Cecilia Pahlberg
Forskare vid Företagsekonomiska institutionen; Gäster och övrigt verksamma
- E-post:
- Cecilia.Pahlberg@fek.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA - Postadress:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- ED, docent
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Cecilia Pahlberg is professor at the Department of Business Studies. She teaches courses in international business at both undergraduate and graduate level and is thesis advisor at the undergraduate, master and doctoral levels. She has received rewards for excellent teaching from Uppsala university as well as from the Uppsala Business and Economics Student Association (Uppsalaekonomerna).
Cecilia Pahlberg's research interests concern headquarters-subsidiary relationships in multinational firms, the impact from cultural differences as well as organizational learning. She is also interested in the transfer of management practices across countries and was for a number of years executive secretary for the EU-financed project "Creation of European Management Practice". Building on a business network perspective, she has in the last decade mainly focused on firms relationships with non-business actors such as political actors and non-governmental organizations. For instance, relationships between small firms and political actors within the European Union has attracted her attention and more recently the impact from socio-political actors on multinationals in emerging markets has been studied. At present,ethical issues as well as how firms handle co-operation and competion in their relationships on emerging markets are in focus in her research.
She has also been involved in the administration at the Department of Business Studies, 1998-2000 as Director of Studies and 2005-2007 as responsible for the undergraduate program. She has a specific interest in quality development and has for more than a decade been a member of Quality Committees at the department, faculty and university level.
Further, Cecilia Pahlberg is a member of several organisations collaborating with the university. She was for several years (2001-2012) secretary in the Uppsala branch of SNS - Centre for Business and Policy Studies - an independent network of leading decision makers from the private and public sectors, and she is since 2006 a board member of IPF (Institutet för Personal och Företagsutveckling). She is also member of NOAK (Norrbottensakademin). The municipality of Uppsala awards every year a limited number of bachelor and master theses, and Cecilia Pahlberg is a member of the committee selecting these. Further, as inspector for the largest student nation in Uppsala, Norrlands nation, she has continuous contacts with a large number of students.
Senaste publikationer
- The role of headquarters in managing coopetition within MNCs (2024)
- The competition-cooperation interplay for knowledge development (2023)
- Cooperating while competing in multinational corporations (2021)
- The Business Network Approach (2020)
- Meeting the Challenges of Globalization in Order to Make a Difference (2020)
Alla publikationer
- The role of headquarters in managing coopetition within MNCs (2024)
- The competition-cooperation interplay for knowledge development (2023)
- Business and Socio‑Political Interaction in International Service Projects (2019)
- The development of IB as a scientific field (2018)
- The cooperation-competition interplay in the ICT industry (2018)
- Subsidiary Strategy Processes in Latin America (2015)
- A Network View of MNC Embeddedness in a Politically Uncertain Market (2014)
- Multinational Firms and Political Actors (2014)
- Processes of International Collaboration in Management Research (2013)
- Political entrepreneurship in new small ventures (2011)
- Adding a political dimension to business research (2009)
- Political embeddedness of technological development (2009)
- Small firms' interaction with political organizations in the European Union (2009)
- Deregulation and Homogenisation. The Creation of European Management Practice (2000)
- Trendsättare och efterföljare: En studie av hur moderna managementidéer används inom svenska multinationella företag (2000)
- Subsidiary Influence on Strategic Behaviour in MNCs: An Empirical Study (1997)
- Conflict and Control in MNC New Product Introduction (1996)
- Subsidiary Influence and Autonomy in International Firms (1992)
- Extending the Business Network Approach (2016)
- Extending Business Network Approach - New Territories, New Technologies, New Terms (2016)
- Marknadsföring - så mycket mer än reklam (2013)
- Marknadsföring - så mycket mer än reklam (2013)
- Företagets internationaliseringsprocess (2002)
- Subsidiary-Headquarters Relationships in International Business Networks (1996)
- Cooperating while competing in multinational corporations (2021)
- The Business Network Approach (2020)
- Meeting the Challenges of Globalization in Order to Make a Difference (2020)
- The Emergence of the Business Network Approach (2016)
- Approaching and Extending Business Networks—An Agenda for New Research Challenges (2016)
- Multinational corporations' relationship with political actors: (2015)
- Networks and Social Capital (2014)
- Marknadsföring - så mycket mer än reklam (2013)
- Marknadsföring i ett internationellt perspektiv - spelar kultur någon roll? (2013)
- Vad är marknadsföring? (2013)
- Business and Political Interactions in Emerging Markets (2012)
- Academic leadership in theory and practice (2009)
- Academic Leadership in Theory and Practice (2009)
- Managing Cultural Problems in HQ-Subsidiary Relationships (2007)
- The Importance of Information Technology in Business Relationships (2006)
- Do Cultural Differences Impact on Business Relationships? (2006)
- Business Opportunities, Subsidiaries and Interpreneurial Activity (2005)
- Opportunity Development for Ongoing Business Relationships (2005)
- Creation and Diffusion of Knowledge in Subsidiary Business Networks (2001)
- The Impact from Business Networks on MNC Competence Development (2000)
- Cultural Differences and Problems in HQ-Subsidiary Relationships in MNCs (1997)
- Le Reti Internazionali Di Imprese (1995)
- The Competition (2019)
- The Inclusion of Business and Nonbusiness Actors in Innovation Networks (2019)
- Competition and Cooperation within Multinationals (2019)
- Public-Private Cooperation for Social Innovation (2017)
- A Network View on Business-Political Interaction for Sustainable Development (2017)
- MNC-Host Government Relationship: The Case of Brazil (2015)
- Exploring Coopetition: When partners start to compete (2015)
- The Interplay between Cooperation and Competition in Business Network: An Emerging Market Perspective (2015)
- When Cooperation becomes Competition (2014)
- When Cooperation becomes Competition: Ericsson in Brazil (2014)
- Transparency and corruption (2013)
- Ambidextrous relationships between MNCs and governments (2013)
- Handling uncertainty by reaching insidership in networks (2012)
- Interaction between MNCs, Political Units and NGOs (2012)
- Effects of business networks including socio-political actors on subsidiary strategy processes (2012)
- A Chinese investment in Sweden vs. a Swedish investment in China (2011)
- Business-Politiocal Relationships when Doing Business with Companies from Emerging Economies (2011)
- Socio-Political Actors in Business Network Contexts (2010)
- Non-business actors in business networks (2010)
- How do small firms cope in the European Union? (2009)
- Political and Business Interaction among Small Firms in the European Union (2008)
- Bolognaprocessen och den svenska ekonomutbildningen (2007)
- Bolognaprocessen och den svenska ekonomutbildningen (2007)
- Information System and Technology in Organisations and society (ISTOS) (2004)
- Consultants as intermediaries between software providers and users: the case of SAP/R3 (2003)
- SAP/R3 as Carrier of Management Knowledge (1999)
- De multinatiionella företagens roll i spridningen av moderna managementidéer (1999)
- Management Trends at the Turn of the Century (1999)
- The Emergence of Centres of Excellence in MNCs (1998)
- Who Controls MNC Introduction of New Products (1996)
- Culturally Induced Problems and Control in MNCs (1995)
- Technological Development and its Implications in International Firms (1993)
- Technical Development in Subsidiaries and its Effects on Influence in International Firms (1992)
- Managing International Networks (1991)
- Global Firms in Internationalized Networks (1990)
- Final Report of the CEMP Project (2001)
- The Diffusion of European Management Ideas (2001)
- The Content of European Management Ideas (2001)
- Multinationals as Carriers of Management Practice (1998)
- MNCs differ - and so do subsidiaries (1996)
- Cultural differences and problems in HQ-subsidiary relationships in MNCs (1995)
- Managing International Networks: Presentation of a Research Project (1992)
- Global firms in internationalized networks (1990)