Lars Frimanson
Universitetslektor vid Företagsekonomiska institutionen; Professorer, lärare, forskare
- Telefon:
- 018-471 14 09
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- Besöksadress:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
Gästforskare vid Institutionen för psykologi; Avdelningen för Perceptions- och kognitionspsykologi
- Besöksadress:
- Von Kraemers allé 1A och 1C
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 1225
751 42 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- ED
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My current research focuses on the cognitive and neurobiological causes and effects of accounting and economic behavior. My previous research involved accounting and control behavior in inter-organizational networks and in mergers and acquisitions.
Senaste publikationer
- Samband mellan kurvärderingsvariabler och tentapoäng (2024)
- Performance evaluations and stress (2021)
- Why beleifs about performance areas' status is different: (2018)
- Why beliefas about performance areas' status are different: (2018)
- Management control in secret organizations (2018)
Alla publikationer
- Performance evaluations and stress (2021)
- Frequency of prolonged social-evaluative threat and cytokine activity (2013)
- Nordisk workshop XXI i ekonomistyrning (Nordic workshop XXI in Management Control) (2017)
- Management Accounting and Business Relationships from a Supplier Perspective (2006)
- Mergers and acquisitions as multitude of processes (2015)
- Accounting Information Systems for Interorganizational Coordination (2012)
- The Balanced Scorecard and Learning in Business Relationships (2001)
- Balanserad styrning vid intern och extern processutveckling - Fallet ABB-Control (2000)
- Ekonomistyrning i ett industriellt nätverk: Fallet Sörmlands Grafiska Quebecor (2000)
- Why beleifs about performance areas' status is different: (2018)
- Why beliefas about performance areas' status are different: (2018)
- Management control in secret organizations (2018)
- Accountability under stress and alignment of interests: A neurobiological explanation (2017)
- Accountability and Stress: A Neurobiological Analysis (2016)
- Accountability and Stress: A Neurobiological Analysis (2016)
- Psychosocial and neurobiological responses to accounting (2015)
- Reduction in prolonged social-evaluative threat frequency reduces inflammation activity (2015)
- The impact of formal performance evaluation on psychosocial and neurobiological energy mobilization (2014)
- Decision-making, acquisition project competencies and the development of acquisition processes (2014)
- The impact of formal performance evaluation frequency on psychosocial and biological employee energy markers (2013)
- Qualitative M&A research (2011)
- Accounting and Stress: a project in progress (2010)
- The Design of Management Information Systems and Job Stress (2010)
- Ekonomistyrning och stress (2009)
- Producer-user interfaces: accountability in a printing network (2003)
- Accountability, Control, and Subsidiary Embeddedness (2001)
- The Balanced Scorecard and Strategic Learning in Business Networks: The Case of ABB Control (2000)
- Strategic Management Accounting in Business Network Relationships (1999)
- The Balanced Scorecard and Learning in Business Relationships (1998)
- Management Accounting Going Out of Bounds: On the Need to Explore Market Exchange (1998)
- Samband mellan kurvärderingsvariabler och tentapoäng (2024)
- Ekonomprogrammets allmänna internationella inriktning : utökad studiegång och kapacitetsutnyttjande : kullen ht -93 : studenterna fördelning över ekonomiska ämnen (1999)