Gustaf Gredebäck
Professor vid Institutionen för psykologi; Avdelningen för Utvecklingspsykologi
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Kort presentation
Jag är intresserad av barn och spädbarns kognitiva, sociala och emotionella utveckling. I) Hur det aktiva barnets egna utforskande (handlingar och social interaktion) stärker utvecklingen. II) Skydds och riskfaktorer för barn som växer upp i krig, med föräldrar som inte mår bra, eller i samhällen under förändring. III) Barns utveckling globalt, utanför WEIRD, i olika politiska och kulturella system. IV) Förskolans betydelse för barns utveckling.
Dagens Nyheter. 2020
Reportage från labbet
Filosofiska rummet 2017
Tänkandets natur
TEDx föredrag 2010
The Mirror Neuron System: Understanding Others as Oneself
Knut och Alice Wallenberg Stiftelse 2015
Hur påverkar spädbarnsåren oss som vuxna?
Föreläsning 2019
Infant's actions broaden their mind
Bolibompa baby - Om nyfikenhet
En kort film om barns nyfikenhet
Senaste publikationer
- A joint future for cultural evolution and developmental psychology (2024)
- Early Childhood Educators' Math Anxiety and Its Relation to Their Pedagogic Actions in Swedish Preschools (2024)
- Methodological considerations for more robust and reliable developmental science (2024)
- Methodological integrity assessment in the mobile paradigm literature (2024)
- Recognition of small numbers in subset knowers (2023)
Alla publikationer
- A joint future for cultural evolution and developmental psychology (2024)
- Early Childhood Educators' Math Anxiety and Its Relation to Their Pedagogic Actions in Swedish Preschools (2024)
- Methodological considerations for more robust and reliable developmental science (2024)
- Methodological integrity assessment in the mobile paradigm literature (2024)
- Recognition of small numbers in subset knowers (2023)
- Context dependent cognitive development in Bhutanese children (2023)
- Poor maternal mental health is associated with a low degree of proactive control in refugee children (2023)
- The effects of war, displacement, and trauma on child development (2023)
- The role of maternal trauma and discipline types in emotional processing among Syrian refugee children (2023)
- Maternal postpartum depression impacts infants' joint attention differentially across cultures (2022)
- Statistical learning in infancy predicts vocabulary size in toddlerhood (2022)
- Fluid intelligence in refugee children (2022)
- High quality social environment buffers infants’ cognitive development from poor maternal mental health (2022)
- The Next Step in Developmental Embodiment Research (2022)
- Predicting children's emerging understanding of numbers (2022)
- Learning limb-specific contingencies in early infancy (2022)
- Attentional Control Is a Stable Construct in Infancy but Not Steadily Linked With Self-Regulatory Functions in Toddlerhood (2022)
- A Pre-registered Sticky Mittens Study (2022)
- Gaze following emergence relies on both perceptual cues and social awareness (2021)
- Social cognition in refugee children (2021)
- Infants’ Selective Visual Attention Is Dependent on Maternal Affect and Emotional Context (2021)
- Can the Brain Build Probability Distributions? (2021)
- Making the World Behave (2021)
- Social interaction targets enhance 13-month-old infants' associative learning (2021)
- Maternal childhood trauma and perinatal distress are related to infants’ focused attention from 6 to 18 months (2021)
- Does sticky mittens training facilitate reaching and grasping development? (2021)
- Social and emotional contexts predict the development of gaze following in early infancy (2020)
- Atypical Development of Attentional Control Associates with Later Adaptive Functioning, Autism and ADHD Traits (2020)
- The teleological stance (2020)
- An embodied account of teleological processes (2020)
- The social foundation of executive function (2020)
- Play enhances visual form perception in infancy-an active training study (2020)
- The sticky mittens paradigm: (2020)
- Gaze following in 4.5- and 6-month-old infants (2019)
- The Developmental Origins of Gaze-Following in Human Infants (2019)
- Two-step actions in infancy—the TWAIN model (2019)
- Longitudinal Continuity in Understanding and Production of Giving-Related Behavior From Infancy to Childhood (2019)
- Attention during Visual Preference Tasks (2019)
- Discrimination of Small Forms in a Deviant-Detection Paradigm by 10-month-old Infants (2019)
- The Role of Callous-Unemotional Traits on Adolescent Positive and Negative Emotional Reactivity (2019)
- Reduced Orienting to Audiovisual Synchrony in Infancy Predicts Autism Diagnosis at 3 Years of Age (2018)
- Author Correction (2018)
- Infants' actions broaden their mind (2018)
- How Visual and Motor Experience Shape the Development of Infants' Perception of Actions Performed by Social Partners (2018)
- Gaze Following Is Not Dependent on Ostensive Cues (2018)
- Action Prediction Allows Hypothesis Testing via Internal Forward Models at 6 Months of Age (2018)
- The eye of the retriever (2018)
- The Immersive Virtual Reality Lab (2018)
- Infants distinguish between two events based on their relative likelihood (2018)
- Enhanced pupillary light reflex in infancy is associated with autism diagnosis in toddlerhood (2018)
- Reduced alternating gaze during social interaction in infancy is associated with elevated symptoms of autism in toddlerhood (2018)
- Human eyes with dilated pupils induce pupillary contagion in infants (2017)
- Diminished ability to identify facial emotional expressions in children with disorganized attachment representations (2017)
- Infants prospectively control reaching based on the difficulty of future actions (2017)
- Itsy Bitsy Spider... (2017)
- Saccadic Reaction Times in Infants and Adults (2017)
- Caregiving experience and its relation to perceptual narrowing of face gender (2017)
- Goal saliency boosts infants' action prediction for human manual actions, but not for mechanical claws (2016)
- Enhanced neural processing of goal-directed actions during active training in 4-month-old infants (2016)
- Action perception in infancy (2016)
- Reduced Prospective Motor Control in 10-month-olds at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder (2016)
- Pupillary Contagion in Infancy (2016)
- Callous-unemotional traits affect adolescents' perception of collaboration (2016)
- Mapping language to the mind (2016)
- How social is the chaser? (2016)
- An embodied account of early executive functions development (2016)
- An Embodied Account of Early Executive-Function Development (2016)
- Culture influences action understanding in infancy (2016)
- Semantic processing of actions at 9months is linked to language proficiency at 9 and 18months. (2016)
- The TimeStudio Project (2016)
- Language Meddles with Infants' Processing of Observed Actions (2016)
- Altered gaze following during live interaction in infants at risk for autism (2016)
- Neural correlates of action perception at the onset of functional grasping (2015)
- The neural basis of non-verbal communication - enhanced processing of perceived give-me gestures in 9-month-old girls (2015)
- Eighteen-Month-Olds, but not 14-Month-Olds, Use Social Context to Bind Action Sequences (2015)
- Infants' prospective control during object manipulation in an uncertain environment (2015)
- The neuropsychology of infants' pro-social preferences (2015)
- The Microstructure of Action Perception in Infancy (2015)
- Eye Movements During Action Observation (2015)
- Sustained attention in infancy as a longitudinal predictor of self-regulatory functions (2015)
- The developmental trajectory of pointing perception in the first year of life (2015)
- Hypersensitive pupillary light reflex in infants at risk for autism (2015)
- Infants' online perception of give-and-take interactions (2014)
- Extrapolation and direct matching mediate anticipation infancy (2014)
- Goal certainty modulates infants' goal-directed gaxe shifts (2014)
- Is ostension any more than attention? (2014)
- Staring us in the face? (2014)
- How good? (2014)
- Differential Contributions of Development and Learning to Infants’ Knowledge of Object Continuity and Discontinuity (2013)
- Infants´ knowledge of object continuity and discontinuity (2013)
- The development of pointing perception in infancy (2013)
- The motor cortex is causally related to predictive eye movements during action observation (2013)
- Eye tracking in early autism research (2013)
- Infants use social context to bind actions into a collaborative sequence (2013)
- The microstructure of infants' gaze as they view adult shifts in overt attention (2013)
- Facing still faces (2013)
- Infants Help a Non-Human Agent (2013)
- Action production influences 12-month-old infants' attention to others' actions (2012)
- Actions seen through the babies' eyes (2012)
- Humans anticipate the goal of other people’s point-light actions (2012)
- Individual Differences in Face Processing (2012)
- Goal salience affects infants´ goal-directed gaze shifts (2012)
- Pupillometry (2012)
- Spatial cuing by referential human gestures, arrows, and mechanical claws. (2011)
- The Development of Grasping Comprehension in Infancy (2011)
- Spatial cuing by referential human gestures, arrows, and mechanical devices (2011)
- Teleological Reasoning in 4-Month-Old Infants (2011)
- Look who's talking (2010)
- Look who's talking: pre-verbal infants perception of pointing comprehension (2010)
- The development and neural basis of pointing comprehension (2010)
- The development of joint visual attention: A longitudinal study of gaze following during interactions with mothers and strangers (2010)
- Infants' understanding of everyday social interactions: A dual process account (2010)
- The development of joint visual attention: A longitudinal study of gaze following during interactions with mothers and strangers (2010)
- Eye tracking in infancy research. (2010)
- Goal anticipation during action observation is influenced by synonymous action capabilities, a puzzling developmental study (2010)
- Goal anticipation during action observation in influenced by synonymous action capabilities, a puzzling developmental study (2010)
- Goal anticipation during action observation is influenced by synonymous action capabilities, a puzzling developmental study (2010)
- Infants' understanding of everyday social interactions: A dual process account (2010)
- The development and neural basis of pointing comprehension (2010)
- Eye tracking in infancy research (2010)
- Preverbal infants anticipate that food will be brought to the mouth: An eye tracking study of manual feeding and flying spoons (2010)
- Preverbal infants anticipate that good will be brought to the mouth: An eye tracking study of manual feeding and flying spoons. (2010)
- Preverbal Infants Anticipate that Food will be Brought to the Mouth (2010)
- The development of the still-face effect (2010)
- Brain activity dring upright and inverted coding of own- and other-age faces (2010)
- Action Type and Goal Type Modulate Goal-Directed Gaze Shifts in 14-Month-Old Infants (2009)
- Some things never change (2009)
- Occlusion Is Hard (2009)
- Motivation in teh development of goal-directed action (2009)
- Motivation in the development of goal-directed action (2009)
- Brain Activation during Upright and Inverted Encoding of Own- and Other-Age Faces (2009)
- The microstructure of infants' gaze as they view adult shifts in overt attention (2008)
- The microstructure of infants' gaze as they view adult shifts in overt attention (2008)
- Object processing during a joint gaze following task (2007)
- Taking an action perspective on infant’s object representations (2007)
- Learning about occlusion, initial assumptions and rapid adjustments (2007)
- Learning about occlusion (2007)
- Learning about occlusion, initial assumptions and rapid adjustments (2007)
- Cortical processing of visual motion in young infants (2007)
- Cortical processing of visual motion in young infants (2007)
- Object processing during a joint gaze following task (2007)
- Object processing during a joint gaze following task (2007)
- Infants predict other people's action goals. (2006)
- The development of reactive saccade latencies (2006)
- Developmental asymmetries between horizontal and vertical tracking (2006)
- Inferring causality assessments from predictive responses (2006)
- The development of two-dimensional tracking (2005)
- Infants' Evolving Representations of Object Motion During Occlusion (2004)
- Infants' tracking of continuous circular motion interrupted by occlusion (2002)
- Perception and action in the context of development (2017)
- The role of looking in social development: perspectives from development and autism (2008)
- The Role of Looking in Social Cognition (2008)
- The PreQuEL project: How preschool quality relates to children’s learning outcomes. (2022)
- Pupillary Correlates of Emotion and Cognition (2019)
- Pupillometry as a Measure of Very Young Infants' Recognition Memory (2016)
- Infants’ Prospective Control during Object Manipulation in an Uncertain Environment (2015)
- Infants’ Prospective Control during Object Manipulation (2015)
- What’s next? Infants Prospectively Control their Reaching Movements Depending on the Difficulty of their Subsequent Action (2015)
- Culture Influences Action Understanding in Infancy: A Comparative Study of Action Prediction in Chinese and Swedish Infants (2015)
- Body Orientation Matters: Infants’ Observations of others’ Face-to-face and Back-to-back Conversations (2015)
- Pupil Size and Recognition Memory in Infants and Adults (2015)
- Relationship between Pupil and Neural Responses: Pupil Dilation as Early Marker for Infants’ Understanding of Social Interactions (2015)
- Investigating Action and Goal States Using Pupil Dilation in 9-Month-Olds (2015)
- Infants’ Differential Recognition of Female and Male Faces in a Visual Search Task (2015)
- Introducing Live Eye-tracking with Motion-capture for Automatically Tracked Areas of Interest (AOI): An Application in the Study of Infant Social Cognition (2015)
- Development of Geometric Acuity in Infants (2015)
- Within-Subjects Measurement of Numerosity Discrimination in Infants (2015)
- A Measure of Individual Differences in Numerosity Discriminaton in Infants Using Eye-tracking (2015)
- Using Eye-Tracking Callous-Unemotional Traits Influence Pupil Dilation During Exposure to Negative Emotional Stimuli (2015)
- Callous-Unemotional Traits Influence Pupil Dilation during Exposure to Negative Emotional Stimuli (2015)
- Infants’ adaptation to object weight (2014)
- Infants’ adaptation to object weight (2014)
- Infants' reactions to spiders - A pupil dilation study (2014)
- Infants rely on third-party social information to reason about goals and predict behavior (2013)
- Action and Social Understanding in Early Development (2012)
- Action and Social Understanding in the First Years of Life (2012)
- Processing of biological motion and audiovisual synchrony in children with typical development and in children with Autism (2012)
- Spatial cuing by referential human gestures, arrows, and mechanical devices (2011)
- Inter-facial relations (2011)
- Modeling the face-to-face effect (2011)
- Taking an action perspective on infant's object representations (2007)
- Rational Assessments of Covariation and Causality (2000)