Ingrid Anderzén
Associerad forskare vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Folkhälsa, arbetsliv och rehabilitering
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Kort presentation
Ingrid Anderzén, seniorforskare och docent i Socialmedicin. Hennes forskning innefattar hälsa i arbetslivet och arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering. Hälsa i arbetslivet syftar till att identifiera och studera man kan förebygga stress och ohälsa på både individ-, grupp- och organisationsnivå. Arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering handlar om analys och implementering av metoder för att underlätta återgång i arbete/studier för personer som står långt ifrån arbetslivet.
Urval av publikationer
- Self-rated health, life-style, and psychoendocrine measures of stress in healthy adult women (2010)
- Restart - Return To Work After Long-tem Sickness Absence From Work (2010)
- Återgång till arbete är möjlig för långtidssjukskrivna (2010)
- Återgång till arbete är möjlig för långtidssjukskrivna (2010)
- Goal clarity as an instrument for improved organizational well-being in the church of Sweden (2009)
- Risk-factors for Stress-related Absence Among Health Care Employees: A Bio-Psychosocial Perspective. Associations Between Self-rated Health, Working Conditions and Biological Stress Hormones. (2006)
Senaste publikationer
- Utvärdering av rehabiliteringskoordinator inom psykiatrisk specialistsjukvård (2023)
- Arbetsmiljön för hälso-och sjukvårdspersonal under coronapandemin (2023)
- REKO vid Ortopedmottagningen (2022)
- Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals’ Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers to Return to Work (2022)
- Work-life balance predicted work ability two years later (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals’ Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers to Return to Work (2022)
- Work-life balance predicted work ability two years later (2021)
- Comparing the Efficacy of Multidisciplinary Assessment and Treatment, or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, with Treatment as Usual on Health Outcomes in Women on Long-Term Sick Leave (2021)
- Rehabilitation coordinator intervention versus control in psychiatric specialist care for return to work and reduced sick leave (2020)
- Motivation for return to work and actual return to work among people on long-term sick leave due to pain syndrome or mental health conditions (2019)
- Strengthened General Self-Efficacy with Multidisciplinary Vocational Rehabilitation in Women on Long-Term Sick Leave (2018)
- The relationship between self-efficacy and transition to work or studies in young adults with disabilities (2018)
- Multidisciplinary Intervention and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Return-to-Work and Increased Employability among Patients with Mental Illness and/or Chronic Pain (2018)
- Positive experiences of a vocational rehabilitation intervention for individuals on long-term sick leave, the Dirigo project (2017)
- Effectiveness of two vocational rehabilitation programmes in women with long-term sick leave due to pain syndrome or mental illness (2017)
- Process evaluation of an interorganizational cooperation initiative in vocational rehabilitation (2017)
- Predictors of self-efficacy in women on long-term sick leave (2015)
- Health in women on long-term sick leave because of pain or mental illness (2015)
- Frequency of prolonged social-evaluative threat and cytokine activity (2013)
- Self-rated health, life-style, and psychoendocrine measures of stress in healthy adult women (2010)
- Restart - Return To Work After Long-tem Sickness Absence From Work (2010)
- Återgång till arbete är möjlig för långtidssjukskrivna (2010)
- Återgång till arbete är möjlig för långtidssjukskrivna (2010)
- Sjukförsäkringen - ett decennium av förändring (2009)
- Goal clarity as an instrument for improved organizational well-being in the church of Sweden (2009)
- Goal Clarity as an Instrument for Improved Organizational Wellbeing in the Church of Sweden (2009)
- Sjukförsäkringen (2009)
- Organizational Change, Health and Sick Leave among Health Care Employees (2008)
- Organizational change, health, and sick leave among health care employees: A longitudinal study measuring stress markers, individual, and work site factors. (2008)
- Risk-factors for Stress-related Absence Among Health Care Employees: A Bio-Psychosocial Perspective. Associations Between Self-rated Health, Working Conditions and Biological Stress Hormones. (2006)
- The impact of a prospective survey-based workplace intervention program on employee health, biologic stress markers, and organizational productivity. (2005)
- Endocrine measures of stress and self-rated health (2003)
- Psychophysiological reactions to international adjustment (1999)
- Subjective adjustment and attitudes towards foreign assignments among employees and spouses during the first six months abroad (1997)
- Psychophylogcal reactions during the first year of a foreign assignment: result from a controlled longitudinal study. (1997)
- Stress and sensitization in children: A controlled prospective psychophysiological study of children exposed to international relocation. (1997)
- A nonconventional approach to the treatment of "environmental illness". (1995)
- Recovery within day-time sleep after slow wave sleep suppression. (1991)
- Pilot Study Sleepiness in physicians on night call duty. (1990)
- Physicians during and following night call duty – 41 hour ambulatory recording of sleep (1990)
- Catecholamine measurements in urine by high-performance liquid chromatography with amperometric detection--comparison with an autoanalyser fluorescence method. (1989)
- Appraisal, coping, catecholamine excretion, and psychomotor performance during calm and stressful conditions (1987)
- Urinary catecholamine responses to basic types of physical activity. (1986)
- The effect of two vocational rehabilitation programs in women on long term sick leave because of pain and/or mental disorder – one year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial (2016)
- Predictors of wellbeing at work (2016)
- Predictors of Wellbeing at Work (2016)
- Self-effcacy, self-rated health and work ability in young adults with disabilities participating in an individual vocational rehabilitation program. (2015)
- Self-efficacy, self-rated health and work ability in young adults with disabilities participating in an individual tailored vocational rehabilitation program (2015)
- Psychosocial and neurobiological responses to accounting (2015)
- Reduction in prolonged social-evaluative threat frequency reduces inflammation activity (2015)
- Can a systematic participative method for processing workplace survey data enhance organizational communication skills? (2015)
- Low self-efficacy in women on long-term sick leave (2014)
- The importance of health care competence in vocational rehabilitation (2014)
- The impact of formal performance evaluation on psychosocial and neurobiological energy mobilization (2014)
- Self-efficacy in women on long termsick leave - the Vitalis project (2013)
- The impact of formal performance evaluation frequency on psychosocial and biological employee energy markers (2013)
- The Design of Management Information Systems and Job Stress (2010)
- Effects of organizational changes on health and sickness absence among health care employees. (2007)
- Utvärdering av rehabiliteringskoordinator inom psykiatrisk specialistsjukvård (2023)
- Arbetsmiljön för hälso-och sjukvårdspersonal under coronapandemin (2023)
- REKO vid Ortopedmottagningen (2022)
- Evidence-based methods for enhancing the labour-force entrance of people with mental disabilities (2015)
- UMiA (2014)
- UMiA (2014)
- Vitalis (2014)
- Dirigo 2 (2014)
- Aktivitetsersättning - en väg till arbete? (2013)
- Slutrapport - SAMKLANG (2011)
- Slutrapport - SAMKLANG (2011)
- Slutrapport – NySatsa Haninge (2010)
- Sjukskrivningsprocessen inom ortopeden, handkirurgen och psykiatrin vid Akademiska sjukhuset (2009)
- Samverkan i Resursteam: effekter på organisation, hälsa och sjukskrivning (2008)
- Samverkan i Resursteam (2008)