Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg

Professor emer. i internationell privaträtt och internationell processrätt vid Juridiska institutionen; Gäster och övrigt verksamma

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Professor Dr. (Dr. hc. mult.) Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg

Professor of Private International Law and International Civil Procedure, Faculty of Law, Uppsala University, Sweden

Address (office): Uppsala University, Faculty of Law, Munken 1, Trädgårdsgatan 20, Box 512, 751 20 Uppsala, Sweden; Phone: + 46 18 471 26 28.


I Education

1970 Graduate, The English School of Helsinki (primary school);

1973 Graduate, Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu (secondary school);

1977 LL.M., Faculty of Law, Helsinki University;

1981 Qualified as Judge, Helsinki Court of Appeal;

1983 LL.Lic., Faculty of Law, Helsinki University;

1983-1988: Postgraduate studies at University of Chicago Law School; Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationals Privatrecht, Hamburg; Freiburg Universität (in all: 1 year);

1989 LL.D., Faculty of Law, Uppsala University.

II Work Experience and Career

1977-1980 Assistant in civil law, comparative law and private international law, Faculty of Law, Helsinki University, Finland;

1981 Trainee & Apprentice Judge, Tuusulan tuomiokunta (First Instance Court), Järvenpää, Finland; qualified as full judge (“varatuomari”);

1982 Researcher, Faculty of Law, Helsinki University;

1983 Doctoral studies as a visiting scholar, University of Chicago Law School, USA;

1984-1988 Researcher, doctoral candidate, Faculty of Law, Uppsala University;

1989 Parental leave;

1990 Docent, Faculty of Law, Uppsala University;

1990-1995 Appointments as expert of Private International Law at the Finnish Ministry of Justice;

1990-1998 Reader (Associate Professor) in Private International Law, Faculty of Law, Uppsala University);

1995-1998 Legal Adviser at the Swedish Ministry of Justice, Stockholm (on leave from Uppsala University);

1995 Director of Studies, Hague Academy of International Law, (Private International Law Session;

1995-2006 Delegate of Sweden to the Hague Conference on Private International Law, 18th session 1996, and at various special commission meetings between1995-2001 and 2006;

1998 – Professor (Chair) of Private International Law and International Civil Procedure, Faculty of Law, Uppsala University;

1999 Project Director, International Civil Procedure, conducted at the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice in cooperation with Swedish International Development Assistance (SIDA), Hanoi, (September 1999);

1999-2002 Member of the Academic Senate, Uppsala University;

1999-2015 Legal Consult at the Swedish Government Offices;

2003 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, Uppsala University;

2003 Lecturing Professor at the Hague Academy of International Law (Private International Law Session);

2004-2008 Dean of the Faculty of Law, Uppsala University;

2004-2008 Member of the Board for Humanities and Social Sciences, Uppsala University;

2008-2014 Debuty Director of the interdisciplinary Linnaeus Centre of Excellence 2008-2018 “The Impact of Religion: Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy” (funded by the Swedish Research Council, VR, placed at Uppsala University);

2012 Visiting Professor at Otago University, New Zealand (November-December);

2014 Director of the Centre for Research & Studies at The Hague Academy of International Law (Women’s Human Rights and the Elimination of Discrimination);

2014 – Chair of the Foundation Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Stockholm, Sweden (Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation/The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences).

III Law Commission Memberships (appointed by Swedish government)

2013-2016: Expert of the Commission on Increased Prospects of Treatment Against Involuntary Childlessness (Swedish Ministry of Justice);

2013-2016: Expert of the Commission on Revision of Children’s Rights under Swedish Law (Swedish Ministry of Social Affairs);

2014-2015: Expert of the Commission on International Protection of Adults (Sweden’s accession to the 2000 Hague Convention) ((Swedish Ministry of Justice);

2012-2014: Expert of the Commission on Trans-frontier Issues of Inheritance and Wills (Swedish Ministry of Justice);

2010-2012: Expert of the Commission on Increased Protection Against Forced Marriages and Child Marriages (Swedish Ministry of Justice);

2009-2010: Expert of the Commission on Transfrontier Issues on Maintenance (Swedish Ministry of Justice);

2007-2008: Expert of the Commission of 2008 on Issues of Child Adoption (Swedish Ministry of Justice);

2006-2007: Expert of the Commission on Marriage and Registered Partnership (Swedish Ministry of Justice);

2004-2005: Expert of the Commission on Parental Responsibility of Children in International Situations (Swedish Ministry of Justice).

IV Distinctions (honorary doctorates)

2008 Doctor iuris honoris causa (Oslo University);

2010 Iuris Doctrix honoris causa (Helsinki University);

2012 Philosophiae Doctorem honoris causa (Bergen University).

V Prizes and Awards

1989 von Bahr’s award for an outstanding doctoral dissertation (Uppsala University Faculty of Law);

1998 The Idman’s Award for the best Nordic publication in international law 1995-97 (for the book: Svensk domstol och utländsk rätt, Iustus Förlag 1997);

2010 Descartes distinction (EU) “outstanding European research” (awarded for the Organizing Committee of the research group Commission on European Family Law);

2010 The Thuréus Award (class history & archaeology) of The Royal Academy of Sciences in Uppsala;

2010 Uppsala University’s Rudbeck-medal in gold (for outstanding scientific contributions);

2013 The Söderbergs’ Award in Jurisprudence 2013 (Sweden’s most prominent award in law & jurisprudence, awarded every fourth year);

VI Memberships by election

2005 – Curatorium of The Hague Academy of International Law

2007 – Finnish Scientific Society (Foreign Member);

2008 – Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (Foreign Member);

2011 – Royal Academy of Sciences in Uppsala;

2011 – International Society of Comparative Law (Titular Member);

2014 – Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities.

VII Membership of Academic Research Groups

2002 – Member of the Organising Committee (steering body) of the research group European Commission on Family Law, CEFL; equally Swedish national reporter and expert of the CEFL (since 2001);

2008 – Member & founder (together with Prof. Anders Bäckström) of the interdisciplinary Linnaeus Centre of Excellence 2008-2018 “The Impact of Religion: Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy” (funded by the Swedish Research Council, VR, placed at Uppsala University);

2016 – Member of the Research Group Empowering European Families, EEF (funded by the EU Commission); equally Swedish national reporter.

VIII Membership of Working Parties

1993-1994 Observer to the Hague Conference on Private International Law (representing the International Society of Family Law), at the Conference’s 17th Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, 1993, and at a Special Commission meeting, 1994;

1995 – Member of the Nordic Council Working Party on International and Domestic Family Law Issues (in charge of revision of Nordic Conventions on Private International Law);

1995-1998: Member of the Council of the European Union Working Party on the Convention on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters;

2000-2010 Member of the Swedish-Tunisian Civil Law Commission;

2008-2011 Member of the National Board (Sweden) for the Recruitment of Judges (“Domarnämnden”);

2013-2014 Member of the Working Group on Article 13.1.b of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (Hague Conference on Private International Law);

IX Membership of Editorial Boards

2000 – Member of ”Internationales Beirat der Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht” (FamRZ, Gieseking);

2002 – Member of the Publishing Committee of the European Family Law Series, EEF (Intersentia);

2012 – Member of the Editorial Board of Deakin Law Review, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.

XI Evaluation of Research and Legal Education

1999 – Opponent at doctoral dissertations: (Giuditta Cordero Moss: International commercial arbitration, Oslo, Norway 1999); Torstein Frantzen: The legal position of the surviving spouse in Norwegian private international law; Bergen, Norway, 2001; Torunn E. Kvisberg: Trans-frontier custody disputes and trans-frontier child abduction, Oslo, Norway, 2009. Member of the examination board (Michael Hellner, International competition law, Uppsala 2000; Jane Stoll, Surrogacy arrangements and legal parenthood, Uppsala University 2013; Laima Vaigè, Violence against women under international law, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2017);

2000 – Numerous appointments as expert/evaluator regarding assessments for positions as professor, lecturer and post-docs, “docent” or “excellent teacher” as well as peer-reviewing of books and articles in Sweden, other Nordic and European countries, Australia and New Zealand;

2001 Chair of the International Panel on the Evaluation of Education at the Faculty of Law, Helsinki University;

2005 Member of the International Panel on Research Evaluation at Faculty of Law, Helsinki University 2005;

2009 Member of the International Panel on Legal Research in Norwegian Universities 1998-2008 (Norwegian Research Council);

XII Doctoral supervision

Supervisor of doctoral candidates at Uppsala University: Anna Singer (Civil Law/Family Law, doctoral dissertation 2000); Marie Larsson Linton (Private International Law, doctoral dissertation 2002); Kristina Örtenhed (Private International Law, doctoral dissertation 2006); Mosa Sayed (Private International Law/Muslim Law, doctoral dissertation 2010; Caroline Sörgjerd (Comparative Civil Law, doctoral dissertation 2011).

XIII Other academic undertakings

1990 – Guest lectures & reporter, speaker, chair, expert or panel member in numerous international conferences and seminars, all over the world;

2000 – Convenor of conferences and symposia (selected): Organiser of the First Nordic Conference on Private International Law, Uppsala 13-15 September 2002; organiser of the Conference ”The legal status of same-sex couples in the EU”, Uppsala 19-20 September 2002 (together with ERA, Trier); organiser of two pan-European Experts groups meetings (CEFL) in Sweden, December 2010 and September 2012; organiser of several international or Nordic expert group meetings or symposiums in private international law or family law at Uppsala University; organiser or several international conferences and symposia in law & religion (IMPACT of Religion), Uppsala University 2008-2014.

Teaching fields: All of private international law and international civil procedure, EU law, family and succession law, comparative law, law and religion, human rights

XIV Languages

Finnish: mother tongue

Swedish: home-language

English: very good

Norwegian and Danish: good understanding, spoken and written

German: relatively good understanding, spoken and written

Spanish: ability to read and follow discussions

French: ability to read and follow discussions (improving)


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Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg

