use among women seeking an early induced abortion in Sweden (2023)
- Multiple induced abortions (2023)
- The association of smoking, use of snuff, and preconception alcohol consumption with spontaneous abortion (2023)
- ‘Doing it in the right order’ (2022)
- Induced abortion and access to contraception in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
- Changes in sexual behavior among high-school students over a 40-year period (2021)
- Fertility awareness and parenthood intentions among medical students in three European countries (2021)
- The perpetuating cycle of unplanned pregnancy (2021)
- Contraception use and attitudes (2021)
- Knowledge about the impact of age on fertility (2020)
- Taking fertility for granted – a qualitative exploration of fertility awareness among young, childless men in Denmark and Sweden (2020)
- Implementation of reproductive life planning (RLP) in primary health care supported by an evidence-based website (2020)
- Evaluating the implementation of the Reproductive Life Plan in disadvantaged communities (2020)
- Foreign-born women’s lifestyle and health before and during early pregnancy in Sweden (2020)
- Results of a Dutch national and subsequent international expert meeting on interconception care (2020)
- ‘I also want to be vaccinated!’ – adolescent boys’ awareness and thoughts, perceived benefits, information sources, and intention to be vaccinated against Human papillomavirus (HPV) (2019)
- Contraception use and unplanned pregnancies in a peri-urban area of eSwatini (Swaziland) (2019)
- Investigating the effect of lifestyle risk factors upon the number of aspirated and mature oocytes in in vitro fertilization cycles (2019)
- An intervention in contraceptive counseling increased the knowledge about fertility and awareness of preconception health-a randomized controlled trial (2019)
- Can Reproductive Life Plan-based counselling increase men's fertility awareness? (2018)
- Development of an evidence-based website on Preconception health (2018)
- Parents' knowledge, beliefs, and acceptance of the HPV vaccination in relation to their socio-demographics and religious beliefs (2018)
- Pornography consumption and psychosomatic and depressive symptoms among Swedish adolescents (2018)
- Contraceptive use and reproductive intentions among women requesting contraceptive counseling (2018)
- Adverse childhood experiences and depressive symptomatology among pregnant women (2018)
- Exploring men's pregnancy-planning behaviour and fertility knowledge (2017)
- Catch-up HPV vaccination status of adolescents in relation to socioeconomic factors, individual beliefs and sexual behaviour (2017)
- School nurses' attitudes towards and experiences of the Swedish school-based HPV vaccination programme - A repeated cross sectional study (2017)
- To Consent or Decline HPV Vaccination (2017)
- Do pregnant women want to know the sex of the expected child at routine ultrasound and are they interested in sex selection? (2017)
- Anxiety and depression symptoms among sub-fertile women, women pregnant after infertility treatment, and naturally pregnant women (2017)
- Contraceptive counseling is a golden opportunity to talk about fertility and reproductive health (2017)
- Self-reported sexually transmitted infections among female university students. (2016)
- Swedish parents’ interest in preconception genetic carrier screening (2016)
- School-based intervention for the prevention of HPV among adolescents (2016)
- Women's experiences of having an early medical abortion at home (2016)
- Pornography consumption among adolescent girls in Sweden (2016)
- Ukrainian medical students’ attitudes to parenthood and knowledge of fertility (2016)
- Fertility awareness and attitudes towards parenthood among Danish university college students (2016)
- Do subfertile women adjust their habits when trying to conceive? (2016)
- Is pregnancy planning associated with background characteristics and pregnancy planning behavior? (2016)
- Why is preconception health and care important? (2016)
- Using the Reproductive Life Plan in contraceptive counselling (2016)
- Coherence of pregnancy planning within couples expecting a child (2015)
- Fertility awareness in the Flemish population (2015)
- Adverse childhood experiences influence development of pain during pregnancy. (2015)
- Informed Consent for HPV Vaccination (2015)
- Immigrant women’s experiences and views on the prevention of cervical cancer (2015)
- Preconception lifestyles and lifestyle modification among women seeking for infertility (2015)
- Preconception care policy, guidelines, recommendations and services across six European countries (2015)
- Sexual and contraceptive behavior among female university students in Sweden (2015)
- Midwives' adoption of the reproductive life plan in contraceptive counselling (2015)
- Pregnancy planning and among women attending antenatal care in Sweden and Denmark (2015)
- “Paddling upstream” (2015)
- Pregnancy planning and lifestyle prior to conception and during early pregnancy among Danish women (2014)
- Not the right time (2014)
- School nurses’ attitudes and experiences regarding the human papillomavirus vaccination programme in Sweden (2014)
- Sexual experiences in relation to HPV vaccination status in female high school students in Sweden (2014)
- Professionals’ perceptions of the effect of pornography on Swedish adolescents (2014)
- Pornography and sexual experiences among high school students in Sweden (2014)
- Parental stress and dyadic consensus in early parenthood among mothers and fathers in Sweden (2014)
- Reflections on fertility and postponed parenthood-interviews with highly educated women and men without children in Sweden (2013)
- Trust versus concerns (2013)
- Sverige har Nordens höögsta aborttal (2013)
- Autonomy and dependence (2013)
- Pornography consumption, sexual experiences, lifestyles, and self-rated health among male adolescents in Sweden (2013)
- Oral human papillomavirus prevalence in high school students of one municipality in Sweden (2013)
- Introducing reproductive life plan-based information in contraceptive counselling (2013)
- Sexual and reproductive health Health in Sweden (2012)
- Reflections on having children in the future-interviews with highly educated women and men without children (2012)
- Existential experiences and needs related to induced abortion in a group of Swedish women (2012)
- Women and men's satisfaction with care related to induced abortion (2012)
- Risk factors among men who have repeated experience of being the partner of a woman who requests an induced abortion (2012)
- Hercules and Barbie? (2012)
- Young women's decision-making process for HPV vaccination (2012)
- A repeated survey of sexual behavior among female university students in Sweden (2012)
- Sex education in Swedish schools as described by young women (2011)
- Exposing oneself and one's partner to sexual risk-taking as perceived by young Swedish men who requested a Chlamydia test (2011)
- Comprehensive counseling about combined hormonal contraceptives changes the choice of contraceptive methods (2011)
- Challenges and opportunities of a new HPV immunization program (2011)
- Sexual behaviour and contraceptive use among Swedish high school students in two cities (2011)
- Existential Experiences and Strategies in Relation to Induced Abortion (2011)
- Women’s existential experiences within Swedish abortion care (2011)
- Repeat induced abortion - a matter of individual behaviour or societal factors? (2011)
- Midwives at youth clinics attitude to HPV vaccination and their role in cervical cancer prevention (2011)
- Pregnancy planning in Sweden (2011)
- Knowledge of human papillomavirus among high school students can be increased by an educational intervention (2010)
- Fler orsaker till bemanningsproblem (2010)
- An illusion of power (2009)
- High HPV vaccine acceptance despite low awareness among Swedish upper secondary school students (2009)
- Experiences of and attitudes towards pornography among a group of Swedish high school students (2009)
- Knowledge of human papillomavirus and attitudes to vaccination among Swedish high school students (2009)
- Male students' behaviour, knowledge, attitudes, and needs in sexual and reproductive health matters (2009)
- Advance provision of emergency contraceptive pills reduces treatment delay (2008)
- Anal sphincter lacerations and upright delivery postures - a risk analysis from a randomized controlled trial (2007)
- Preventing pregnancy (2007)
- Contraceptive use and associated factors among Swedish high school students (2007)
- Preventivt arbete behövs för att främja ungdomars sexuella hälsa (2007)
- 'It's everywhere!' Young Swedish people's thoughts and reflections about pornography (2006)
- "It's everywhere!" Thoughts and reflections about pornography among young people in Sweden (2006)
- Fertility awareness, intentions concerning childbearing, and attitudes towards parenthood among female and male academics. (2006)
- Limited impact of an intervention regarding emergency contraceptive pills in Sweden (2006)
- The adoption of emergency contraceptive pills in Sweden (2006)
- Evaluation of a Sexual Education Intervention among Swedish High School Students (2006)
- Increased sexual risk taking behavior among Swedish female university students (2006)
- Comparison of the maternal experience and duration of labour in two upright delivery positions--a randomised controlled trial. (2006)
- Attitudes toward parenthood and awareness of fertility among postgraduate students in Sweden (2006)
- Female university students' attitudes to future motherhood and their understanding about fertility (2006)
- Swedish teenager perceptions of teenage pregnancy, abortion, sexual behavior, and contraceptive habits (2005)
- Associations between pornography consumption and sexual practices among adolescents in Sweden. (2005)
- Associations between pornography consumption and sexual practices among adolescents in Sweden (2005)
- Associations between pornography consumption and sexual practices among adolescents in Sweden (2005)
- Emergency contraceptive pills over-the-counter (2004)
- Emergency Contraceptive Pills in Sweden (2004)
- Emergency contraceptive pills over-the-counter (2004)
- Emergency contraceptive pills over-the-counter (2004)
- Sexual behaviour among young men in Sweden and the impact of pornography (2004)
- Sexual behaviour among young men in Sweden (2004)
- Bringing emergency contraception over the counter (2003)
- Tonårsgraviditeterna ökar - mångkulturell inriktning behövs i förebyggande arbetet (2003)
- A survey of maternity care in Sweden (2003)
- Knowledge, use and attitueds towards emergency contraceptive pills among Swedish women presenting for induced abortion (2002)
- Women's voices about emergency contraceptive pills "over-the-counter" (2002)
- Sex Behavior Among High School Students in Sweden (2002)
- Reasons for pregnancy termination, contraceptive habits and contraceptive failure among Swedish women requesting an early pregnancy termination (2002)
- Trots lättillgängliga akut-p-piller sjunker inte antalet aborter (2002)
- Swedish Teenagers' Attitudes Toward the Emergency Contraceptive Pill (2001)
- Improved Use of Contraceptives, Attitudes Toward Pornography, and Sexual Harassment Among Female University Students (2001)
- A survey of patients with Chlamydia trachomatis infection (2000)
- Från "dagen efter piller" till akut p-piller (2000)
- Ge barnmorskorna rätt att förskriva akut p-piller (2000)
- Focus group interviews of Swedish teenage girls about the emergency contraceptive pill (1999)
- Oral contraceptives and compliance (1999)
- Evaluation of an STD-prevention program for Swedish university students. (1998)
- No relation between maternal weight gain and stillbirth. (1994)
- Effects of specially tailored information on Swedish university students' sexual behavior. (1994)
- Maternal health care program and markers for late fetal death. (1994)
- Sexual behavior among adolescents in Uppsala, Sweden. (1993)
- [Nursing students teach (1993)
- Sexual behavior and sexually transmitted diseases among Swedish university students. (1991)
- [More campaigns are needed to influence students towards safer sex behavior]. (1991)
- Swedish adolescents' knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases and their attitudes to the condom. (1991)
- [Travel report from the USA]. (1990)
- [An inquiry on sexual habits among students causes concern for wider transmission of HIV]. (1990)
- [More information is needed to prevent sexually transmitted diseases among young people]. (1988)
- [Adolescents' knowledge about sexually transmissible diseases and their attitude to condoms]. (1988)
- [Norplant as a contraceptive seen from the midwife's viewpoint]. (1987)
- [Dear staff, I want to be part of it!]. (1983)
- Evaluating Reproductive Life Plan-Based Counseling with Men During a Sexual Health Visit: a Randomized Controlled Trial
- Sexual risk taking for self and partner as perceived by young men in Sweden
- The Reproductive Life Plan (RLP) (2013)
- Introducing the Reproductive Life Plan in midwifery counselling (2013)
- Implementation and evaluation of the reproductive life plan (2012)
- Women’s experiences of a midwife initiated Reproductive Life Plan discussion and its effect on knowledge (2012)
- Existential struggles within a (post)-secular rationale (2011)
- Existential aspects of abortion and abortion care (2011)
- Existential experiences among Swedish women after induced abortion (2010)
- Existential experiences in a clinical context (2010)
- Pregnancy planning in Sweden (2010)
- Necessary and impossible (2009)
- Existential challenge in a secularized culture (2009)
- Choosing induced abortion (2008)
- Utvärdering av smittskyddslagens påverkan på personer med diagnostiserad klamydia.1: Smittskydd, samhälle och individ, del B. (1999)
- Det omedelbara omhändertagandet när ett barn föds dött påverkar moderns psykiska välbefinnande på sikt.Kommentar (1999)
- Ökad kunskap om STD-sjukdomar hos universitetsstudenter i Uppsala efter riktad kampanj. (1999)