Dan I. Andersson
Professor i medicinsk bakteriologi vid Institutionen för medicinsk biokemi och mikrobiologi; Infektioner och Immunitet; Dan I Andersson
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-167 90 77
- E-post:
- dan.i.andersson@imbim.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
Husargatan 3
752 37 UPPSALA - Postadress:
- Box 582
751 23 UPPSALA
Föreståndare vid Uppsala antibiotikacentrum
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-167 90 77
- Besöksadress:
- BMC, SciLifeLab Entrance C11, Room E10:4210
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- BMC, Box 582, Husargatan 3
751 23 Uppsala
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- Akademiska meriter:
- docent
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Senaste publikationer
- Heteroresistance to piperacillin/tazobactam in Klebsiella pneumoniae is mediated by increased copy number of multiple β-lactamase genes (2024)
- Suppression of the Escherichia coli rnpA49 conditionally lethal phenotype by different compensatory mutations (2024)
- Beyond the FIC index (2024)
- High prevalence of heteroresistance in Staphylococcus aureus is caused by a multitude of mutations in core genes (2024)
- Investigation of linoleic acid as an antibacterial additive in bone cement (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Heteroresistance to piperacillin/tazobactam in Klebsiella pneumoniae is mediated by increased copy number of multiple β-lactamase genes (2024)
- Suppression of the Escherichia coli rnpA49 conditionally lethal phenotype by different compensatory mutations (2024)
- Beyond the FIC index (2024)
- High prevalence of heteroresistance in Staphylococcus aureus is caused by a multitude of mutations in core genes (2024)
- Theoretical considerations and empirical predictions of the pharmaco- and population dynamics of heteroresistance (2024)
- The strength of interspecies interaction in a microbial community determines its susceptibility to invasion (2024)
- Antibiotic resistance begets more resistance (2024)
- Three concurrent mechanisms generate gene copy number variation and transient antibiotic heteroresistance (2024)
- Bacteria can compensate the fitness costs of amplified resistance genes via a bypass mechanism (2024)
- Within-species variability of antibiotic interactions in Gram-negative bacteria (2024)
- Staphylococcus aureus mutants resistant to the feed-additive monensin show increased virulence and altered purine metabolism (2024)
- Quantifying combined effects of colistin and ciprofloxacin against Escherichia coli in an in silico pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model (2024)
- Rescue of Escherichia coli auxotrophy by de novo small proteins (2023)
- Evolutionary history of Staphylococcus aureus influences antibiotic resistance evolution (2023)
- Interspecies interaction reduces selection for antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli (2023)
- Pervasive Selection for Clinically Relevant Resistance and Media Adaptive Mutations at Very Low Antibiotic Concentrations (2023)
- Vesicle-enriched secretomes alter bacterial competitive abilities and are drivers of evolution in microbial communities (2023)
- Potential risks of treating bacterial infections with a combination of β-lactam and aminoglycoside antibiotics (2022)
- Antibiotic Minimal Selective Concentrations and Fitness Costs during Biofilm and Planktonic Growth (2022)
- Prevalence of colistin heteroresistance in carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and association with clinical outcomes in patients (2022)
- Low levels of tetracyclines select for a mutation that prevents the evolution of high-level resistance to tigecycline (2022)
- The physiology and genetics of bacterial responses to antibiotic combinations (2022)
- A Microfluidic Chip for Studies of the Dynamics of Antibiotic Resistance Selection in Bacterial Biofilms (2022)
- Modular 3D-Printed Peg Biofilm Device for Flexible Setup of Surface-Related Biofilm Studies (2022)
- An Effort Worth Making (2021)
- Selection of Resistant Bacteria in Mallards Exposed to Subinhibitory Concentrations of Ciprofloxacin in Their Water Environment (2021)
- The chemotherapeutic drug methotrexate selects for antibiotic resistance (2021)
- Structure and mechanism of a phage-encoded SAM lyase revises catalytic function of enzyme family (2021)
- A novel type of colistin resistance genes selected from random sequence space (2021)
- The highly dynamic nature of bacterial heteroresistance impairs its clinical detection (2021)
- Metabolic fitness landscapes predict the evolution of antibiotic resistance (2021)
- A broad spectrum anti-bacterial peptide with an adjunct potential for tuberculosis chemotherapy (2021)
- Mechanisms and therapeutic potential of collateral sensitivity to antibiotics (2021)
- Preferences regarding antibiotic treatment and the role of antibiotic resistance (2020)
- Antibiotic resistance (2020)
- Antimicrobial Peptide Exposure Selects for Resistant and Fit Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Mutants That Show Cross-Resistance to Antibiotics (2020)
- CombiANT (2020)
- Dynamics of Extensive Drug Resistance Evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a Single Patient During 9 Years of Disease and Treatment (2020)
- Synonymous mutations in rpsT lead to ribosomal assembly defects that can be compensated by mutations in fis and rpoA (2020)
- Mutational Pathways and Trade-Offs Between HisA and TrpF Functions (2020)
- Mutations that increase expression of the EmrAB-TolC efflux pump confer increased resistance to nitroxoline in Escherichia coli (2020)
- Molecular mechanisms of collateral sensitivity to the antibiotic nitrofurantoin (2020)
- Evolution of a New Function by Fusion between Phage DNA and a Bacterial Gene (2020)
- Mechanisms and clinical relevance of bacterial heteroresistance (2019)
- Definitions and guidelines for research on antibiotic persistence (2019)
- Inhibition of translation termination by small molecules targeting ribosomal release factors (2019)
- De Novo Emergence of Peptides That Confer Antibiotic Resistance (2019)
- The high prevalence of antibiotic heteroresistance in pathogenic bacteria is mainly caused by gene amplification (2019)
- A portable epigenetic switch for bistable gene expression in bacteria (2019)
- Collateral sensitivity constrains resistance evolution of the CTX-M-15 beta-lactamase (2019)
- Upregulation of PBP1B and LpoB in cysB Mutants Confers Mecillinam (Amdinocillin) Resistance in Escherichia coli (2019)
- Selection for novel metabolic capabilities in Salmonella enterica (2019)
- Public awareness and individual responsibility needed for judicious use of antibiotics (2018)
- Occurrence of Yersinia rohdei among feral reindeer (Rangifer t. tarandus) and kelp gulls (Larus dominicanus) on the Sub-Antarctic island South Georgia. (2018)
- A bacteriophage enzyme induces bacterial metabolic perturbation that confers a novel promiscuous function (2018)
- Predicting mutant selection in competition experiments with ciprofloxacin-exposed Escherichia coli (2018)
- Predictable Phenotypes of Antibiotic Resistance Mutations (2018)
- No beneficial fitness effects of random peptides (2018)
- Genetic adaptation to growth under laboratory conditions in Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica (2018)
- Experimental Determination and Prediction of the Fitness Effects of Random Point Mutations in the Biosynthetic Enzyme HisA (2018)
- Cellular hysteresis as a principle to maximize the efficacy of antibiotic therapy. (2018)
- Long-term carriage and rapid transmission of extended spectrum beta-lactamase-producing E. coli within a flock of Mallards in the absence of antibiotic selection (2018)
- Different adaptive strategies in E-coli populations evolving under macronutrient limitation and metal ion limitation (2018)
- Evolution of high-level resistance during low-level antibiotic exposure (2018)
- Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Fosfomycin and Its Activity against Extended-Spectrum-beta-Lactamase-, Plasmid-Mediated AmpC-, and Carbapenemase-Producing Escherichia coli in a Murine Urinary Tract Infection Model (2018)
- Selection and Transmission of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (2017)
- Antibiotic susceptibility testing in less than 30 min using direct single-cell imaging (2017)
- Transfer and Persistence of a Multi-Drug Resistance Plasmid in situ of the Infant Gut Microbiotain the Absence of Antibiotic Treatment (2017)
- Environmental and genetic modulation of the phenotypic expression of antibiotic resistance (2017)
- Evolutionary Trajectories to Antibiotic Resistance (2017)
- Functional Constraints on Replacing an Essential Gene with Its Ancient and Modern Homologs (2017)
- Evolution of antibiotic resistance without antibiotic exposure (2017)
- Antimicrobial peptide exposure selects for Staphylococcus aureus resistance to human defence peptides (2017)
- Variation in Mutational Robustness between Different Proteins and the Predictability of Fitness Effects (2017)
- Resistance to the Cyclotide Cycloviolacin O2 in Salmonella enterica Caused by Different Mutations That Often Confer Cross-Resistance or Collateral Sensitivity to Other Antimicrobial Peptides (2017)
- Structural and functional innovations in the real-time evolution of new (βα)8 barrel enzymes (2017)
- Can a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PKPD) model be predictive across bacterial densities and strains? (2017)
- Duplication-Insertion Recombineering (2017)
- Genome Dynamics of Escherichia coli during Antibiotic Treatment (2017)
- Prediction of antibiotic resistance (2017)
- Reversion of High-level Mecillinam Resistance to Susceptibility in Escherichia coli During Growth in Urine. (2017)
- Combinations of mutations in envZ, ftsI, mrdA, acrB and acrR can cause high-level carbapenem resistance in Escherichia coli (2016)
- Mechanisms and consequences of bacterial resistance to antimicrobial peptides (2016)
- Nonmutational compensation of the fitness cost of antibiotic resistance in mycobacteria by overexpression of tlyA rRNA methylase (2016)
- Unstable tandem gene amplification generates heteroresistance (variation in resistance within a population) to colistin in Salmonella enterica (2016)
- Compensating the fitness costs of synonymous mutations (2016)
- Fitness of Escherichia coli mutants with reduced susceptibility to tigecycline (2016)
- Potential of tetracycline resistance proteins to evolve tigecycline resistance (2016)
- Bacterial Resistance To A Cyclic Antimicrobial Peptide (2016)
- Indirect resistance to several classes of antibiotics in cocultures with resistant bacteria expressing antibiotic-modifying or -degrading enzymes (2016)
- Improving predictions of the risk of resistance development against new and old antibiotics (2015)
- Evolution of New Functions De Novo and from Preexisting Genes (2015)
- Structure of AadA from Salmonella enterica (2015)
- Evolutionary consequences of drug resistance (2015)
- A mechanism-based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model allows prediction of antibiotic killing from MIC values for WT and mutants (2015)
- Amelioration of the Fitness Costs of Antibiotic Resistance Due To Reduced Outer Membrane Permeability by Upregulation of Alternative Porins (2015)
- Fitness of Salmonella mutants resistant to antimicrobial peptides (2015)
- A General Method for Rapid Determination of Antibiotic Susceptibility and Species in Bacterial Infections (2015)
- Amdinocillin (Mecillinam) Resistance Mutations in Clinical Isolates and Laboratory-Selected Mutants of Escherichia coli (2015)
- High Fitness Costs and Instability of Gene Duplications Reduce Rates of Evolution of New Genes by Duplication-Divergence Mechanisms (2014)
- Microbiological effects of sublethal levels of antibiotics (2014)
- Selection of a multidrug resistance plasmid by sublethal levels of antibiotics and heavy metals (2014)
- Minor Fitness Costs in an Experimental Model of Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria (2014)
- Selection of Orphan Rhs Toxin Expression in Evolved Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium (2014)
- Characterization of Resitant Mutants Points Towards Mechanism of Action of Cyclotides (2014)
- Resistance to beta-Lactam Antibiotics Conferred by Point Mutations in Penicillin-Binding Proteins PBP3, PBP4 and PBP6 in Salmonella enterica (2014)
- Influence of acquired β-lactamases on the evolution of spontaneous carbapenem resistance in Escherichia coli (2013)
- Pathoadaptive Mutations in Salmonella enterica Isolated after Serial Passage in Mice (2013)
- Fitness Costs of Synonymous Mutations in the rpsT Gene Can Be Compensated by Restoring mRNA Base Pairing (2013)
- Mechanisms and fitness costs of tigecycline resistance in Escherichia coli (2013)
- Mechanisms and Fitness Costs of Resistance to Antimicrobial Peptides LL-37, CNY100HL and Wheat Germ Histones (2013)
- Lon protease inactivation, or translocation of the lon gene, potentiate bacterial evolution to antibiotic resistance (2013)
- Evolution of Broad Spectrum beta-Lactam Resistance in an Engineered Metallo-beta-lactamase (2013)
- Evolution of antibiotic resistance at non-lethal drug concentrations. (2012)
- Selection of resistance at lethal and non-lethal antibiotic concentrations (2012)
- Selection-driven genome reduction in bacteria (2012)
- Real-Time Evolution of New Genes by Innovation, Amplification, and Divergence (2012)
- Poxvirus Use a "Gene Accordion" to Tune Out Host Defenses (2012)
- Transfer of an Escherichia coli ST131 multiresistance cassette has created a Klebsiella pneumoniae-specific plasmid associated with a major nosocomial outbreak (2012)
- Genome-Wide Detection of Spontaneous Chromosomal Rearrangements in Bacteria (2012)
- Compensatory mutations in agrC partly restore fitness in vitro to peptide deformylase inhibitor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2012)
- Evolving promiscuously (2011)
- Persistence of antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations (2011)
- Selection of Resistant Bacteria at Very Low Antibiotic Concentrations (2011)
- Activation of cryptic aminoglycoside resistance in Salmonella enterica (2011)
- Beyond serial passages (2011)
- Dynamics of Antibiotic Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis during Long-Term Infection and Antibiotic Treatment (2011)
- Activation of initiation factor 2 by ligands and mutations for rapid docking of ribosomal subunits (2011)
- Escape from growth restriction in small colony variants of Salmonella typhimurium by gene amplification and mutation (2011)
- PEG-stabilized lipid disks as carriers for amphiphilic antimicrobial peptides (2011)
- Antibiotic resistance and its cost (2010)
- Biological roles of translesion synthesis DNA polymerases in eubacteria (2010)
- Rates and Mechanisms of Resistance Development in Mycobacterium tuberculosis to a Novel Diarylquinoline ATP Synthase Inhibitor (2010)
- Effect of the translesion DNA polymerases, endonucleases and RpoS on mutation rates in Salmonella typhimurium (2010)
- The Tandem Inversion Duplication in Salmonella enterica (2010)
- Mutational robustness of ribosomal protein genes (2010)
- Compensatory gene amplification restores fitness after inter-species gene replacements (2010)
- Amplification of the Gene for Isoleucyl-tRNA Synthetase Facilitates Adaptation to the Fitness Cost of Mupirocin Resistance in Salmonella enterica (2010)
- Mechanisms and physiological effects of protamine resistance in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 (2010)
- The cyclotide cycloviolacin O2 from Viola odorata has potent bactericidal activity against Gram-negative bacteria (2010)
- Directed mutagenesis of Mycobacterium smegmatis 16S rRNA to reconstruct the in-vivo evolution of aminoglycoside resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (2010)
- Little evidence for reversibility of trimethoprim resistance after a drastic reduction in trimethoprim use (2010)
- Ribosomes lacking protein S20 are defective in mRNA binding and subunit association (2010)
- Error-prone initiation factor 2 mutations reduce the fitness cost of antibiotic resistance (2010)
- Gene amplification and adaptive evolution in bacteria (2009)
- A multi-type branching model with varying environment for bacterial dynamics with postantibiotic effect (2009)
- Translesion DNA polymerases are required for spontaneous deletion formation in Salmonella typhimurium (2009)
- The fitness cost of streptomycin resistance depends on rpsL mutation, carbon source and RpoS (sigmaS) (2009)
- Evolution of new gene functions (2009)
- Bacterial gene amplification (2009)
- Contribution of gene amplification to evolution of increased antibiotic resistance in Salmonella typhimurium (2009)
- Genetic analysis of colistin resistance in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (2009)
- Shrinking Bacterial Genomes (2008)
- Whole-genome mutational biases in bacteria (2008)
- The first major extended-spectrum beta-lactamase outbreak in Scandinavia was caused by clonal spread of a multiresistant Klebsiella pneumoniae producing CTX-M-15 (2008)
- Restored fitness leads to long-term persistence of resistant Bacteroides strains in the human intestine (2008)
- Mechanism and fitness costs of PR-39 resistance in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 (2008)
- Nitrofurantoin resistance mechanism and fitness cost in Escherichia coli (2008)
- Ohno's dilemma (2007)
- Compensatory Evolution Reveals Functional Interactions between Ribosomal Proteins S12, L14 and L19 (2007)
- Predicting antibiotic resistance (2007)
- Multiple mechanisms to ameliorate the fitness burden of mupirocin resistance in Salmonella typhimurium (2007)
- Caenorhabditis elegans as a model to determine fitness of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (2007)
- Antibiotic treatment in vitro of phenotypically tolerant bacterial populations (2007)
- The biological cost of mutational antibiotic resistance (2006)
- Multiple pathways of selected gene amplification during adaptive mutation (2006)
- Reducing the fitness cost of antibiotic resistance by amplification of initiator tRNA genes (2006)
- Origin of mutations under selection (2006)
- Drug resistance and fitness in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. (2005)
- Reduction of the fitness burden of quinolone resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2005)
- Establishment of a superficial skin infection model in mice by using Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes (2005)
- Slow genetic divergence of Helicobacter pylori strains during long-term colonization (2005)
- Genomic buffering mitigates the effects of deleterious mutations in bacteria (2005)
- Bacterial genome size reduction by experimental evolution (2005)
- Pharmacodynamic model to describe the concentration-dependent selection of cefotaxime-resistant Escherichia coli (2005)
- Pharmacodynamic model to describe the concentration-dependent selection of cefotaxime-resistant Escherichia coli. (2005)
- Persistence of resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis after single course of clarithromycin (2005)
- Polymorphic mutation frequencies in Escherichia coli (2004)
- Adaptation to the deleterious effects of antimicrobial drug resistance mutations by compensatory evolution (2004)
- Effect of rpoB mutations conferring rifampin resistance on fitness of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (2004)
- Experimental adaptation of Salmonella typhimurium to mice (2004)
- The amplification model for adaptive mutation (2004)
- Adaptive mutation (2004)
- Amplification-mutagenesis (2004)
- Rebuttal (2004)
- Rebuttal (2004)
- Comparative proteome analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis grown under aerobic and anaerobic conditions (2004)
- Bacteria with increased mutation frequency and antibiotic resistance are enriched in the commensal flora of patients with high antibiotic usage (2003)
- The NudA protein in the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori is an ubiquitous and constitutively expressed dinucleoside polyphosphate hydrolase (2003)
- Long-term persistence of resistant Enterococcus species after antibiotics to eradicate Helicobacter pylori (2003)
- Long-term persistence of resistant Enterococcus species after antibiotics to eradicate Helicobacter pylori (2003)
- Mutation frequency and biological cost of resistance in Helicobacter pylori. (2001)
- Muller's ratchet decreases fitness of a DNA-based microbe (1996)
- Potentiation of the Selective Effect of Antibiotics by Metal Ions
- Cross-Resistance to Antibiotics After Exposure to Qaternary Ammonium Compounds
- Mutation in the Copper-Induced sil Operon Enables High-Level Silver Resistance and Silver Facilitated Co-Selection of Multidrug Resistance Plasmid
- Spread of resistance plasmids and selection of resistant bacteria among Mallards exposed to sub-inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics in their water environment
- Structure of a phage-encoded SAMase enzyme provides insights in substrate binding and mechanism
- Fitness of antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis assessed by competition on skin of human volunteers
- The pan-genome of Escherichia coli strongly affects the potential for de novo antibiotic resistance evolution
- Impact of the bacterial genetic background on plasmid-borne antibiotic resistance
- Fitness constraints on horizontal gene transfer
- Functional trade-offs during evolution of new functions in the HisA-TrpF system
- Host-specific determinants of Legionella pneumophila virulence passaged in single hosts and in alternation
- Extensive sharing and transmission of intestinal bacteria between couples before and after antibiotic treatment
- Initiation factor 2 mutants promoting fast joining of ribosomal subunits in the absence of initiator tRNA or GTP
- Fitness of Antibiotic-Resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis
- Structure of a phage-encoded SAM hydrolase enzyme provides insights in substrate binding and catalysis
- Low conservation of antibiotic interactions between and within Gram-negative bacterial species
- Mutations that alter the synergistic interaction of tetracycline and spectinomycin in Escherichia coli
- An oxidative stress-induced bypass mechanism confers antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli
- Compensatory evolution in mecillinam resistant Escherichia coli
- Ribosomal protein L1 is required for balanced formation of ribosomal subunits
- Experimental evolution of novel metabolic capabilities in Salmonella enterica
- Compensatory evolution restores fitness to actinonin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- The origin of mutants under selection (2010)
- Adventures with mutation and selection in beehive and cow country (2010)
- Effects of antibiotic resistance on bacterial fitness, virulence and transmission (2008)
- The Biological Cost of Antibiotic resistance (2007)
- Investigation of linoleic acid as an antibacterial additive in bone cement (2024)
- Antibiofilm Properties of Linoleic Acid-loaded Bone Cement with and without Gentamicin (2023)
- Impact of the pan-genome of Escherichia coli on the potential for de novo antibiotic resistance evolution (2022)
- Impact of the pan-genome of Escherichia coli on the potential for de novo antibiotic resistance evolution (2022)
- Clonal spread and antibiotic selection of a mutation preventing the evolution of high-level resistance (2022)
- Clonal spread and antibiotic selection of a mutation preventing the evolution of high-level resistance (2022)
- Clonal spread and antibiotic selection of a mutation preventing the evolution of high-level resistance (2022)
- Clonal spread and antibiotic selection of a mutation preventing the evolution of high-level resistance (2022)
- Clonal spread and antibiotic selection of a mutation preventing the evolution of high-level resistance (2022)
- Impact of the genetic background on plasmid-borne antibiotic resistance (2022)
- Impact of the genetic background on plasmid-borne antibiotic resistance (2022)
- Clonal spread and antibiotic selection of a mutation preventing the evolution of high-level resistance (2022)
- Impact of the genetic background on plasmid-borne antibiotic resistance (2022)
- Impact of the genetic background on plasmid-borne antibiotic resistance (2022)