Agneta Andersson
Universitetslektor docent vid Institutionen för kostvetenskap
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- Akademiska meriter:
- MD, Docent, Excellent lärare
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Kort presentation
Universitetslektor i kostvetenskap, undervisar främst vid dietistprogrammet inom ämnesområdet dietetik och nutrition och om vetenskaplig metod på grund- och avancerad nivå. Excellent lärare 2020. Pedagogisk mentor. Utsågs år 2015 till en av Uppsala universitets pedagogiska pristagare. Är handledare till doktorander och forskar inom områdena dietetik och nutrition.
- dietary assesment
- food
- nutrition
- the profession of dietetics
Min forskning startade med studier kring kroppens energiomsättning med specifikt intresse för interaktionen mellan mat och fysisk aktivitet. I mitt avhandlingsarbete studerade jag fettsyrasammansättningen i skelettmuskulaturen och dess koppling till dietärt fettintag och fysisk aktivitet. Mitt intresse för kost- och hälsa har sedan lett vidare till studier kring fullkorn. Tillsammans med forskargrupper vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap UU samt SLU har jag studerat metabola effekter av fullkorn och utvärderat en potentiell biomarkör för fullkornsintag. Under senare år har jag fortsatt att utveckla min forskningsinriktning, till att förutom handla om kostundersökningar i relation till hälsa, också inkludera nutritionsbehandlingsprocessen inom hälso- och sjukvårdens dietistverksamhet med fokus på dietisternas journaldokumentation.
Min undervisning inom dietetik och nutrition inriktar sig främst på grundläggande nutrition med fokus på energiomsättning och metabolism, idrottsnutrition, nutritionsstatusbestämning, kost vid diabetes, dietist professionen samt vetenskaplig metodik och studiedesign inom kost- och nutritionsområdet.
Jag har även författat populärvetenskapliga skrifter exempelvis läroboken Näringslära för högskolan (Liber 2006, 2013) och SOK:s (Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté) kostpolicy (Kostrekommendationer för elitidrottare 2000,2009).
Jag har alltid haft ett stort intresse för undervisning och har med tiden allt mer engarerat mig inom utbildnings- och ämnesdidaktiska frågor. Jag har bland annat medverkat i fakultetens utbildningsutskott, i en rad pedagogiska utvecklingsprojekt och kvalitetsutvärderingar av olika utbildningar.
Har varit huvudhandledare till följande doktorsavhandling:
Elin Lövestam 2015.Dietetic documentation: Content, language and the meaning of standardization in Swedish dietitians’ patient record notes.
Har varit biträdande handledare till följande doktorsavhandlingar:
Inger Nilsen. 2024. Glucose - friend and foe. Glucose alterations and dietary intake in patients undergoing bariatric surgery.
Aravinda Bergreen-Clausen. 2022. Food environments in socioeconomically disadvantaged and immigrant populations through a non-communicable lens.
Evelina Liljeberg 2021.Oral nutritional supplements within the nutrition therapy: Prescription and adherence from a dietetic practice perspective.
Erika Ax 2015.Dietary Patterns: Identification and Health Implications in the Swedish Population.
Anna-Mari Simunaniemi 2011.Consuming and Communicating Fruit and Vegetables: A Nation-Wide Food Survey and Analysis of Blogs among Swedish Adults.
Är biträdande handledare till pågående doktorandarbeten:
Josefin Dimander. The role of nutrition after minor burn.
Urval av publikationer
- High adherence to oral nutrition supplements prescribed by dietitians (2019)
- Incomplete descriptions of oral nutritional supplement interventions in reports of randomised controlled trials (2018)
- Evaluation of a Nutrition Care Process-based audit instrument, the Diet-NCP-Audit, for documentation of dietetic care in medical records (2014)
- Näringslära för högskolan (2013)
- Plasma Alkylresorcinol Concentrations Correlate with Whole Grain Wheat and Rye Intake and Show Moderate Reproducibility over a 2- to 3-Month Period in Free-Living Swedish Adults (2011)
- Laypeople blog about fruit and vegetables for self-expression and dietary influence (2011)
- Kostrekommendationer för elitidrottare. (2009)
- Fruit and vegetable consumption close to recommendations (2009)
- Observed dietary intake in adults with intellectual disability living in the community (2008)
- Evidensbaseradnutrition - en exposition (2008)
- Whole-grain foods do not affect insulin sensitivity or markers of lipid peroxidation and inflammation in healthy, moderately overweight subjects (2007)
- Dietary fat intake, fat sources and fatty acid composition in serum among immigrant women from Iran and Turkey compared with women of Swedish ethnicity (2005)
Senaste publikationer
- Low-energy diets before metabolic bariatric surgery (2024)
- Glycemic variability and hypoglycemia before and after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy (2024)
- Documented nutritional therapy in relation to nutritional guidelines post burn injury (2023)
- Food environment interactions after migration (2022)
- Two Modified Questionnaires for the Assessment of Nutrition Impact Symptoms in the Rehabilitation Phase after Burn Injury (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Low-energy diets before metabolic bariatric surgery (2024)
- Glycemic variability and hypoglycemia before and after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy (2024)
- Documented nutritional therapy in relation to nutritional guidelines post burn injury (2023)
- Food environment interactions after migration (2022)
- Two Modified Questionnaires for the Assessment of Nutrition Impact Symptoms in the Rehabilitation Phase after Burn Injury (2022)
- 'Between foods and medicines' (2022)
- A hypocaloric diet rich in high fiber rye foods causes greater reduction in body weight and body fat than a diet rich in refined wheat (2021)
- A qualitative exploration of dietitians' experiences of prescribing oral nutritional supplements to patients with malnutrition (2021)
- Lower Interstitial Glucose Concentrations but Higher Glucose Variability during Low-Energy Diet Compared to Regular Diet (2021)
- High adherence to oral nutrition supplements prescribed by dietitians (2019)
- Specialistkompetens - professionskvalitet och karriärsutveckling (2018)
- Incomplete descriptions of oral nutritional supplement interventions in reports of randomised controlled trials (2018)
- Dietary patterns in Swedish adults (2016)
- The struggle to balance system and lifeworld (2016)
- Discovery of urinary biomarkers of whole grain rye intake in free-living subjects using non-targeted LC-MS metabolite profiling (2015)
- The power of language on patient‐centredness (2015)
- Evaluation of Nutrition Care Process documentation in electronic patient records (2015)
- Evaluation of a Nutrition Care Process-based audit instrument, the Diet-NCP-Audit, for documentation of dietetic care in medical records (2014)
- Alkylresorcinol metabolites in urine correlate with the intake of whole grains and cereal fibre in free-living Swedish adults (2013)
- Cluster Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Related Perceptions (2013)
- Normative, Authentic and Altruistic Fruit and Vegetable Consumption as Weblog Discourses (2013)
- Alkylresorcinols in Swedish cereal food products (2012)
- Plasma Alkylresorcinol Concentrations Correlate with Whole Grain Wheat and Rye Intake and Show Moderate Reproducibility over a 2- to 3-Month Period in Free-Living Swedish Adults (2011)
- Plasma Alkylresorcinol Concentrations Correlate with Whole Grain Wheat and Rye Intake and Show Moderate Reproducibility over a 2-to 3-Month Period in Free-Living Swedish Adults(1-3) (2011)
- Att bättre förstå ätstörningar och förmedla en sund kostmedvetenhet inom idrotten (2011)
- Laypeople blog about fruit and vegetables for self-expression and dietary influence (2011)
- Glykemiskt index (2009)
- Kan vi räkna med fullkorn - maten och i blodet? (2009)
- Kan vi räkna med fullkorn - i maten och i blodet? (2009)
- Fruit and vegetable consumption close to recommendations (2009)
- Observed dietary intake in adults with intellectual disability living in the community (2008)
- Evidensbaseradnutrition - en exposition (2008)
- Alkylresorcinols as biomarkers of whole-grain wheat and rye intake (2008)
- Towards a healhty diet: from nutrition recommendations to dietary advice (2007)
- Whole-grain foods do not affect insulin sensitivity or markers of lipid peroxidation and inflammation in healthy, moderately overweight subjects (2007)
- Principles of nutritional assessment (2006)
- Dietary fat intake, fat sources and fatty acid composition in serum among immigrant women from Iran and Turkey compared with women of Swedish ethnicity (2005)
- Fatty acid composition of skeletal muscle reflects dietary fat compositionin humans (2002)
- Fatty acid profile of skeletal muscle phospholipids in trained and untrained young men (2000)
- Diet, Nutrition and Diabetes Mellitus (2000)
- Effects of physical exercise on phospholipid fatty acid composition in skeletal muscle (1998)
- Moderate exercise at energy balance does not affect 24-h leucine oxidation or nitrogen retention in healthy men (1997)
- Energy turnover in a sailing crew during offshore racing around the world (1996)
- The influence of physical activity on BMR (1996)
- Food environment characteristics and neighborhood socioeconomic status in Stockholm, Sweden
- ‘I take the amount I need to feel good’: a qualitative exploration of patient experiences of the meaning and usage of oral nutritional supplements
- Bakom frånvaron av klagandets röst - en betraktelse (2015)
- Idrottsnutrition (2013)
- Näringslära som diciplin (2013)
- Energi och metabolism (2013)
- Kroppen, maten och generna (2013)
- Kost och hälsa (2013)
- Nutritionsundersökningar (2013)
- Idrottsnutrition (2006)
- Energi- och metabolism (2006)
- Kroppens uppbyggnad och hantering av näringsämnen (2006)
- Kost och hälsa i Sverige och världen (2006)
- Training induced changes in the fatty acid composition of skeletal muscle lipids (1998)
- The concept of adherence and its applications in the field of nutrition and dietetics: a narrative review (2021)
- ‘I take the amount I need to feel good’: a qualitative exploration of patient experiences of the meaning and usage of oral nutritional supplements (2021)
- Följsamhet till kosttilläggsförskrivning associerat till patientens behandlingsduration och ålder (2020)
- A qualitative exploration of dietitians’ experiences of prescribing oral nutritional supplements to patients with malnutrition (2020)
- Treatment dilemmas experienced by dietitians when prescribing oral nutritional supplements (2020)
- Factors associated with adherence to oral nutritional supplements among free-living hospital outpatients (2019)
- Adherence to oral nutritional supplements among hospital outpatients (2018)
- Evaluating Documentation of Dietetic Care in Swedish Medical Records (2013)
- Dietary phosphorous intake among haemodialysis patients in relation to dosage of phosphate binders and hyperphosphatemia (2012)
- An NCP-based audit instrument for dietitians´documentation in medical records (2012)
- A student run open health clinic (2011)
- Self-expression and dietary influence motives for lay-people blogging about fruit and vegetables (2011)
- Cluster analysis based on individual perceptions on fruit and vegetables (2010)
- Blogging about fruit and vegetables (2010)
- Fruit and vegetable consumption in relation to social and external factors (2008)
- Oförändrad insulinkänslighet och lipidperoxidation efter ökat intag av fullkornsprodukter hos friska män och kvinnor. (2006)
- Ökat intag av fullkornsprodukter. Effekter på insulinkänslighet, lipidperoxidation och inflammationsmarkörer? (2006)
- Greater underreporting of dietary intake among immigrant women from Iran and Turkey than in native-Swedish women in Uppsala County (2006)
- Effects of meals with calcuated high or low glycemic index compared with a high protein meal on appetite, cognitive performance and subjective state (2005)
- Användning av sjudagars menybok hos 82-åriga män i ULSAM-kohorten (2004)
- Dietary fat quality influences the fatty acid profile of skeletal muscle phospholipids in humans. (2000)
- Skelettmuskelns fettsyraprofil i relation till fysisk aktivitet, dietärt fett och fibertyp (1999)
- Fatty acid profile of skeletal muscle phospholipids in trained and undtrained young men. (1999)
- Effects of physical exercise on fatty acid composition in skeletal muscle. (1998)
- Modedieter (2010)
- Kostrekommendationer för elitidrottare. (2009)
- Attitudes towards fruit and vegetable consumption measured by a web-based or a paper-and-pen questionnaire (2009)
- Kost och kosttillskott - ställningstagande och rekommendationer för elitidrottare. (1997)
- Dukat för prestation - recept och näringsguide för aktiva idrottare (1996)